search for: forgives

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2062 matches for "forgives".

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2009 Oct 28
Hello, I'm new to LLVM and I had a question about it: when we call the JIT::runFunction, since llvm doesn't has a full FFI, there are some cases in which the JIT needs to codegen a stub function to call the function we are interested, my question is: this stub function will remains in the module until when ? What are the most efficient way to remove it from the module and memory ? For a
2009 Nov 19
[LLVMdev] llvm-c: LLVMCreateExecutionEngine returning empty error message
Hello, I'm using the llvm-c bindings for C, but I'm getting some problems, the LLVMCreateExecutionEngine is returning 1 but the error message is an empty string (it's !=NULL). The steps I'm doing is to create the module, then I call LLVMVerifyModule to verify and it works fine, later I call LLVMCreateModuleProviderForExistingModule and it returns !=NULL MP, so it's ok, but
2014 Oct 22
[PATCH] Make test_compression a little more forgiving
The retune of compression levels makes this test fail. This is due to a few approximations used in the encoder that determine which LP coefficient should result in the smallest file. Differences are usually very small, but in my case this resulted in compression level 6 giving a 3 byte bigger file. This patch lets the compression test pass even if the a compression level results in a file that is
2016 Sep 09
forgive possible repost: alternate bzip2 library
On 9 September 2016 at 12:21, Ram?n Fallon wrote: | I am resubmitting a question, mainly because I suspect I may have | inadvertently cancelled it, while it was awaiting moderator approval. | | It's about manually compiling R-3.3.1 and using, not the standard system's | (ver 1.0.5), but an alternate a bzip2 (v1.0.6) which is located in a | non-standard location. | | I usually lean on
2009 May 01
Hello. I'm new so forgive my ignorance of previous ideas.
One thing I thought might be useful for Markdown was logic that converted certain text to <del> tags. Since Markdown is often used as a way to transfer information from email and there is a convention for simulating deleted text in email it might make a nice addition. Example: I really love^H^H^H^H hate you. becomes, I really <del>love</del> hate you.
2002 May 12
ext3 .journal location?
Forgive my novice question, but I am a new student of Linux working on presenting the ext3 journaling filesystem to my class. I seek any advice on how to visibly demonstrate (including a purposeful crash of a Linux box) the benefits of ext3 over ext2. I am not worthy to lick the bootstraps of this group, but I beg for any help! The problem I am having extends to even locating the .journal file
2012 May 29
setting parameters equal in lm
Forgive me if this is a trivial question, but I couldn't find it an answer in former forums. I'm trying to reproduce some SAS results where they set two parameters equal. For example: y = b1X1 + b2X2 + b1X3 Notice that the variables X1 and X3 both have the same slope and the intercept has been removed. How do I get an estimate of this regression model? I know how to remove the intercept
2007 Nov 03
Mongrel Cluster: Rolling restart?
Hi all, Forgive me if this has been asked before, but is there a reason mongrel_rails cluster::restart stops all ports and then restarts them again? Wouldn''t it be better to restart each port one-by-one in series so that upstream proxy servers can fail over while the restart is occurring, or am I missing something? Thanks, eden
2006 Aug 16
error with edge rails
I''ve started an app with rails 1.1.6 then ran freeze_edge. My app will not run with rails in the vendor folder. Have I forgot to do something? I"ve been without the internet for the last two months. Has something changed?
2009 Aug 03
Difference between 1.4.x and 1.6.x?
Forgive me if this is a FAQ question but I didnt see anything on the website of forum spelling out the difference between 1.4.x and 1.6.x Obviously 1.6.x is in development. Is it stable enough for production use? What are the new features being implemented in 1.6.x? Will Cepstral work with 1.6.x? Thanks, Mike -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2009 Oct 28
You're right, that probably won't have very good performance. What we (unladen-swallow) do is to call getPointerToFunction which gives a function pointer of type (void*)(void*) which we then cast to the appropriate function type and then call from C/C++. That way the C/C++ compiler for your application can codegen the function call once instead having the JIT do it many times. Reid On
2014 Dec 08
CRAN packages mis-using \donttest : falsy
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 3:32 PM, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at> wrote: [...] > Why not declare colorspace as a "Suggests:" kind of dependency? I guess that is a solution. :/ In another example in the 'disposables' package I have: \donttest{ pkg <- make_packages( foo1 = { f <- function() print("hello!") ; d <- 1:10 }, foo2 = { f
2014 Dec 08
CRAN packages mis-using \donttest : falsy
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at> wrote: [...] > In this case, I don't see a way to include that code but avoid warnings. So > you could ask for forgiveness when you submit it to CRAN (and perhaps they > would be forgiving), or you could use some other code in your example. Just to clarify, the code does not give any errors, or even
2011 Aug 18
RSA_public_decrypt and FIPS
Does anyone knows if there is a patch for OpenSSH in order to make it work with 0.9.8r OpenSSL in FIPS Mode ? I'm having problem with the RSA_public_decrypt() function that is failing in FIPS Mode, I changed it to use RSA_verify instead and setting the flag "RSA_FLAG_NON_FIPS_ALLOW", and it's working fine now, but I'm not sure if this is allowed in FIPS Mode, does anyone
2007 Oct 19
Declaring variables in R
Please forgive me if my question is answered in Help FAQ no. 23481739... In language like C every variable must be declared before it can be used. In VBA, if a variable has not been declared it is assumed to be of a special type (Variant). In R (and Matlab) variables do not have to be declared. This is convenient, but in a large program one can make a typo which will be extremely difficult to
2006 Feb 15
Formating @content_for_layout
Hi all, I sent a message earlier, so forgive me if you have already read this (I got some cryptic message in German about how my e-mail was not read?). Anyway, I was just wondering if there was any way to format the html that is output using <%= @content_for_layout %> I want to use something like the PHP Beautify. I guess I could write my own, but I was hoping that Rails already had
2016 Sep 09
forgive possible repost: alternate bzip2 library
Hi, I am resubmitting a question, mainly because I suspect I may have inadvertently cancelled it, while it was awaiting moderator approval. It's about manually compiling R-3.3.1 and using, not the standard system's (ver 1.0.5), but an alternate a bzip2 (v1.0.6) which is located in a non-standard location. I usually lean on pkg-config to deal with issues like this. I've create an
2002 Jun 10
Asking for Password
Please forgive me but I am pretty new to Linux. I have Samba set up on a Server and when I go to access it from a windows workstation one, a box pops up with the resourse as \\servername\IPC$ <file://\\servername\IPC$> asking for a password. I have the right domain and my username is the same as my windows password? Why would I be getting these messages? What am I doing wrong?
2005 Mar 24
Newbie Voicemail Question
Folks, Please forgive my ignorance. I think that what I am asking must be so obvious that no one bothers to write it down. But I don't know the answer so... I want to set up * with one incoming VOIP phone number. If someone calls me and is talking to me on that phone number, how does a second caller get to * voicemail instead of a busy signal? Thanks, -- Art Z. -- Art Zemon,
2007 Jul 06
migration column options not in schema.rb?
Forgive me if this has been discussed. I''m new to rails and not sure where to check yet. Also... forgive me if this shows up twice. I tried posting first through the google groups interface and I''m not sure if it went through. I have rails 1.2.3 installed. I have a migration that looks like create_table :test_runs do |t| t.column :test_spec_id, :integer t.column