search for: fonttbl

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "fonttbl".

2011 Apr 07
Routing Error : No route matches "/" (for "Hello World!" action)
My routes.rb reads at the top: Hello::Application.routes.draw do match '':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'' and then all the commented material it comes with and an "end" at the end of the file. But when I type http://localhost:3000 into my browser I get the following error message: Routing Error No route matches "/" I''m stumped. Bruce --
2009 Jul 29
Newbie in R: Reading .txt files and storing the 'numbers' in a vector
...a vector (in the R environment). I can read the file , but this is what I get: > z=scan(file = "/Users/NCCRGENETICS/Desktop/testRnumbers.txt", what = "double") Read 19 items > z [1] "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\cocoartf949\\cocoasubrtf430" [2] "{\\fonttbl\\f0\\fswiss\\fcharset0" [3] "Helvetica;}" [4] "{\\colortbl;\\red255\\green255\\blue255;}" [5] "\\paperw11900\\paperh16840\\margl1440\\margr1440\\vieww9000\ \viewh8400\\viewkind0" [6] "\\pard\\tx566\\tx1133\\tx1700\\tx2267\\tx2834\\tx3401\\tx3968\ \t...
2006 Aug 04
Generating RTF documents?
Hi, I need to implement some RTF export for a customer. According to some "templates", i generate RTF documents, filling data coming from models. It''s pretty much like a mailmerge, but in *nix/ruby world. Also, customer would like (in the future) to upload himself the templates, so he can modify them by his own. Can anyone advice me on an elegant solution? Thank you,
2003 Dec 09
Samba locking database errors : V 2.2.8 a on HP-UX 11i
...UK Funding Company Lloyds Court 78 Grey Street Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6AF Registered in England and Wales: Number 3476201 ******************************************************************************************** -------------- next part -------------- {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fmodern\fprq1 r_ansi;}{\f3\froman Times New Roman;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;} \deflang2057\horzdoc{\*\fchars }{\*\lchars }\pard\plain\f2\fs20 # Global parameters \par [global] \par coding system = \par client code p...
2004 Oct 01
Configuring X Ten to make call using FX0
...anted to know if someone can help me to set X-Ten Lite to call PSTN line using my FX0 Currently , I am able to use X Lite to call another X lite user locally (LAN) I also has attached my setting together Thanking you all in advance -------------- next part -------------- {\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\lang1033\ul\b\f0\fs24 This is My Working setting for the TDM11B\par \pard\ulnone\par /etc/zaptel.conf\par \b0\fs20 fxoks=1\par fxsks=4\par loadzone = us\par defaultzone=us\par \par \b\fs24 /etc/asterisk/zapata...
2009 May 08
Wine release 1.1.21
...#39;s symbols into tahomabd. Marcus Meissner (2): msi: Initialize info and patch variables (Coverity 923). crypt32: Change salt allocation to handle errors (Coverity 133). Massimo Del Fedele (3): riched20: Fix placement of crlf on font table streamout. richedit20: Test for fonttbl streamout. gdiplus: Add stub for GdipBitmapSetPixel. Michael Stefaniuc (5): msctf/tests: Move 'inline' right after the storage specifier. notepad: Use the explicit SendMessageW form. notepad: Use the explicit W-form of the types. notepad: Use the explicit W-fo...