Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "fparlami".
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2006 Sep 27
potential setClass bug (with user-defined environment)
the following returns an error in an 'exists' call on my machine
MyEnv <- new.env()
setClass("Numeric", "numeric", where=MyEnv)
franklin parlamis
> version
platform powerpc-apple-darwin8.7.0
arch powerpc
os darwin8.7.0
system powerpc, darwin8.7.0
status beta
major 2
minor 4.0
2005 Nov 23
date/time arithmetic
On the help page "DateTimeClasses {base}" it says:
"One can add or subtract a number of seconds or a difftime object
from a date-time object, but not add two date-time objects."
> x<-Sys.time(); y<-Sys.time()+3600
> diff<-y-x
> x; y; diff
[1] "2005-11-23 19:58:20 GMT"
[1] "2005-11-23 20:58:20 GMT"
Time difference of 1 hours
2005 Dec 29
trouble with S4 methods for group "Summary"
Hello. This question concerns the Methods package. I have created a
new class and am trying to set a method for it for S4 group generic
"Summary". I have run into some signature problems. An example:
> setClass("track", representation(x="numeric", y="character"))
[1] "track"
> setGeneric("max", group="Summary")
2006 Apr 06
hello all. i have been trying to develop a representation (in the S4 sense) for a floating cash object, which would store a cash amount as a function of an arbitrary number of variables (with unknown values). for example, an interest rate swap may call for a payment in one year that can be represented as a function of a 3-month libor rate to be determined in nine months. this floating cash
2005 Oct 12
bug checking
I have observed the following behavior, wondering if it is a bug
before I submit a report.
I am using the plot function with call: plot(X, Y,
col="red", . . . ) where X is an object that inherits from classes
'dates' and 'times' (created with the 'dates' function from package
'chron') and y is a numeric vector. The color red is applied to the
2006 May 02
methods for @ operator
i often find myself having a list of similarly-classed S4 objects and
needing a list containing a particular extracted slot from those
objects. so i did the following:
> setMethod("slot", signature(object = "list"),
+ function(object, name)
+ lapply(object, function(i) slot(i, name)))
Creating a new generic function for 'slot' in '.GlobalEnv'
2006 May 11
@ accesses attributes, not just formal slots ?
Using the '@' operator, I am able to extract a 'names' attribute
assigned to a formal object.
However, I can not use the replacement form ('@<-') to assign that
> setClass("foo", representation("numeric"))
[1] "foo"
> (new("foo", 1:4)->a)
An object of class ?foo?
[1] 1 2 3 4
> names(a) <-
2006 Sep 21
validity testing as part of '@<-'
'methods' package feature request / discussion starter:
perhaps a call to 'validObject' should occur at part of any slot
replacement operation (and the operation not be carried out if it
would invalidate the object)? this may prevent the need for
prophylactic 'validObject' calls in other user-defined functions. in
the example below, the slot assignment occurs
2006 Oct 06
class unions?
the code below has me confused:
setClassUnion("index", c("numeric", "character", "logical"))
extends("numeric") # i don't see the class union
extends("numeric") # now i see the class union
i am aware that the "Matrix" package separately defines the "index"
class union.
is it the case that
2007 Aug 17
Hedge Fund Job Opening
Hi all.
I've been lurking and posting on this list for a few years now. Prior to that, I managed the US Convertible Arbitrage portfolio for Amaranth Advisors. I recently agreed to manage a similar portfolio for a different hedge fund and am looking for someone to join me, essentially as the principal quant for a new San Francisco office. I've been very impressed with the posters on
2006 Sep 20
residual '*tmp*' variable after "[<-" error
self-sanity check prior to filing a bug report:
attempted replacement that generates an error leaves a '*tmp*'
variable in the global environment.
test <- 1:10
test[2:4] <- expression(e)
i've read section 3.4.4 of the "R Language Definition" which
discusses the mechanism for replacement, and it is not clear to me
whether this was intended, but i suspect
2006 Sep 23
generics for primitive functions
i think these two code snippets exhibit a bug. they are identical
but for the inclusion of an initial line in snippet [2]
setMethod("Math", signature(x = "numeric"), function(x) "Works")
setMethod("Math", signature(x = "numeric"), function(x) "Works")
2006 Oct 20
understanding virtual classes and extensions thereof
I am having some trouble creating a hierarchy of virtual classes
(akin to the class structure in the 'Matrix' package). I think they
arise from my not understanding the best way to specify virtual
subclasses of a virtual class. please see questions below code.
setClass("kid1", representation("mom", "VIRTUAL"))
2006 Oct 11
dispatching on group generics with more than one formal
please see the code below. foo2 fails to dispatch correctly, but foo
does fine. i have tried 'cacheMetaData(1)' and a number of different
variants of 'cacheGenericsMetaData', on the possibility there is a
caching issue. but i still can't sort it out.
also one general question: does it really matter what's in the body
of the function definition in a
2006 Sep 14
attributes of S4 objects
I am having a bit of a struggle deciding when to use attributes with
S4 objects. Clearly the 'class' attribute will always be present.
But it is not clear to me whether the architects of the methods
package intend that other attributes, such as 'names', will still be
used when the S4 implementation is complete.
I notice that, when you create a formal object from an
2006 Oct 19
default arguments in generics and methods
i believe the following is true but would appreciate confirmation
that it is intended behavior and will continue:
if a default argument is employed in the definition of a generic
function, and the generic is called with the argument in question
(call it 'ARG') missing, then the method for signature (..., ARG =
"missing", ...) will be called by 'standardGeneric'