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2012 Jul 28
quantreg Wald-Test
...quantile regression coefficients. Now I want to check whether all the coefficients of X are equal to zero (for this specific tau). Can I do this by applying rq.anova ? I have already asked a similiar question but I am not sure if anova is really calculating this for me.. Currently I am calculating fitunrestricted=rq(Y_t~Y_(t-1)+Y_(t-2)+...+X_(t-1)+X_(t-2)+...,tau=q) fitrestrited=rq(Y_t~Y_(t-1)+Y_(t-2)+...,tau=q) anova(fitrestricted,fitunrestricted) If this is correct can you tell me how the test value is calculated in this case, or in other words: My next step is going to replicate this procedure for a w...
2012 May 28
R quantreg anova: How to change summary se-type
...whether a coefficient has an impact on a quantile regression (by applying the sup-wald test for a given quantile range [0.05,0.95]. Therefore I am doing the following calculations: a=0; for (i in 5:95/100){ fitrestricted=rq(Y~X1+X2,tau=i) tifunrestrited=rq(Y~X1+X2+X3,tau=i) a[i]=anova(fitrestricted,fitunrestricted)$table$Tn) #gives the Test-Value } supW=max(a) As anova is using the summary.rq function I want to change the Standard error method used (default: se="nid" leads to mistakes, I prefer se="ker"). Do you know how to handle this information in the anova syntax? Thank you very mu...