search for: foreignkeydefinit

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "foreignkeydefinit".

2013 Mar 11
Any interest in various features from "schema_plus" gem? Foreign-key constraints: t.integer :post_id, foreign_key: true # creates a foreign key constraint to table posts t.belongs_to :post, foreign_key: { on_delete: :cascade } # has various options connection.foreign_keys(table) #=> array of ForeignKeyDefinition objects # and add_foreign_key, remove_foreign_key, connection.reverse_foreign_keys # schema_plus actually has ''foreign_key: true'' as the default behavior, for rails i''d probably make the default be false (configurable) Views: create_view :posts_commen...
2009 Sep 28
Multi-databases support
Hi, While I was hacking ovirt-server, I have found that it's currently restricted to Postgres DB. Even if I like postgres for serious work on a server, I really prefer to hack/dev locally on a Sqlite or MySQL DB. I have googled on rails in order to find a good answer for the "foreign key problem" which forces OVirt to stay on pg. I have found a plugin on this particular