search for: find_by_ad_en

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "find_by_ad_en".

2006 Nov 27
how to select with a kind of through relation(has_one)
...not found; perhaps you misspelled it?" I tried to add to Item class belongs_to :membership And added Membership Class following has_many :items, :through => :shops but helaas not working. Any suggestion how to handle this situation? Thanks in advance class Item <.... def self.find_by_ad_enabled(options={}) ad_enabled do self.find :all, {:order => "RAND()"}.merge(options) end end protected def self.ad_enabled with_scope(:find => {:conditions => ''memberships.ad_enabled = 1 and shops.expires_on >= NOW() and shops.enabled = 1'...