Displaying 20 results from an estimated 125 matches for "firth".
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2006 Jan 12
Firths bias correction for log-linear models
Dear R-Help List,
I'm trying to implement Firth's (1993) bias correction for log-linear models.
Firth (1993) states that such a correction can be implemented by supplementing
the data with a function of h_i, the diagonals from the hat matrix, but doesn't
provide further details. I can see that for a saturated log-linear model, h_i=1
2003 Jul 10
RE: packaged datasets in .csv format (David Firth)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 10:53:27 +0100
> From: David Firth <david.firth at nuffield.oxford.ac.uk>
> Subject: [R] packaged datasets in .csv format
> To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Message-ID:
> <307D34CE-B1F3-11D7-A8D2-0050E4C03977 at nuffield.oxford.ac.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
2002 Feb 04
ASCII characters: from decimal code to R octal?
...ed by R?
I'd like something like a function ascii(number,base=10), such that
> ascii(91)
[1] "\133"
I can easily do the mapping from 91 to 133, but what is a good way to
operate on 133 to deliver "\133"?
Would a lookup table be a better solution?
David Firth Phone +44 1865 278544
Nuffield College Fax +44 1865 278621
Oxford OX1 1NF Secretary +44 1865 278553
United Kingdom Email david.firth at nuffield.ox.ac.uk
2012 Jul 09
firth's penalized likelihood bias reduction approach
...non-fair game, whereas 20%
(4/20) of sad-mood participants presented a positive response (coded as 1)
in the non-fair game, none of neutral-mood participants did so (0/20). Thus,
if drawing a 2x2 (mood x response, in the non-fair game) table, there was an
empty cell. I've learned that I can use Firth's penalized likelihood method
for bias reduction, which could be achieved using R packages "brglm" or
"logistf". However, I found the packages only deal with non-clustered data,
which is not the case for my data. I included game type as a within-subject
variable and mood as...
2001 May 09
Fortran subroutines dblepr, realpr, intpr
"Three subroutines are provided to ease the output of information
from FORTRAN code.
subroutine dblepr(label, nchar, data, ndata)
subroutine realpr(label, nchar, data, ndata)
subroutine intpr (label, nchar, data, ndata)"
Where can one find these subroutines?
David Firth Phone +44 1865 278544
Nuffield College Fax +44 1865 278621
Oxford OX1 1NF Secretary +44 1865 278553
United Kingdom Email david.firth at nuffield.ox.ac.uk
2000 Oct 26
Rgui and tcltk
...e R Console, and return to the
R prompt. I would welcome any hints on how I am going wrong here.
Thanks -- David
> version
platform Windows
arch x86
os Win32
system x86, Win32
major 1
minor 1.1
year 2000
month August
day 15
language R
David Firth Phone +44 1865 278544
Nuffield College Fax +44 1865 278621
Oxford OX1 1NF Secretary +44 1865 278612
United Kingdom Email david.firth at nuffield.oxford.ac.uk
2005 Mar 20
Re: [R-SIG-Mac] NaN and linear algebra
...omething fails on OS X.
This will help us to work it out.
As said, I'll try some tests without using veclib and let you know.
I've fowarded this mail to r-devel, which seems to be the right place,
so for future msg on the subject please use r-devel.
On 19/mar/05, at 17:44, David Firth wrote:
> Dear Don, Bill and Stefano
> Many thanks for your helpful replies on this. I do think this is
> pretty serious: the example I gave is an extreme one, but in real
> problems (e.g., calls to optim()) this sort of thing can and does
> result in different behaviour on...
2009 Apr 21
OT Question about raid 5
Hi List
I am hoping that someone here could perhaps give me a straight answer
on a question that someone asked me today
I have always belived that if you have 5 hard drives 1 50gb second
50gb third 20gb fourth 60gb firth 30gb that the largest would then be
the size of the smallest disk, not 80 or 100 or 120 for that matter or
am I wrong here?
Per Qvindesland?
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2000 Nov 12
putting output from print() into a string?
Is there some neat way of storing the printed representation of an
object as a character string? I can see how it could be done via
disk using sink() and then scan(), but that's ugly.
Something like Lisp-Stat's "with-output-to-string" macro perhaps?
David Firth Phone +44 1865 278544
Nuffield College Fax +44 1865 278621
Oxford OX1 1NF Secretary +44 1865 278612
United Kingdom Email david.firth at nuffield.oxford.ac.uk
2001 May 03
R and Ox
Cribari-Neto, F. & Zarkos, S.G. (1999). R: yet another econometric
programming environment. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 14,
The latter contains a brief speed comparison between R and Ox.
Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 09:35:07 +0100
From: David Firth <david.firth at nuffield.oxford.ac.uk>
Subject: [R] R and Ox?
Is there a good way to organize co-operation between R and Ox?
(incidentally, Ox is at http://www.nuff.ox.ac.uk/Users/Doornik/)
David Firth Phone +44 1865 278544
Nuffield College Fax...
2005 Apr 23
Enhanced version of plot.lm()
I propose the following enhancements and changes to plot.lm(),
the most important of which is the addition of a Residuals vs
Leverage plot.
(1) A residual versus leverage plot has been added, available
by specifying which = 5, and not included as one of the default
plots. Contours of Cook's distance are included, by default at
values of 0.5 and 1.0. The labeled points, if any, are those
2000 Nov 25
assigning to data frames with whole columns of NAs
I suppose this could be described as a feature (it seems to be similar in S-Plus), but it looks to me more like a bug. Why can't the assignment below to a row of "emptyframe" (or "anotherframe") be made? This with R --vanilla (version info below).
Regards -- David
David Firth Phone +44 1865 278544
Nuffield College Fax +44 1865 278621
Oxford OX1 1NF Secretary +44 1865 278612
United Kingdom Email david.firth at nuffield.oxford.ac.uk
> emptyframe<-data.frame(a=c(NA,NA),b=c(NA,NA))
2004 Oct 23
R_LIBS and R Cocoa GUI for Mac OS X (PR#7308)
Full_Name: David Firth
Version: 2.0.0
OS: Mac OS 10.3.5
Submission from: (NULL) (
When running R in R Cocoa GUI 1.0 (v2004-10-14), I have
> Sys.getenv()[["R_LIBS"]]
[1] "/Users/david/Library/R"
> .libPaths()
[1] "/Users/david/Library/R/library"
2014 Jan 17
[LLVMdev] Invalid RegNum error
...emitting using x86_64-apple-darwin. Any thoughts about what could be
causing this? LLVM validation does not report any errors.
“One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that–lacking
zero–they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C
(Robert Firth)
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2001 Jul 12
density estimation from interval-censored data
...ntegrated squared second derivative
(b) obtain approximate confidence limits for the density at specified points
My question: is there another R package that can help me with these
things? If so it would be good to know before I embark on
programming them myself.
Thanks -- David
David Firth Phone +44 1865 278544
Nuffield College Fax +44 1865 278621
Oxford OX1 1NF Secretary +44 1865 278553
United Kingdom Email david.firth at nuffield.ox.ac.uk
2001 Oct 01
lm documentation, "formula" component (PR#1105)
Full_Name: David Firth
Version: 1.3.1
OS: linux and others
Submission from: (NULL) (
says that
An object of class `"lm"' is a list containing at least the
following components:
formula: the formula supplied.
But is the "formula" component necessarily p...
2005 Jun 24
Capitalize the title in DESCRIPTION files? (PR#7969)
Full_Name: David Firth
Version: 2.1.1
OS: Mac OS X
Submission from: (NULL) (
A small inconsistency in the "Writing R Extensions" manual: at
the displayed example has
Title: My first collection of functions
but the text...
2004 Jan 28
\link{\url{anything}} gives Rdconv trouble (PR#6496)
Full_Name: David Firth
Version: 1.8.0
OS: Mac OS 10.2.8
Submission from: (NULL) (
In .Rd files, we use \url{stuff} to refer to a URL on the web. Just as the
documentation says.
Perhaps this isn't a bug, then, but certainly it's a trap for the unwary. If
the construction
2011 Jul 01
[LLVMdev] Pointer Constant?
...w I'd have to re-compile everytime I reload my project, but for
now, and considering it is a JIT, I don't really care.
“One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was
that–lacking zero–they had no way to indicate successful termination
of their C programs.”
(Robert Firth)
2010 Mar 09
penalized maximum likelihood estimation and logistf
Hi, I got two questions and would really appreciate any help from here.
First, is the penalized maximum likelihood estimation(Firth Type Estimation)
only fit for binary response (0,1 or TRUE, FALSE)? Can it be applied to
multinomial logistic regression?
If yes, what's the formula for LL and U(beta_i)? Can someone point me to
the right reference?
Second, when I used *logistf *on a dataset with binary response, I got the