search for: fractions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1982 matches for "fractions".

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2010 Dec 14
problems with lattice barchart
Hello everybody! I??m trying to create figures summarizing the abundance of a given species (y), by its length classes (x), year (conditional factor) and a grouping named as "fraction". I am using the lattice??s barchart but some problems arises: When I run the function, the sizes become characters, and this is the starting problem for me when trying to adjust the
2023 Jan 07
gmp::bigq vs. MASS::fractions
Hi, has someone experience which routine should be used for creating fractional numbers? The two conversion routines deliver different results > x <- (0:7)/7 > MASS::fractions(x) [1] 0 1/7 2/7 3/7 4/7 5/7 6/7 1 > gmp::as.bigq(x) Big Rational ('bigq') object of length 8: [1] 0 2573485501354569/18014398509481984 2573485501354569/9007199254740992 [4] 7720456504063707/18014398509481984 2573485501354569/4503599627370496 6433713753386423/90071992547409...
2011 Feb 08
Simulation of Multivariate Fractional Gaussian Noise and Fractional Brownian Motion
Dear R Helpers, I have searched for any R package or code for simulating multivariate fractional Brownian motion (mFBM) or multivariate fractional Gaussian noise (mFGN) when a covariance matrix are given. Unfortunately, I could not find such a package or code. Can you suggest any solution for multivariate FBM and FGN simulation? Thank you for your help. Best Regards, Ryan ----- Wonsang You
2013 Oct 15
Data handling
...the after the signature): Date Time Fraction 06/19/13 22:15:39 0.3205 06/19/13 22:15:44 0.3205 06/19/13 22:15:49 0.3205 06/19/13 22:15:54 0.3205 06/19/13 22:15:59 0.3205 06/19/13 22:16:09 0.3205 Date in format month/day/year, Time in HH:MM:SS and fraction represents the fractions of seconds. I need to have a vector in a format year-month-day hh:mm:ss.0000. Or, in format: format = "%F %H:%M:%OS4", as POSIXct class. I made the the conversion step-by-step to have sure that nothing is missed in the way: > options (digits.sec = 4) > getOption ("digits.sec&...
2005 May 25
Rounding fractional numbers to nearest fraction
Hi all, I've got a matrix of fractional data that is all positive and greater than zero that I would like to "loosely" classify, for lack of a better word. It looks something like this : 1.07 1.11 1.27 1.59 0.97 0.76 2.23 0.98 0.71 0.88 1.19 1.02 What I'm looking for is a way to round these numbers to the nearest 0.25, i.e. the above matrix would be
2009 Jun 22
Help needed: Fraction for Histogram > 1 ???
I have been trying to draw histogram for my manscript and found some strange things that I could not figure out why. Using the same code listed below I have successfully draw histograms for a few figures with fraction labeled on Y axis less than 1 (acturally between 0 to 0.1). But one dataset gives the Y axis label 0 to 5 as fraction. This is not true, as fraction are less than 1, although the
2007 Sep 13
Number -> Fraction
Hi everybody! I'm new to this list and also to the R program. I'd like to know if there is a function able to convert results into Fractional form like my scientific calculator have. For example: > 1/3 [1] 0.3333333 > function_that_return_a_fraction_from_numbers(0.3333333) [1] 1/3 Thanks Mauro -- Man, he is constantly growing and when he is bound by a set pattern of ideas
2010 May 01
bag.fraction in gbm package
Hi, Dear Greg, Sorry to bother you again. I have several questions about the 'gbm' package. if the train.fraction is less than 1 (ie. 0.5) , then the* first* 50% will be used to fit the model, the other 50% can be used to estimate the performance. if bag.fraction is 0.5, then gbm use the* random* 50% of the data to fit the model, and the other 50% data is used to estimate the
2009 May 26
Problem with fractional seconds
Dear List, I am having problems converting a file with fractional seconds to class POSIXct. I have set my options to include digits.secs and my format to just time, but my output is the current date with my time lacking the fractions of a second. For example: options(digits.secs=3) t<-c("06:00:00.100","06:00:01.231") myt<-as.POSIXct(t,format="%H:%M:%S") myt [1] "2009-05-26 06:00:00 HST" "2009-05-26 06:00:01 HST" I would like the output to be just time with fractional...
2009 Jul 29
Showing time progression on (triangle) plots
...ble to track the trend as the century progresses. How can I show the time progression on the plot (I was thinking a gradual colour, character type or character size change)? Thanks for the help Jim The code I have used for the plot uses 'plotrix' (thanks to the Bristol mirror): Fractions <-matrix(c(LF10,AF10,OF10), ncol=3) colnames(Fractions, do.NULL = TRUE, prefix="col") colnames(Fractions) <- c("Landborne fraction", "Airborne fraction", "Oceanborne fraction") library(plotrix) triax.plot(x=Fractions,main="Where do anthropogenic e...
2014 Jul 08
Possible memdisk issue
On 07/08/2014 05:55 PM, H. Peter Anvin wrote: > On 07/08/2014 03:05 PM, Alexander Perlis wrote: >> >> Question: what's special about the transition from 8203KiB to 8204KiB? >> Both have CHS=8/64/32 and both involve a fractional end cylinder. > > Fractional cylinders with floppy disks is almost certainly a very bad thing. > Agreed, but that doesn't appear to
2007 Jun 25
fractional calculations
Hi All, is there a function in R that allows me to work with fractions without transforming them to floats (or whatever) in between? Something that would calculate something like: (1/2 + 1/8) * 1/2 = 5/16 without ever transforming to 0.5 and 0.125? Best, Federico -- Federico C. F. Calboli Department of Epidemiology and Public Health Imperial College, St Mary...
2006 Jan 27
How to convert decimals to fractions
Dear all, Are there any functions to convert decimals to fractions in R? I have the result: > summary(as.factor(complete.ID)) 0 0.0133333333333333 0.04 2256 488 230 0.0666666666666667 0.0933333333333333 0.106666666666667 2342 310 726 0...
2012 Sep 13
fractional balanced design conjoint analysis
L.S. We would like to generate fractional design for a conjoint analysis. For example we would like to reduce 2x2x2x2x3 --> 12-16 profiles. We tried the R-package "conjoint" and we found an article which describes how to make fractional design for these kinds of studies with Algdesign: However, the generated
2000 Oct 19
Multiple outputs of a function
Hello everybody, I'm writting some functions for experimental designs. The one I'm working on is similar to "" on Splus. The problem I have is with the form of the output : When the argument fraction is submitted, Splus gives something like : A B C 1 - - - 2 + + - 3 + - + 4 - + + Fraction : ~A:B:C The first part of this output is the
2023 Jan 07
gmp::bigq vs. MASS::fractions
On Sat, 7 Jan 2023 17:29:35 +0100 Sigbert Klinke <sigbert at> wrote: > > x <- (0:7)/7 > > > MASS::fractions(x) > > [1] 0 1/7 2/7 3/7 4/7 5/7 6/7 1 > > > gmp::as.bigq(x) > > Big Rational ('bigq') object of length 8: > > [1] 0 > 2573485501354569/18014398509481984 2573485501354569/9007199254740992 > > [4] 7720456504063707/18014398509481984 > 2573...
2012 Feb 05
fractional cointegration
Dear folk, I am stempting to estimate a vector error correction model using a seemingly fractionally integrated multivariate time series. The *fracdiff *package provides tools to estimate degree of fractional integration. But *fracdiff *can't help me to: 1. test equality of two degrees of fractional integration, say d1=d2? 2. estimate a multivariate cointegrating error correction model,
2006 May 27
boosting - second posting
Hi I am using boosting for a classification and prediction problem. For some reason it is giving me an outcome that doesn't fall between 0 and 1 for the predictions. I have tried type="response" but it made no difference. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong? Screen output shown below: > boost.model <- gbm(as.factor(train$simNuance) ~ ., # formula +
2006 Jul 25
convert decimals to fractions - sorted
...04761905 1 0.119047619047619 -1 0.214285714285714 -1 0.309523809523810 1 0 1 0 1 0.404761904761905 1 0.095238095238095 1 0.047619047619047 1 0.380952380952381 1 0.214285714285714 1 0.523809523809524 1 0 1 0.095238095238095" First, I make it as fractions and then sorted. I have played around to make it sort, but it didn't succes. df <- read.table(textConnection(a)) library(MASS) as.fractions(as.numeric(df[,2])) cbind(table(df[,2], df[,1]), summary(as.factor(df[,2]))) table([,2]),42), df[,1]) > table(
2007 Sep 03
Row-Echelon Form
I was looking for an R-package that would reduce matrices to row-echelon form, but Google was not my friend; any leads? If not, I wonder if the problem could be expressed in terms of constraint satisfaction...