search for: find_or_initialize_by_name

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "find_or_initialize_by_name".

2011 Aug 17
has_many :through, collection<<(object) and duplicates.
...has_many :tags, :through => :taggings, :uniq => false (:uniq => false is the default value, I''ve left it to insist on that point) Now let''s say I create a new Object and save it. In an after_save callback on Object, I add a few tags: self.tags << Tag.find_or_initialize_by_name("hey") self.tags << Tag.find_or_initialize_by_name("ho") self.tags << Tag.find_or_initialize_by_name("hey") So, twice the same tag "hey" and another one "ho". Nothing fancy. Once this is done though, I''ll get t...
2009 Aug 17
Problem with setter override on ActiveRecord
...method on Book. As I''m new to Rails, I''ve followed the Sam Ruby''s suggestion on Agile Web Development with Rails: use attribute_writer private method. So, my first try was: class Book < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :author def author=(author) author = Author.find_or_initialize_by_name(author) if author.is_a? String self.write_attribute(:author, author) end end Unfortunately, this does not work. That''s what I get from console: >> book = => "Alice''s Adventures in Wonderland", :pub_year => 1865) => #<Book id: nil,...
2006 Jul 02
Rails Core Weekly June 19 - July 2 2006
...rails --version is now documented: Sam Stephenson added a find_or_initalize_by_x similar to find_or_create_x except that initialize does not save the record just yet. From his documentation: # # No ''Winter'' tag exists # winter = Tag.find_or_initialize_by_name("Winter") # winter.new_record? # true Another example is found in the test he wrote. This uses 2 attributes to search on: def test_find_or_initialize_from_two_attributes another = Topic.find_or_initialize_by_title_and_author_name("Another topic","John") assert_eq...