Displaying 20 results from an estimated 313 matches for "formatc".
Did you mean:
2000 Jan 04
formatC (bug and fix) (PR#394)
> formatC(as.double(c(1,0,NA)))
[1] "1" "0" "NA"
> formatC(as.integer(c(1,0,NA)))
[1] "0" "1072693248" "NA"
> formatC(as.integer(c(0,1,NA)))
[1] "0" "0" "NA"
BUG TRACED TO R-code of form...
2008 Jun 09
Bug/Error in formatC? (Was: Why doesn't formatC( x, digits=2, format= "g")...)
Hi all
After posting what follows, Duncan Murdoch suggested perhaps a bug
in formatC, or an error on documentation. Any comments?
In particular, bug, error or not, any ideas about how I can
consistently get two significant figures to print?
---------- Original Message ----------
Hi all
I am not a C programmer, but I am trying to understand formatC to
get consistent...
2008 Jun 06
Why doesn't formatC( x, digits=2, format="g") doesn't always give 2 sig figs?
Hi all
I am not a C programmer, but I am trying to understand formatC to
get consistent printing of reals to a given number of significant
Can someone please explain this to me? These first three give what
I expect on reading ?formatC:
> formatC(0.0059999, digits=2,format="fg",flag="#")
[1] "0.0060"
> formatC(0.5999...
2001 Oct 26
Bug or new concept in formatC?
As a sequel to my previous mail on cut, formatC does not produce
what I have been taught is significant digits:
> x <- c(1.0793,1.0796, 11.0954, 11.0736 )
> formatC(x,digits=3,format="g")
[1] "1.08" "1.08" "11.1" "11.1"
(3,3,3,3) significant digits OK
> formatC(x,digits=3,format=&...
1999 Feb 28
Formatting in formatC and format (PR#129)
[This turned into a bug report which will go to r-devel, so I have taken it
off r-help.]
Bugs reported here:
(1) formatC's help page need some clarification.
(2) formatC needs to treat modes "double" and "real" as equivalent.
(3) format's help page or (preferably) format needs correction re the
meaning of `digits'
On Sun, 28 Feb 1999, Martin Maechler wrote:
> >>>>&g...
2012 Feb 23
I'm sure I'm missing something with formatC() or sprintf()
I have a four-digit string I want to convert to five digits. Take the
following frame:
I need row 1 to read '02108'. This forum directed me to formatC previously
(thanks!) That usually works but, for some reason, it's not in this
instance. Neither of the syntaxes below change '2108' to '02108.' The values
in cand_receipts[,1] are of type 'character.'
cand_receipts[,1] <- formatC(cand_receipts[,1], width = 5, format...
2019 May 30
Possible bug in formatC
I do not know if this is a bug or a case of improper documentation. The
documentation for formatC() implies that the difference between the options
format="f" and format="g" is that with "g", scientific format is sometimes
used. There is another difference between them that is not mentioned in the
documentation. drop0trailing=FALSE is ignored when format is set to...
2012 Apr 03
Sweave xtable
...s problemas porque saltan al abrir el pdf que se obtiene como resultado.
#################################3 código R #########################3
da <- data.frame(id=letters[1:5], score=1:5*2)
col <- function(x){
paste("\textcolor{blue}{", formatC(x, dig=2, format="f"), "}"),
paste("\textcolor{red}{", formatC(x, dig=2, format="f"), "}"))
da$score.string <- col(da$score)
2005 Nov 22
(PR#8337) formatC adds leading space -- on some Windoze
...KevinW> Apologies if my expectations (or reading of the man page) are incorrect.
KevinW> I seem unable to left-justify exponential format
KevinW> numbers. There appears to always be an extra space
KevinW> inserted to the left.
KevinW> Using the example from the formatC help page:
R> xx <- pi * 10^(-5:4)
R> cbind(formatC(xx, wid = 9, flag = "-"))
KevinW> [,1]
KevinW> [1,] " 3.142e-05"
KevinW> [2,] "0.0003142"
KevinW> [3,] "0.003142 "
KevinW> [4,] "0.0...
2009 Jan 27
small bug in base::formatC (PR#13474)
Full_Name: Bernd Bischl
Version: 2.8.1
OS: Windows XP Professional
Submission from: (NULL) (
there seems to be a small bug in formatC:
formatC("foo", format="s", mode="charcacter")
Error in formatC("foo", format = "s", mode = "charcacter") :
'mode' must be "double" ("real") or "integer"
mode: "double"...
2008 May 12
Format integer
What's one way to convert an integer to a string with preceding 0's?
such that
'13' becomes '00000000013'
to be put into a string
I've tried formatC, but they removes all the zeros and replace it with
Anh Tran
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2002 Mar 13
Commas in formatC
formatC() is great for formatting numbers! But it would be even better if it
could optionally insert commas (or semicolons), e.g.
R> formatC(1234567.89, digits=2, format="f", commas=T)
[1] "1,234,567.89"
Here's a snippet of code that does that, which could more or less jus...
2008 Apr 10
How to create a legend without plot, and to use scientific notation for axes label ?
I have a 3 by 2 plots per page, and would like to place a legend on the last
region. How to do that ?
Also, is there any way to specify scientific notation for axes label ?
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2005 Jun 23
the dimname of a table
i have a data frame(dat) which has many variables.and i use the following script to get the crosstable.
2006 Dec 09
Floating point maths in R
> (4.2300000000000000-2.230000000000000) == 2.0000000000000008
> (4.2300000000000000-2.230000000000000) == 2.0000000000000009
> (4.2300000000000000-2.230000000000000) == 2.0000000000000010
This is an example of junk being added in the FPU
> formatC(a, digits=20)
[1] "2.0000000000000004441"
I don't know if this is just a formatC error when using more than 16
decimal places or if this junk is what is stopping the equality from being
> formatC(a, digits=16)
[1] " 2"
> formatC(a, digits=17)...
2005 Oct 08
add leading 0s to %d from png() {was Automatic creation of file names}
...ans to me with leading 0s, so that the
PNGs become easy to navigate in a file/image browser. Lacking a better
solution I ended up using the code below, but would much prefer
something like
where %d could be formatted like
Thank you,
#---works, but is rather complicated---
pngno <- 0 ; i <- 1
for (w in 1:53) {
if (i %in% c(4*0:100+1)) {
pngno <- pngno + 1
2005 Sep 22
Automatic creation of file names
Dear R-Help members,
I have a question about how to save to the hard drive the one thousand
datasets I generated in a simulation. The datasets are created in a
"for" loop that repeatedly creates normally distributed datasets, such
as the example below:
for (number in 1:1000) {
dataset = mvrnorm(n = 400, mu = c(0,0,0),
Sigma =
2003 Feb 24
printing decimal numbers
this is a very basic question -- sorry for posing it:
how can i force R to print 0.0001 instead of 1e-04???
| > 0.0001 |
| [1] 1e-04 |
i tried the functions format, formatC, ... and changed
options()$digits with no success!
thanks for advice,
no signature
2003 May 22
grep, gsub, sub have problems with NA values (PR#3078)
In a string context, grep, gsub, sub are improperly treating NA (missing) as
the string "NA", and returning unexpected results
> grep("A", c(NA,"NA"))
[1] 1 2
# expected:
# [1] 2
> gsub("A", "X", c(NA,"NA"))
[1] "NX" "NX"
# expected
# [1] NA "NX"
> sub("A", "X",
2006 Jan 23
formatC slow? (or how can I make this function faster?
...#39;m having problems doing this in a speedy way. The simplest solution
(calc_history below, using apply, paste and collapse) takes about 2
seconds for a 10,000 x 10 matrix. I thought perhaps paste might be
building up the string in an efficient manner, so I tried using matrix
multiplication and formatC (as in calc_history2). This is about 25%
faster, but still seems slow.
smp <- matrix(rbinom(100000, 1, 0.5), nrow=10000)
calc_history <- function(smp) {
apply(smp, 1, paste, collapse="")
calc_history <- function(smp) {
mul <- 10 ^ ((ncol(smp)-1):0)