Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "findfirstfileexw".
2004 Oct 29
Re: Guild Wars Client (Mark Knecht)
...0x77acd5b4 (nil))
> warn:file:wine_nt_to_unix_file_name L"desktop.ini" not found in
> /home/myst/.wine/dosdevices/c:
> warn:file:CreateFileW Unable to create file L"C:\\desktop.ini" (status
> c0000034)
> trace:file:CreateFileW returning 0xffffffff
> trace:file:FindFirstFileExW L"C:\\PROG~FBU" 0 0x77acd930 0 (nil) 0
> trace:file:RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U
> (L"C:\\PROG~FBU",0x77acd8d8,0x77acd8e0,(nil))
> trace:file:RtlGetFullPathName_U (L"C:\\PROG~FBU" 520 0x77acd67c
> 0x77acd8e0)
> trace:file:wine_nt_to_unix_file_name L"...
2014 Oct 03
Wine release 1.7.28
...rk Point of Sale page unusable
31815 Rhapsody 4.0 crashes on startup
34923 SolidWorks 2014 installer needs ieframe IWebBrowser2::Refresh2
35019 ToDoList 6.9.b12 (MFC app) crashes when deleting a task
35121 Multiple applications/games fail to start with WinVer set to 'Windows 7' (FindFirstFileExW needs FIND_FIRST_EX_LARGE_FETCH support)(FotoQuelle Fotosoftware v4.13, QT5)
37198 Pale Moon Portable 24.7.x fails on startup, reporting "Couldn't load XPCOM" (needs msvcp110.dll '?_BADOFF at std@@3_JB' also exported for 32-bit arch)
37221 biet-o-matic 2.14.12: Crashes w...
2014 Nov 14
Wine release 1.7.31
...ctCut 2.20 crashes when stopping mp3 playback
37074 Ironclads series: missing text in the menus without native d3dx9_36
37120 PVS-Studio Error: Equivalent branches of if operator
37354 Battle.net launcher does not start in Windows 7 mode: "Cannot load Qt platform plugin Windows" (FindFirstFileExW needs info level 'FindExInfoBasic' support)
37374 Behringer X-32 Edit crashes on startup
37381 Matlab 2010 crashes on unimplemented function msvcr80.dll._ungetc_nolock
37461 Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth (Steam) crashes on unimplemented function msvcp110.dll.?length@?$...
2020 Apr 20
Wine release 4.0.4
...etting kernel drivers
47779 iCloud refuses to install: "Your computer is missing Media features."
47790 putty.exe displays an error at startup when placed in a path with accented characters.
47820 Magic: The Gathering Arena installer needs powershell.exe (cannot find it)
47832 FindFirstFileExW believes every directory entry has been read if NtQueryDirectoryFile underfills buffer
47833 FindFirstFileExW seems to be missing FILE_OPEN_FOR_BACKUP_INTENT flag to NtOpenFile
47880 Need for Speed: Carbon - Autosculpt causes geometry corruption and GL_INVALID_OPERATION error
47918 Blur: c...
2012 Apr 02
Re: NO$Zoomer crashes (worked last week)
...032df38: 001348b8 4f79e569 2c45faf1 4f79e569
000c: sel=0067 base=00000000 limit=00000000 16-bit r-x
=>0 0x7bc46909 in ntdll (+0x36909) (0x0032df30)
1 0x7bc471fe RtlFreeHeap+0x7d() in ntdll (0x0032df90)
2 0x7bc39de5 NtQueryDirectoryFile+0x984() in ntdll (0x0032e100)
3 0x7b83f2d0 FindFirstFileExW+0x4cf() in kernel32 (0x0032e1c0)
4 0x7b83f6f4 FindFirstFileW+0x43() in kernel32 (0x0032e1f0)
5 0x7b855fcd GetLongPathNameW+0x1bc() in kernel32 (0x0032ec90)
6 0x7b85c0cd in kernel32 (+0x4c0cc) (0x0032f0b0)
7 0x7b85d984 in kernel32 (+0x4d983) (0x0032f580)
8 0x7b85e6da CreateProcessW+0x49()...
2006 May 05
Win32 programs can't find files on FAT32 partitions
...lso doesn't seem to get anywhere near trying to load the
file I'm trying to open (I was trying to load a test.txt, which was not
in C:\, but in the current directory, which mapped to D:\).
trace:file:FindFirstFileExW L"c:\\windows" 0 0x55c2c294 0 (nil) 0
trace:file:RtlGetFullPathName_U (L"c:\\windows" 520 0x55c2bf54
trace:file:wine_nt_to_unix_file_name L"\\??\\C:\\" ->
2019 Oct 18
Wine release 4.18
...rogram Error
47764 World of Warcraft - Keyboard troubles
47782 Segmentation fault and exceptions using ManagementClass
47813 Itch.io: Warning or error when launching a game (GetFileInformationByHandleEx for FileAttributeTagInfo unimplemented)
47822 Transcendence crashes on exit
47833 FindFirstFileExW seems to be missing FILE_OPEN_FOR_BACKUP_INTENT flag to NtOpenFile
47862 Art of Murder - Cards of Destiny main character and NPCs have texture corruption
47868 test_notify() dsound:dsound test is unreliable
47870 dwrite:layout fails in the Arabic locale
47880 Need for Speed: Carbon - Au...
2008 Feb 13
Flash Movie Player Control in VB
...es\\TimeMAPS" 520
0xbfff06b0 (nil))
trace:file:wine_nt_to_unix_file_name L"\\??\\C:\\Program Files\\TimeMAPS" ->
"/home/ryan/.wine/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/TimeMAPS"
trace:file:FindFirstFileExW L"C:\\windows" 0 0xbffefa50 0 (nil) 0
trace:file:RtlGetFullPathName_U (L"C:\\windows" 520 0xbffef710 0xbffef9ac)
trace:file:wine_nt_to_unix_file_name L"\\??\\C:\\" ->
2019 Nov 29
Wine release 4.21
...not available) in Vista and up
47724 .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 not installing
47740 dotnet20sp2: fails to install on arch and derivatives
47790 putty.exe displays an error at startup when placed in a path with accented characters.
47809 mscrt: strftime is missing some substutions
47832 FindFirstFileExW believes every directory entry has been read if NtQueryDirectoryFile underfills buffer
47935 Nextiva: Logging in fails with "Client is unable to connect to the server."
47991 motec i2 pro v1.0 data logger fails to start
48016 karafunplayer: Call from 0x7124d239 to unimplemented f...