search for: flquants

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "flquants".

2003 Sep 05
Problem with S4 slots in C code (PR#4073)
This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_000_01C3738F.63DE3390 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" #I want to be able to create a new S4 class and read data into it using C code # Here is a very simple S4 object inheriting from "array", but with 5
2005 Aug 24
histogram method for S4 class.
Hi, I'm trying to develop an histogram method for a class called "FLQuant" which is used by the package FLCore ( FLQuant is an extension to "array". There is an method that coerces flquant into a data.frame suitable for lattice plotting. The problem is that when I coerce the object and plot it after it works but if the method is
2005 Aug 24
histogram method for S4 class.
Hi, I'm trying to develop an histogram method for a class called "FLQuant" which is used by the package FLCore ( FLQuant is an extension to "array". There is an method that coerces flquant into a data.frame suitable for lattice plotting. The problem is that when I coerce the object and plot it after it works but if the method is
2005 Dec 20
Overlaying lattice plots
...requencies by year and age/length), is there a way to use lattice > plots to plot the observed and predicted data together, panel by panel? > Obrigado/gracias (thankyou in Galego is?...) > Rich Hi Richard, If you want to plot both datasets on the same plot just make use of the xyplot for FLQuants, something like flqs <- FLQuants(list(pred=pred.quant, res=res.quant)) xyplot(data~age, data=flqs) now tune it the way you want and change the formula to fit your needs. Regards EJ ps: I'm cc'ing this to the mailing lists, I find it usefull for others.
2005 Dec 20
Overlaying lattice plots
...requencies by year and age/length), is there a way to use lattice > plots to plot the observed and predicted data together, panel by panel? > Obrigado/gracias (thankyou in Galego is?...) > Rich Hi Richard, If you want to plot both datasets on the same plot just make use of the xyplot for FLQuants, something like flqs <- FLQuants(list(pred=pred.quant, res=res.quant)) xyplot(data~age, data=flqs) now tune it the way you want and change the formula to fit your needs. Regards EJ ps: I'm cc'ing this to the mailing lists, I find it usefull for others.
2005 Oct 14
extending lattice to S4 classes
Hi, I'm writing methods for a package called FLCore (see in particular for a class called "FLQuant" which extends array. Previously I was able to write methods based on the class of "data" but now I can not do it due to the single parameter "x". Is there a way to do this ? Regards EJ
2006 Oct 04
Default argument value for "["
Dear all, After installing R 2.4.0, a definition of "[" for an S4 class has stopped working as the default for drop in the generic, TRUE, appears to override the default in the method The method is defined for demonstration purposes as setMethod("[", signature(x="FLQuant"), function(x, i="missing", j="missing", k="missing",
2007 Jul 03
How to get the names of the classes exported by a specific package.
Hi, I'm writing some functions to generate Rd files for a S4 package. I want to have 2 character vectors with the names of the S4 classes and the methods exported by a package. To get the info about methods I'm using "getGenerics(where="package:FLCore")" however I can not find a similar process to get the S4 classes. Are there functions to access this information