Displaying 20 results from an estimated 127 matches for "filt".
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2010 Aug 27
[LLVMdev] How to demange C++ names
Hi Renato,
> > Just wondering if LLVM has any command options or tool to allow for
> > demangling C++ names from the LLVM bitcode?
> c++filt?
Do you refer to any particular version of c++filt? I tried, but seemed
not to work. For example, when I run a command as below:
c++filt _ZNSt4listIiSaIiEEaSERKS1_
The output remains the same as the input symbol.
By the way, when I run
c++filt -v
It outputs:
GNU c++filt 070207 2...
2010 Aug 27
[LLVMdev] How to demange C++ names
On Aug 27, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Xiaolong Tang wrote:
> Hi Renato,
>>> Just wondering if LLVM has any command options or tool to allow for
>>> demangling C++ names from the LLVM bitcode?
>> c++filt?
> Do you refer to any particular version of c++filt? I tried, but seemed
> not to work. For example, when I run a command as below:
> c++filt _ZNSt4listIiSaIiEEaSERKS1_
c++filt __ZNSt4listIiSaIiEEaSERKS1_
> The output remains the same as the input sym...
2010 Aug 27
[LLVMdev] How to demange C++ names
On 08/27/2010 01:43 PM, Xiaolong Tang wrote:
> c++filt _ZNSt4listIiSaIiEEaSERKS1_
> The output remains the same as the input symbol.
> By the way, when I run
> c++filt -v
> It outputs:
> GNU c++filt 070207 20070207
> Copyright 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> This program is free software;...
2010 Aug 27
[LLVMdev] How to demange C++ names
Hey all,
Just wondering if LLVM has any command options or tool to allow for
demangling C++ names from the LLVM bitcode?
2010 Aug 27
[LLVMdev] How to demange C++ names
On 27 August 2010 18:56, Xiaolong Tang <xiaolong.snake at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just wondering if LLVM has any command options or tool to allow for
> demangling C++ names from the LLVM bitcode?
2008 May 29
FFT Resampler
...ns the signal deviates.
There are 3 SNR values posted below. The first value is the 0->4khz
range (which for 48khz output means the lower 1/6th of the power
spectrum). The second is the 0->8khz range (full original signal), and
the last is the full range.
The reason I split it is that the filter-based resampler has cutoff
filter, so it zeroes out frequencies near the nyquist. So the SNR is
unfair for the 0->8 range.
Anyway, on to the results.
First, a 16=>16 resampling.
Filt Q10: Diff 0.883327, SNR 3.12531e-07 / 0.472589
FFT 320: Diff 0.00292969, SNR 2.57974e-07 / 4.77473e-05
2011 Feb 15
[LLVMdev] C++ Mangled Names
...tered a need for manually generating the mangled name of an
arbitrary C++ function. The only way I currently know how to do this is
to generate a dummy C++ source file, compile it, and look at the
output. This approach is so ugly that I would like for it never to see
the light of day. The c++filt tool generates demangled C++ names given
the mangled ones, which is the opposite of what I want to do. Does
anyone know how to "run c++filt in reverse"?
If I'm not here, I've gone out to find myself. If I get back before I return, please keep me here.
2003 Apr 07
filtering ts with arima
I have the following code from Splus that I'd like to migrate to R. So far,
the only problem is the arima.filt function. This function allows me to
filter an existing time-series through a previously estimated arima model,
and obtain the residuals for further use. Here's the Splus code:
# x is the estimation time series, new.infl is a timeseries that contains
new information
# a.mle is estimated result...
2009 Sep 02
[LLVMdev] link-error: different visibilities
When I use llvm-2.5 to compile gnash which is a GNU flash movie player, some
errors appeared as follow:
llvm-ld: error: Cannot link in module
'../libcore/.libs/libgnashcore.a(movie_root.o)': Linking globals named
'_ZNKSt6vectorIN5gnash8geometry7Range2dIfEESaIS3_EE4sizeEv': symbols have
different visibilities!
Because the name is mangled, I can't find the exact position of
1999 Jan 21
scoping problem?
...opyright 1998, The R Development Core Team
Version 0.63.0 Beta (Nov 13, 1998) -- on WIndows3.11
fnfn _ function (m=10,n=10,spar=2)
fn _ function(u,v){
uc_ u-floor(m/2)-1
vc_ v-floor(n/2)-1
exp(-(uc^2 + vc^2)/2/spar^2)
x1_ 1:m ; x2_ 1:n
x12 _ outer(x1,x2,FUN='fn')
filt _ x12/sum(x12)
> source('fnfn.r')
> m_10; n_10; spar_2
> fnfn(m,n,spar)
Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) : variable "fn" was not found
Yudi Pawitan: yudi at ucd.ie
Department of Statistics, UCD
Dublin 4, Ireland...
2005 Oct 19
Filter design in R?
Dr. Williams,
I ran across your inquiry on one of the R-help mailing lists regarding
digital filter design and implementation. I found no response to your
email in the archives and was wondering if you were able to find anything.
Israel Christie, Ph.D.
Email: ichristie at gmail.com
Phone: 865.766.0214
Mobile: 865.406.4615
2008 May 29
FFT Resampler
>> Yes, I plan to use it in a VoIP environment if I can get latency reduced to
>> an acceptable level :)
>> The latency depends directly on the overlap parameter, which also controls
>> the quality. Higher quality => higher latency. You could set the overlap to
>> 0, but that would give you some nasty artifacts.
>> You can also resample with smaller block
2009 Mar 25
How to: Read Multi-filtes and sort to different files
new R user has a question:
I have several hundreds of .txt files from different monitoring sites over several years.
(1) different site has a unique name( such as : ST2.20090321.txt = Sation 2 2009 March 21 data, ST3.20090322=Station3, 2009, March 22 data).
(2) different site has different file header, but for the same site, the header is the same.
for example:
Sation 2
date time wind CO2
2011 Dec 01
Assign name to object for each iteration in a loop.
...2 0.1578 0.1671 0.1577 0.1593 0.1672
3 0.1897 0.1948 0.2290 0.2292 0.2067
Here's the function:
STLpA<-function(TS, area, Ystart, period=23, nSG="5,5", DSG=0)
require (RTisean)
for(i in 1:unique(area)){
vi.sg<-ts(filt.vi[,1], start=Ystart,frequency=period)
stld.tmp<-stl(vi.sg, s.window="periodic", robust=TRUE, na.action=na.approx)
assign(paste("stld", i , sep= "."), stld.trend)...
2009 Sep 02
[LLVMdev] link-error: different visibilities
...vectorIN5gnash8geometry7Range2dIfEESaIS3_EE4sizeEv': symbols have
> different visibilities!
> Because the name is mangled, I can't find the exact position of this
> function in the original source code, so I can't give more information about
> it.
You probably have c++filt installed:
$ c++filt _ZNKSt6vectorIN5gnash8geometry7Range2dIfEESaIS3_EE4sizeEv
std::allocator<gnash::geometry::Range2d<float> > >::size() const
Hope that helps!
2008 Dec 08
Does DTrace have "-xmangled" to support C++? Apple has done that
And it could be found in Apple''s man page:
Is it possible to have that "mangled" option in DTrace? You know, some times there is no c++filt/dem/gc++filt installed, so it''s hard to follow http://developers.sun.com/solaris/articles/dtrace_cc.html.
This message posted from opensolaris.org
2003 Aug 14
filter ARMA process
given an ARMA process and the AR and MA coefficients I need the residuals.
arima() calculates the residuals together with the best AR and MA
coefficients, but I need the coefficients to take known values.
In S-PLUS there is a function arima.filt(). Is there something similar in
Thanks for any help,
Matthias Budinger
2007 Jul 11
"Exclude" test fails on OS X (i386 Darwin 8.10.1)
makepath /Users/warren/src/rsync/testtmp/exclude/from/new/keep/this
makepath /Users/warren/src/rsync/testtmp/exclude/from/new/lose/this
sending incremental file list
created directory /Users/warren/src/rsync/testtmp/exclude/chk
bar/down/to/foo/+ file3
2011 Feb 15
[LLVMdev] C++ Mangled Names
...ually generating the mangled name of an
> arbitrary C++ function. The only way I currently know how to do this is
> to generate a dummy C++ source file, compile it, and look at the
> output. This approach is so ugly that I would like for it never to see
> the light of day. The c++filt tool generates demangled C++ names given
> the mangled ones, which is the opposite of what I want to do. Does
> anyone know how to "run c++filt in reverse"?
It's not so simple. Assuming you limit yourself to the ABI used by the GNU compiler, there is still an awful lot of i...
2015 Apr 16
[LLVMdev] Exception filter IR model
I have a question about the IR model for SEH filters (as I want to use the same model for CLR filters). In particular, when an outer filter is invoked before entering an inner finally, which piece of IR reflects the filter's side-effects? To take a concrete example, consider this C code:
void foo() {
int x;
__try {
x = 0;