Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "fixture_file_upload".
2007 Nov 09
fixture_file_upload and edge rspec?
Hi all,
I had some specs that were using fixture_file_upload that were
passing just fine. Then I froze edge rails to get some 2.0
functionality, then a I upgraded to trunk rspec to deal with
uninitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptMacrosHelper
After a couple other of tribulations, I have now gotten down to just
a couple of not passing s...
2012 Jun 08
[Rails 3.2.5] Rails: unit test fixture_path : fixture_file_upload cannot find the file ...
I am trying to perform a test unit, using FactoryGirl
include ActionDispatch::TestProcess
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :article do
photo { fixture_file_upload ''/files/test.jpg'', ''image/jpg'' }
IN mt test_helper.rb I defined the fixture_path
def fixture_path
File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/" # "..../myapp/test/
and I have my test.jpg in "..../myapp/t...
2011 Aug 31
3.1rc8 - posting files in a test no longer works
A previously working test, that posted a file object no longer works
in the latest 3.1. The test looks like this:
params[:media][:new_attachment] = File.open("#{Rails.root}/test/data/
post :create, params
In the controller, I obviously expect params[:media][:new_attachment]
to be a File object - and it used to be. Now it looks like #inspect
has been called on the
2007 Dec 11
Attachment-fu + Story Runner
Hi all,
I''m trying to run a Story Runner integration test that uploads a file
through Attachment-fu.
I''ve tried various ways of specifying the file data, from custom mocks:
class MockFile < Struct.new
(:original_filename, :read, :content_type); end
fdata = MockFile.new "test_upload.txt", "Test Upload", "text/plain"
2006 May 01
large file storing in postgres sucks?
I''m not sure if this is a postgres issue or not, but I''m using
Postgres 8.1. I have (in my functional tests) the following code:
upload = fixture_file_upload(''/files/podcast.mp3'', ''audio/mpeg'')
post :create, :product => valid_product, :media => { :image => upload }
And then in the controller:
blob = Blob.create :data => uploaded_file.read
When /files/podcast.mp3 is 32 megabytes and I run the test,...
2006 May 01
Testing File Upload error
I am trying to build some tests where a file is uploaded and than
processed by file column. Perhaps I am misunderstanding the new
fixture_file_upload that was introduced in 1.1 but I can''t seem to
get it to work correctly. I am trying to run a functional test to
make sure that a redirect is made to the appropriate page from a
create action. I create an issue and the issue can have a picture
attached to it, and depending on if th...
2007 Apr 24
Testing for multipart form uploads
...tegration tests that require uploading files via
multipart posts.
Have seen a very similar discussion, but cannot get it to work. Maybe,
it''s out of date now with Rails 1.2.3:
>From what I understand, fixture_file_upload''s output is translated a
String. There''s a ticket discussing this here:
The solution there is to use code that does the multipart encoding:
Again, it doesn''t work. The file I''m getting is a t...
2014 Feb 18
How to Test Multimodel Paperclip attachments?
...subject { @car }
it { should respond_to(:uploads) }
it { should be_valid }
cars.rb factory
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :car do
# Something
I have tried `uploads { FactoryGirl.create!(:upload) }` as well as using
the `fixture_file_upload` directly on the Car's uploads attribute. Also
I read about Associations,but I wasn't sure how that work.
For the upload factory I've done how you would test an individual
include ActionDispatch::TestProcess
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :upload d...
2008 Jun 09
Testing file attachment with Paperclip
Does someone have an example on faking a file upload for just ensuring
it gets called, without actually uploading the file to s3.
I thought that stubbing Model.has_attached_file would be enough, but
it doesn''t seem so ...
This is what I did:
Video.stub!( :has_attached_file ).with( :name ).and_return( true )
has_attached_file is from paperclip, it gets mixed to the model.
2008 Jan 28
attachment_fu with fixtures
Dear list,
I can''t figure out how to use fixtures with attachment_fu. I know how
to use files with RSpec in my controllers,
BackgroundPhoto.create(:uploaded_data => fixture_file_upload("files/
some.zip", "application/x-zip")), but this does not work with
fixtures(obviously). More importantly I have no idea where to start...
Can someone shed some light on this?
With kind regards,
2011 Sep 02
Rails 3.1.0 File Upload Rspec Test
I''m having this odd problem that I encountered, today. I want to check
that when I upload a CSV file that it does import some records into a
DB. Problem is that sometimes when I run RSpec it seems that it wants
to read the uploaded file as a string, rather than an object that I am
sending with a post request. Here''s a gist of my code:
With Rails
2008 Jan 21
attachment_fu and story runner, any updates
I''m trying to write a story for a Rails app which involves using the
attachment_fu plugin to upload images.
After blunting my pick on this for a while, google found me this:
So it seems that there''s a hole in Rails integration testing and
multipart form posting. David offered to incorporate a patch to story
runner at the end of the