search for: fithaw

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "fithaw".

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2015 Aug 17
Hello Group, How to find my centos kernel has compiled with the code for FIFREEZE/FITHAW or not? Am looking for this config option to confirm the issue with VMWare ESX5.5 - my VM hangs while taking snapshot with "Quiesce Guest File System" option enabled. When contacted vmware support, they asked to check whether my centos kernel has this feature enabled? Below are details ab...
2011 Jul 28
Xen support online backup?
I recently used the Xen virtual machine backup tools, such as ''xm save'' command. And I found that before this tool save the memory and CPU state, it first pauses the VM. Do Xen have same tools for online backup the VMs? If it do not have one, can I saty that Xen don''t support VM online backup? -- View this message in context:
2013 Jan 11
evaluating backup systems: rsync
Considering using rsync on a couple systems for backup, I was wondering if it's possible, and if so how difficult is it, to delete files which have been backed up (in order to save space on the backup media). Anyone with experience doing this?
2009 Jan 28
[PATCH] fs: Add new pre-allocation ioctls to vfs for compatibility with legacy xfs ioctls
Al, Could this be included in the vfs queue? This patch adds ioctls to vfs for compatibility with legacy XFS pre-allocation ioctls (XFS_IOC_*RESVP*). The implementation effectively invokes sys_fallocate for the new ioctls. Also handles the compat_ioctl case. Note: These legacy ioctls are also implemented by OCFS2. Signed-off-by: Ankit Jain <me at> Reviewed-by: Christoph
2012 Sep 03
[GIT-PULL] XFS filesystem driver
...) +#define XFS_IOC_ERROR_INJECTION _IOW ('X', 116, struct xfs_error_injection) +#define XFS_IOC_ERROR_CLEARALL _IOW ('X', 117, struct xfs_error_injection) +/* XFS_IOC_ATTRCTL_BY_HANDLE -- deprecated 118 */ +/* XFS_IOC_FREEZE -- FIFREEZE 119 */ +/* XFS_IOC_THAW -- FITHAW 120 */ +#define XFS_IOC_FSSETDM_BY_HANDLE _IOW ('X', 121, struct xfs_fsop_setdm_handlereq) +#define XFS_IOC_ATTRLIST_BY_HANDLE _IOW ('X', 122, struct xfs_fsop_attrlist_handlereq) +#define XFS_IOC_ATTRMULTI_BY_HANDLE _IOW ('X', 123, struct xfs_fsop_attrmulti_handle...