search for: foldershare

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "foldershare".

2008 Jul 18
Bounty - Foldershare
I'm committing a $100.00 bounty for Foldershare on Wine. Payable when it's confirmed to be working. foldershare can be found at:
2007 Jun 07
Is there any plan to support HTTP Proxy
...ough HTTP proxy. is there any plan of tinc to implement the proxy support, then it will truely be wonderful. like other through proxy service, one might setup a broker server to establish an initial connection through proxy and then hand over the communication to point-to-point, like services as foldershare, logmein etc. or the node behind proxy server initiate connection to node that is not behind proxy. just an idea. Hansong -- Hansong Huang
2004 May 10
Slow network performance with winXP clients and samba 3.0.x
...t; (which registry key do I put this into?) To set this to a network location, you could use the following examples: %LOGONSERVER%\%USERNAME%\Default Folders This would store the folders in the user's home directory under a directory called Default Folders. You could also use: \\SambaServer \FolderShare \%USERNAME% in which case the default folders will be stored in the server named SambaServer in the share called FolderShare under a directory that has the name of the MS Windows user as seen by the Linux/UNIX file system. Please note that once you have created a default profile share, you MUST m...
2011 May 13
Wine release 1.3.20
...amework 1.0 SP3 installation leads to msiexec.exe crash 26937 Boinc 6.10.60 installer fails 26975 configure can't find OSSv4 (both Wine and OSSv4 is current from git and mercurial respectively) 26980 FFXI: Depth Sorting Broken 26987 Civilization crashes on exit 26992 Windows Live FolderShare 14.x needs advapi32.RegisterTraceGuidsW() impl (or at least semi-stub) 26999 Two Worlds: mouse stopped working in the menus 27006 closing iexplore after opening an invalid url causes a crash 27038 Cannot install Shark Tale the game. 27043 Warcraft III - Reign of Chaos - Cannot type text...