search for: find_by_usernam

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 28 matches for "find_by_usernam".

Did you mean: find_by_username
2007 Oct 26
Spec custom finders
...I load, or should I spec the actual query? I know that DB access is sort of frowned upon, but is this a situation where it is more or less acceptable? My spec looks something like this, but just feels funny because I''m essentially rewriting the query. describe User, ''when calling find_by_username'' do before(:each) do User.stub!(:find).and_return(nil) end it ''should convert the username to lowercase'' do uname = ''Joe'' uname.should_receive(:downcase).and_return(''joe'') User.find_by_username(uname) end...
2006 Jun 30
More idiomatic way of writing a filter
Is there a more elegant way of writing this? def verify_user @user = User.find_by_username params[:username] if @user.nil? message = xml.error do |xm| xm.message "User does not exists: #{params[:username]}" end render :xml => message return false else true end end Thanks, Joel -- http://wag...
2010 May 08
uninitialized constant - Please Help Me...
...nly certain individuals the ability to manage topics etc. That code is in the moderator_role.rb migration file which looks like this: class AddModeratorRole < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up moderator_role = Role.create(:name => ''Moderator'') admin_user = User.find_by_username(''Admin'') admin_user.roles << moderator_role end def self.down moderator_role = Role.find_by_name(''Moderator'') admin_user = User.find_by_username(''Admin'') admin_user.roles.delete(moderator_role) moderator_role.destr...
2009 Jan 16
Testing arbitrary post action parameters
I am working on our (newly renamed) authentication feature. The current scenario is: Scenario: Non-administrators should not set administrator ability Given I have no users And I add a user named "admin" as an administrator And I add a user named "myuser" as not an administrator When the user named "myuser" authenticates And the user
2006 Jul 05
Routing via function
...', :controller => ''user'', :action => ''show'' Is there a way to perform a lookup of the username before matching on this route? I am hoping to be able to do something like this (completely made up): :requirements => {:username => {|username| User.find_by_username(username)}} I vaguely remember seeing a post a few months ago related to this but I have had no luck digging it up. Thanks, Tom Davies
2006 Jul 22
fetching records from tables
Dear all, I have a doubt, How to fetch records from tables, which are not having ID field as its primary key. If possible, please tell me to way to extract data from those tables. -- with regds, Nahalingam N. Kanakavel. ( -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2013 Jun 24
wrong number of arguments calling `request` (0 for 1) (ArgumentError)
...steps file When "$person logs in" do |user| post_via_redirect "/users/login", {:authenticator => {:username => user, :password => "washington"}},{:https => ''on''} request.should_not be_ssl request.session[:user_id].should == Person.find_by_username(user).id end working fine with cucumber-0.10.0 and cucumber-rails-0.3.2 but if I upgrade with cucumber-rails-1.2.1 or cucumber-rails-1.3.1 - at this line request.session[:user_id].should == Person.find_by_username(user).id I am getting bellow error. Then amitpandya should be logged in...
2006 Jul 14
sending additional parameters to before_filter
i am trying to create a system so that different users have different priviliges on my application. i was going to modify my authorize function so that i could pass the required role to it and have it check the current user for that role. i am using before_filter and would like to have just one function instead of writing one for each role like so: authorize(role) instead of:
2010 Jan 12
tips on how to write a controller test for models associated with currently logged in user
I have a controller test here:, which works fine when account is an independent model, however I want: an account to be a property of user, ( and created and associated when a user is) when the user goes to /account/edit it should on edit the account of the logged in user - I can make rails do this, but I''m utterly baffled how I should alter this test to
2006 Feb 27
2 belongs_to to the same parent table
Hello! I have 2 table: users and buddies User: id, name, ... Buddy: id, user_id, user_buddy_id, ... So if you have 2 users 1,jack and 2,fred and fred is a buddy of jack, there is a Buddy object: id=1, user_id=1, user_buddy_id=2 I can declare only one belongs_to in Buddy and one has_many in User. And there is conflict if I had the second one (the first one is discarded) class User has_many
2008 Nov 27
will_paginate issue
Hi, I am trying paginate (will_paginate) users posts. It is counting and showing the page links correctly, but still showing all the posts on one page. @entries = @user.entries.paginate :per_page => 5, :page => params[:page], :order => ''created_at DESC'' If I change it to @entries = Entry.paginate :per_page => 5 ........ It is fine, but I would like to show only
2008 May 30
Session problem
...o everyone, I am just starting a project for school in RoR and I am a complete n00b ^^ Here''s my problem : I need to get the user''s login stored in the session but for some reason I cannot. Here''s my login method code : def login if @user = User.find_by_username(params[:login]) if @user and @user.password_is? params[:password] session[:user] = redirect_to :controller => ''games'' else @auth_error = ''Wrong username or password'' end end end And here''s the code of my GamesCo...
2006 Jun 27
More idiomatic way of doing this
...uire ''util/render_error'' class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include RenderError end app/controllers/user_controller.rb: class UserController < ApplicationController before_filter :verify_user private def verify_user @user = User.find_by_username params[:username] if @user.nil? render_user_exists params[:username] false else true end end end Thanks, Joel --
2006 Apr 11
a user model in all controllers in 6 lines of code, and making a fool out of myself; but I found a way to get a user model from the session and have it accessible in every controller and view in 6 lines of code. In the ApplicationController write model :user before_filter :set_user private def set_user @user = session[:user] ||= User.find_by_username(''nobody'') end I have redeemed myself (whoohoo!!)
2006 Jan 20
How to update two records ?
...rsonaldatas Is a problem with my associations? How to save personaldata with ? class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :personaldata end class Personaldata < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user end class UserController < ApplicationController def update @user = User.find_by_username(params[:id], :include => [:personaldata]) @user.attributes = params[:personaldata] # <- doesn''t work #@user.personaldata.attributes = params[:personaldata] # <- this way it doesn''to work too if flash[:notice] = ''Updated'' red...
2006 Apr 07
Howto set a global parameter
Hi, In my login_controller I get the usename of the person logging in. @username = puts " DEBUG: #{@username} just logged in\n" # This works But @username seems empty when accessed from numbers_controller.rb , how to I set it to be accessible global? Or at least move the content of that variable over to another controller. Best regards, Martin
2006 Jun 09
unique login
Hello, I''ve created my user model which validates against the database for a proper user/pass combination. I''ve set validation options to ensure that both a user and password are entered. I would like to check via an ajax call whether or not the username is taken. I haven''t been able to find a tutorial covering this topic. Do any of you know of one? Thanks, David
2006 Apr 07
MSSQL activerecord uses bad syntax
Hi all, I''m trying to get rails up on mssql for a friend, does anyone have experience? We''re working on a Windows XP box with MSSQL 2000 (no service pak), and both rails (1.1) and MSSQL are on the same box. I''m running into a bug (I think) where activerecord is using this syntax: SELECT TOP 1 * FROM users WHERE (users.user = ''jbgnuumnbu'')
2010 Sep 17
ruby's oauth2 grant_type
...ser model class User < ActiveRecord::Base devise :database_authenticatable, :oauthable def self.find_for_accounts_oauth(access_token, signed_in_resource=nil) data = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(access_token.get( + Settings.oauth.access_token_path)) if user = User.find_by_username(data["username"]) user else # Create an user with a stub password. User.create!(:username => data["username"], :password => Devise.friendly_token) end end end Logs from provider Started POST "/oauth/token" for at 2010-09-1...
2008 Aug 01
Help with Access Control
...self.pals.find(pal) ? true : false end #validate # errors.add_to_base("No password") if crypted_password.blank? # end # Authenticates a user by their username name and unencrypted password. Returns the user or nil. def self.authenticate(username, crypted_password) login = find_by_username(username) # need to get the salt if login expected_password = encrypted_password(crypted_password, login.salt) if login.crypted_password != expected_password login = nil end end login end def password @password end def password=(pw) @password = pw create_new_salt...