search for: frametitle

Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "frametitle".

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2006 Aug 06
Beamer and Sweave
Dear R-helpers, Here is a minimal .Rnw file which shows that builds do not work in frames that contain chunks of verbatim code: \documentclass[]{beamer} \author{} \date{} \title{Title} \begin{document} \frame[containsverbatim]{\frametitle{Here the build doesn't work} \begin{enumerate}[<+->] \item A \item \alert{B} \item C \end{enumerate} <<generateIQ>>= iq <- c(96, 102, 104, 104, 108, 110) @ } \frame{\frametitle{Here it does} \begin{enumerate}[<+->] \item A \item \alert{B} \item C \end{enumerat...
2004 Dec 20
Sweave and LaTeX beamer class
Hi, has anyonne experienced problems between the LaTeX beamer class and Sweave? The following code does not work properly: ################################# \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{ngerman} \begin{document} \frame{ \frametitle{test} test <<>>= 1+1 @ } \end{document} ################################# Below is the error code: ################################# loading : Context Support Macros / PDF (2004.10.26) ) (d:\programme\texmf\tex\latex\hyperref\nameref.sty) (testset.out) (testset.out) (testset.nav) (d...
2010 Aug 04
Problem using R and Beamer...
...r and [R]. I can Sweave the file; however, when I run pdflatex on the file i get the following error: ! FancyVerb Error: Extraneous input `> a = 123450 > b = -0.69 \end {Sinput} \end {Schunk} \end { beamer at frameslide}\ifbeamer at twoscreenstext \beamer at dosecondscreennow {{fragile} \frametitle {Numbers} \textbf {Numbers} can be represented in a variety of dif ferent formats. For example the number $1.2345\times 10^5$ is written as 1.234e +05 in \texttt {R}. \begin {Schunk} \begin {Sinput} > a = 123450 > b = -0.69 \e nd {Sinput} \end {Schunk} }\fi \ifbeamer at anotherslide \advance...
2010 Jun 28
Lattice and Beamer
...measure|gender + ethnicity, pfile, layout=c(2,5), main = 'Distribution of Person Measure by Grade\n Conditional on Gender and Ethnicity (Math)', xlab = 'Grade') Now inside my latex document using the beamer class for presentation I have the following \begin{frame} \frametitle{Distribution of Person Parameters by Grade Conditional on Gender and Ethnicity} \begin{figure}[htb] \centering \fbox{\includegraphics[scale=.3]{personGenEthn.pdf}} \end{figure} \end{frame} I use the scale argument here. I do this totally randomly. I first start with scale=.5. Then, I create the do...
2009 Jun 15
display SVG, PNG, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PPM in new plot frame
...ating the original graphic to that of a backing image. See also the following packages: 'GDD' - produce bitmaps without X11 Finally, the ImageMagick 'display' utility can be called directly from R, thereby bypassing the need to read and display the graphics file as data: frameTitle <- "\"override default\"" graphic <- "my.png" # ImageMagick also supports PNG, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PPM imagemagickCall <- paste("display", "-title", frameTitle, graphic, "&") ret <- system...
2009 Jul 13
SweaveListingUtils question
...n]{babel} \usepackage[ansinew]{inputenc} % \SweaveOpts{prefix.string=Routput/parcel, keep.source=TRUE} \begin{Scode}{results=tex, echo=FALSE} require(SweaveListingUtils) SweaveListingoptions(intermediate = FALSE) SweaveListingPreparations() \end{Scode} \begin{document} \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Your title} \begin{lstlisting}options(digits=3) set.seed(1) require(Hmisc) age <- rnorm(1000,50,10) sex <- sample(c('female','male'),1000,TRUE) out <- histbackback(split(age, sex), probability=TRUE, xlim=c(-.06,.06), main = 'Back to Back Histogram...
2013 Feb 09
Swaeve, Beamer and \alt
Hi, I am having trouble getting \alt (or \altenv) to work with Schunk/Sinput and was wondering if anybody had had success? With the slide \begin{frame}[fragile]\frametitle{Basic R} \alt<2>{ <<echo=TRUE>>= 2+2 @ }{ <<echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE>>= 2+2 @ } \end{frame} I get the error message: ! FancyVerb Error: Extraneous input `> 2+2 \end {Sinput} \end {Schunk} ' between \begin{Sinput}[ <key=value>] and line end . \FV at Er...
2011 Mar 07
Sweave with scan()-ed data
...} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Scode}{Verbatim}{formatcom={\color{Scode}},fontsize=\small} \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{engine=R,height=6,width=6,results=hide,fig=FALSE,echo=TRUE} \SweaveOpts{prefix.string=fig/sem} \section{sem package: Second-order CFA, Thurstone data} \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{sem package: Second-order CFA, Thurstone data} \framesubtitle{Data} Data on 9 ability variables: <<thurstone-data, echo=TRUE>>= R.thur <- read.moments(diag=FALSE, names=c('Sentences','Vocabulary', 'Sent.Completion','First.Letters','4.Letter....
2011 Apr 09
Trouble with Sweave and Beamer
...again> \par l.42 \end{frame} ? Can anyone tell me what is going wrong? Many thanks Lorenzo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{Darmstadt} \usefonttheme[onlylarge]{structurebold} \setbeamerfont*{frametitle}{size=\normalsize,series=\bfseries} \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} % Standard packages \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{Sweave} % The main document \begin{document} \setlength{\unitlength}{\textwidth} % measure in text...
2007 Aug 31
Bugreport on integration of Sweave and latex beamer
I think I have isolated a problem with integration between Sweave and beamer. Could you please see the file: Unfortunately, it uses some of my internal libraries, so you can't run it. When I put it through Sweave, I get: which is, of course, a generic latex file which you can read and