search for: fixnum

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 145 matches for "fixnum".

2006 Nov 28
(no subject)
...itle => "Pick a date...") arrange_vertically(:padding => 5) @month = # line 19 add(@month) end end gives error: ArgumentError: Error initializing # Sent paramters: [#, -1, #, #, 4, -1, #, #, 4096, 0, 100, 0] correct parameters are: id (Fixnum) pos (Wxruby2::Point) size (Wxruby2::Size) style (Fixnum) id (Fixnum) pos (Wxruby2::Point) size (Wxruby2::Size) style (Fixnum) min (Fixnum) max (Fixnum) initial (Fixnum) method initialize in keyword_constructors.rb at line 246 method initialize in date_picker.rb at line 19 method initialize i...
2006 May 30
expected, got Fixnum problem.
Hi, I was wondering if anybody knew what ''<some type> expected, got Fixnum'' means? My code looks like the following: begin anevent = anevent.title = params["event"]["title"] anevent = session[:user_id] com = Community.find(params[:id]) << anevent rescue Exception => exc ... end But...
2007 Jul 18
How to use fixnum in RangeQuery?
As far as i know about the RangeQuery is that it need fixed-length number in query options such as, :>= => ''00'', :<= => ''99''). But is there a mechanism to use a fixnum in the options instead of filling the left with 0? Regards. -- Posted via
2012 Feb 28
getting error:undefined method 'current'
hi all, i am getting an error ''undefined method ''current'' for 852:Fixnum'', the error coming for following line <%if @expert_pagination.current.previous%> <a href="#" class="darkgray1" onclick="paginate_exp(<%=@expert_pagination.current.previous.number%>,escape(''<%=@search_name%>''));"&gt...
2008 Apr 07
Associations errors
undefined method `each'' for 0:Fixnum at line @school = School.find_by_title(params[:school_id].gsub(''-'', " ")) for team in @school.teams ........ end @school does exist cause i tried with .find(:first) and it gave the same error. Also I''m getting undefined method `reject'' for #<G...
2006 Jan 19
-517611318:Fixnum ... WTF?
I''m getting occasional errors that look like: Some method called for -517611318:Fixnum The method is constantly changing, and this error happens on ~5% of the page loads on my Mac Tiger development box. It''s happening on Ruby 1.8.2, and 1.8.4 compiled from source. I haven''t seen it on my Linux production boxes. I was wondering if anyone had seen this before? --...
2008 Oct 08
private method `gsub' called for 2:Fixnum
RoR Error: “private method `gsub'' called for 2:Fixnum” I am new to RoR and trying to complete “RailsSpace Social Networking” example, all works fine until I have implemented cookies using authorization_token, and start getting following error when trying to login. “private method `gsub'' called for 2:Fixnum” I can make out that there is som...
2009 May 29
tests problem - NoMethodError: private method `gsub' called for 117681882:Fixnum
...the same application code version as my team has, and on their computer all tests pass, and on my laptop (debian 5, ruby 1.8.6/1.8.7 (tried both), rails 2.3.2) i got more then 50 errors - majority of them is variations of "NoMethodError: private method `gsub'' called for 117681882:Fixnum" error in controller. Anyone know how to fix it/has this problem before? I reinstalled ruby and rails about three times, clearing gems etc every time but with no effect...
2012 Feb 29
can't convert Fixnum into String in relativity
...require ''relativity'' opens_at = #=> 09:00:00 closes_at =,30) #=> 12:30:00 </pre> <pre> /home/start/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/relativity-0.0.8/lib/ relativity/day_time/new.rb:24:in `BigDecimal'': can''t convert Fixnum into String (TypeError) from /home/start/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/relativity-0.0.8/lib/ relativity/day_time/new.rb:24:in `initialize'' from /home/start/Aptana Studio 3 Workspace/jquery/javascript/test.rb: 2:in `new'' from /home/start/Aptana Studio 3 Workspace/jquery/javascr...
2009 Feb 02
AssociationTypeMismatch got Fixnum
...class Page < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :source end Basically I''m listing pages with their sources; In production and development ( I use mongrel_cluster in the first and a single mongrel on the second) I got this error: ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch (Source expected, got Fixnum): /vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/ association_proxy.rb:150:in `raise_on_type_mismatch'' /vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/ belongs_to_association.rb:22:in `replace'' [...] The fact that scares me *a lot* is that I get it o...
2010 Dec 08
NoMethodError: `bytesize' for 200:Fixnum (with Rails-3.0.3)
...oduce: =========== $ gem install rails $ rails new testapp $ cd testapp $ ./script/rails generate controller Home index $ ./script/rails server then open http://localhost:3000/home/index =========== Result(Problem): =========== Internal Server Error: undefined method `bytesize'' for 200:Fixnum =========== Console output: =========== Started GET "/home/index" for at Wed Dec 08 16:38:49 +0900 2010 Processing by HomeController#index as HTML Rendered home/index.html.erb within layouts/application (2.3ms) Completed 200 OK in 13ms (Views: 12.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms...
2008 Oct 20
LC_VIRTUAL with Wx::ListCtrl
Wx::ListCtrl#set_item_count appears to be broken. If I pass it anything but a Fixnum (is_a Integer), it crashes and says it needs a "long" (which Fixnum should appease), but if I pass it a Fixnum it crashes with "cannot convert nil into String." Latest WxRuby. Windows Vista. This makes using LC_VIRTUAL impossible. -- Eric Will //
2011 Aug 25
Devise + Forem: undefined method weeks on Fixnum
I''m getting the following message when trying to start Webrick or console. ... devise-1.0.11/lib/devise.rb:89:in ''<module:Devise>'': undefined method ''weeks'' for 2:Fixnum (NoMethodError) After trying to upgrade my app to Rails 3.1 (edge) so that I may use the Forem engine. I''m under the impression this error is occurring because Rails'' support methods haven''t been loaded by the time Devise is calling out to them, but I don''t kno...
2005 May 08
Overriding date_select in local project to use custom value rather than blank for starting option...
I would like to have a date control on a page and I would like a behavior similar to what you get using date_select with the :include_blank => true option where the first value in the dropdown is "- Month -", "- Day -", or "- Year -" rather than a blank value for the respective month, day, and year select fields. I took a look at the ruby source for
2007 Feb 28
Rails 1.2 Bug (?): to_text_area_tag
...Pack. If this is not the right place to post this, please let me know where. I discovered this issue while attempting to use the lastest edge version of ajax_scaffold (mooey, MUI, whatever it''s going to be called). I kept getting the error: private method `split'' called for 20:Fixnum Curious as to what was going on, I decided to delve into the code a bit. I found that mooey was calling the input(...) form helper to generate the input fields for models and sends in the option :size => 20. input then calls to_text_area_tag. Well, since :size is a Fixnum and to_text_area_tag...
2006 Jan 04
check if a file exists?
Hello all! I have a list of people on a page, and some of this people have pictures of them stored on the web server. So I have an image tag like this on my page: <%= image_tag "/images/people/" + person.pers_id.to_s + ".jpg" %> But not all have a picture, so if the file for pers_id=1899 does not exist, i would like to display a custom image for that guy. How can I do
2006 Jun 04
Activerecord relations. Things.user_id => and Things.updated_by_id => both in the Things model using Belongs_to and custom foreign key for one of them. Problem is when I''ve got the updated_by_id belongs_to I can''t add Things using Things.updated_by_id = session[:user] I get a fixnum error. But when I remove the foreign key for updated_by_id I can''t do things.updated_by_id.username as username dosn''t exist it says. Any suggestions? Thanks! -- Posted via
2006 Jul 20
Override coulmn data type - urgent
Hi- I have a BigInt (MySql) column type - RAILS treats it as FixNum, which causes big problem for us since we need to store a 12+ number of digits. How can I tell Rails to treat is as BigNum instead of FixNum? thanks thila -- Posted via
2005 Nov 13
Routing Fixnum
If I have the following route defined: map.connect ''/foo/bar/:baz'', :requirements => {:baz => /^\d+$/} then if someone asks for /foo/bar/3 I noticed that :baz == "3" instead of :baz == 3. I.E. it is a string not a number. (At least it does this in the functional testing of the routing). This seems reasonable because I have not told it to expect a number but
2006 Jun 01
can''t convert Fixnum into String ??
I have been getting this error message on various pages, just wondering if anyone could explain whats going wrong, and the best way to correct it code that is cuasing the problem is below @project = Project.find(:first, :conditions => "id = " + @purchaseorder.project_id) -- Posted via