search for: frame_shaped

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "frame_shaped".

2003 Nov 25
Does wxRuby have event masks or something similar?
I''m trying to capture character events on a frame, using the following piece of code (adapted from samples/etc/test.rb): def initialize(title) super(nil, -1, title,,-1),,590), Wx::DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | Wx::FRAME_SHAPED) evt_paint { onPaint } evt_char { | evt | puts "Got char evt: "+evt.to_s if evt.get_key_code.chr =~ /\s/ next_image end } @bitmap = nil @file = nil end (I''ve added the constant for Wx::FRAME_SHAPED to try and allow resizing programticall...
2003 Nov 26
Okay one last question...(again) seems to happen... Do I need to go to all the bother of creating a sizer, blah, blah, blah, or is there some kind of event I need to trigger to force a resize, or...? And I''ve also just realized, I need the frame that it is in to resize as well. Do I need to mess around with the whole FRAME_SHAPED style, etc, etc, or what? Cheers, H