search for: fieldset

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 106 matches for "fieldset".

2005 Jul 19
Nested drag and drop rendering issue with ie
First and foremost, excellent library - excellent work. Thank you. Now, here''s what I''m doing: <div id="wrapper"> <fieldset id="page_1"> <legend>Page</legend> <fieldset id="group_1"> Group </fieldset> <fieldset id="group_2"> Group </fieldset> </fieldset> <fieldset id="page_2"> <legend>Pa...
2006 Oct 11
Help please with observe_form - not working
...#39;'t change (doesn''t seem to post the data). Can anyone please take a look and see if I"m doing something wrong. TIA Form: <% start_form_tag({:action => "livesearch"}, :id => "asearch") %> <div id="parta"> <fieldset><legend>Category</legend> <select name="cat", @params[''cat''][],size="2" multiple="multiple"><%= options_from_collection_for_select @categories, :id, :name %></select></fieldset> <fieldset><legend>Sta...
2007 Apr 23
getElementsBySelector problem in IE
I''m having this problem with IE and getElementsBySelector, but am a relative js novice, so quite possible -- likely even -- that I''m doing something stupid. Either way, a fresh pair of eyes would help. Basically I''m duplicating a fieldset within a form (so you can upload more than one photo). [BTW, the fieldsets have a CSS id which relates to the object id of the existing photo (the form is also used for editing, so you need this so the user can replace replace them), or a pseuo id of the form "n_0", "n_1", ...]...
2009 Feb 15
Collapsible Fieldset
Hey there, (First steps in Ruby and Rails...) I''m trying to make a fieldset collapsible, like they are, for example, on many Drupal pages. What I''ve figuared out is the following: <fieldset id="addressdata" class="collapsible collapsed"> <legend> <%= link_to_function("Show/Hide Addressdata") { |page| page[: addr...
2006 Oct 12
Help with observer_form , javascript error
...not effected by any of the options selected in the form. Not sure what is wrong , but here is the form and observe_form as it''s written: <% start_form_tag(:action => "livesearch", :id => "asearch") %> <div id="parta"> <fieldset><legend>Category</legend> <select name=position[category_id][] size = "4" multiple = "multiple" id = ''cat''><%= options_from_collection_for_select @categories, :id, :name %></select></fieldset> <fieldset><legend&g...
2012 Jan 11
Observe field with jquery in Rails 3.1
I tries to observe a change in a field with jquery in Rails 3.1 in order to be able to implement two cascading select boxes. A a first step I just try to observe a click in a div using jquery I have the following function in a .js file that is loadedin the head section (fieldset is the id of a div) and is displaying a view with the div fieldset $(document).ready(function() { $(''#fieldset'').bind({ click: function() { alert(''Change''); // do something on click }, mouseenter: function() { // do something on mouseenter }; })...
2005 Jul 20
examples of drag n drop> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed > > First and foremost, excellent library - excellent work. Thank you. > > Now, here''s what I''m doing: > > <div id="wrapper"> > <fieldset id="page_1"> > <legend>Page</legend> > <fieldset id="group_1"> > Group > </fieldset> > <fieldset id="group_2"> > Group > </fieldset> > </fieldset> > > <fieldset id="page...
2006 Apr 10
How to validate optional fieldset which becomes mandatory?
Hi, I am posting here because a re-read of my ''Agile'' book and quick google around didn''t give me any obvious clues, but I apologise if this has already been asked and answered before... I have an ''invoice address'' fieldset in a form which is entirely optional, however, should the user fill any one of the fields then they effectively all become mandatory and I need to validate the presence of the required fields (I need to make sure that at least the first line of address, city and zip are filled). What is the best w...
2007 Nov 06
Why is this view spec failing?
I can''t figure out why I am getting a failure. It renders out fine in the browser. <h1>New member</h1> <%= error_messages_for :member %> <% form_for(:member, :url => members_path) do |f| %> <fieldset> <legend>Member Info</legend> <p><label for="member[first_name]">First Name:</label> <%= f.text_field :first_name %></p> <p><label for="member[last_name]">Last Name:</label> <%= f.text_field :last_na...
2007 Sep 06
semi-nube help request
...nce i''ve been a member i''ve not received an email about it. Google search results are mixed at best. so this is my problem: i have a form: <div id="container" style="clear:both;display:block;" ><div id= "newLinkResult"></div> <fieldset><legend>Add an Offsite Link</legend> <form name="addLinkForm" id="addLinkForm" method="post"> <p><label for="sitename">Name:</label><input class="txt" type="text" name="sitename" id=&quot...
2010 Aug 17
[Form] Method POST & PUT problem
..."margin: 0pt; padding: 0pt; display: inline;"> <input type="hidden" value="put" name="_method"> <input type="hidden" value="YttRSHr2SzCqC4FbQccH6QgcWVKRkf1IBIIXnQhuaFw=" name="authenticity_token"></div> <fieldset class="inputs"><legend><span>Informações</span></legend><ol> <li id="user_password_input" class="password required"><label for="user_password">Password<abbr title="required">*</abbr></label...
2006 May 12
RJS, Safari, Error - DOM exception 7
...sses"> <%= render :partial => ''addresses'' -%> </div> <%= form_remote_tag :url => { :action => :add_recipient }, :html => { :id => ''add_recipient_form'' } %> <fieldset> <span class="label">New recipient:</span><br/> <%= text_field :email, :address %><br/> <%= submit_tag ''Add'' %> </fieldset> <%= end_form_tag %> <%= form_remote_t...
2006 Jun 11
Finding a record and showing it -- how?
...field, then display the record. Rails tells me that it cannot do a find without an ID. I guess it must be that I''m not passing back properly the data from the view to the controller. Thanks for the help joshi The find_user.rhtml view: <div class="find-name-form"> <fieldset> <legend>Enter User Name</legend> <%= start_form_tag %> <p> <label for="name">Name:</label> <%= text_field_tag :name, params[:name] %> </p> <p> <%= submit_tag "Find", :c...
2011 May 30
rails habtm checkboxes with jquerymobile
...ame="foo[bar_ids][]" checked="checked"> Jquery <br> <input id="foo_bar_ids_" type="checkbox" value="25" name="foo[bar_ids][]"> Web <br> My mobile code is: <div data-role="fieldcontain"> <fieldset data-role="controlgroup"> <% for bar in Bar.all %> <%= check_box_tag "foo[bar_ids][]",, @foo.bars.include?(bar) %> <label for="<%= %>"><%= bar.Name %></label>...
2007 Sep 23
Code reviews: my dumb use of acts_as_commentable (newbie), and perhaps a list of other users'' comments on that review. But now, Joe wants to comment on my review. Here''s what I have done so far: (part of the rhtml of the view, displayed on "show_review" action) ... other stuff on my review, then the comment fields ... <fieldset> <% form_for :review, :url=> { :action => "save_comment" } do |f| %> <legend>Add Your Own Comment</legend> <%= f.hidden_field :review_id %> <p> <label for="title">Title</label> <%= f.text_fiel...
2007 Jan 18
form_tag broken in Rails 1.2 RC2 or is it me?
I''m using Rails 1.2 RC2 and I''ve got a view that uses form_tag and the form is not being rendered. It''s just not there. My view is this: <div class="box"> <fieldset> <legend>Log in</legend> <% form_tag do %> <div class="row"> <div class="formfield"> <label for="sso_id">SSO ID:</label> <%= text_field_tag :sso_id, params[:sso_id] %> </div>...
2006 Jan 06
HABTM problem not saving all associations
....update_attributes(params[:order]) flash[:notice] = ''Order was successfully updated.'' redirect_to :action => ''show'', :id => @order else render :action => ''edit'' end end chunk of _form.rhtml for orders: <fieldset class="entrySection"><legend><b>Loan Type <i>(check all that apply)</i></b></legend> <% for product in @products %> <label for="product_ids[]"><input type="checkbox" name="product_ids[]" id ="<%=...
2006 May 17
Rails "Application Error" with apache and mod_fcgid
...en I try to go to the page. I can startup webrick and use links to view the page just fine, but nothing doing through apache. I have looked at many tutorials that google has turned up and can''t seem to find what I''m doing wrong. Here are the versions I''m using: <fieldset> apache-2.0.55-r1 mod_fcgid-1.07-r1 ruby-fcgi-0.8.6 mysql-4.1.19 mysql-ruby-2.7 DBD-mysql-2.9007 rails-1.1.2 actionmailer-1.2.1 actionpack-1.12.1 actionwebservice-1.1.2 activerecord-1.14.2 activesupport-1.3.1 rake-0.7.1 </fieldset> My apache httpd.conf file has these lines added: <fie...
2006 Nov 28
Partial matches in expectations
Hi ! I would like to ascertain the following in a test case: @template.expects(:content_tag).with(:fieldset, :__any_arguments__i_dont_care) Is it possible to do so ? If so how ? If not, is it something the community wants ? Is it useful ? Thanks ! -- Fran?ois Beausoleil
2008 Oct 05
create contact form
...I have a regular HTML form that I want to convert into a RoR form Because I do not need to save the data in the database I think I need: - a controller and a viewer - send submitted fields through email <h2>Contact Form</h2> <form action="contact.html"> <fieldset> <legend>Please send your message: </legend> <p><label>Your Name:<br /><input type="text" /></label></p> <p><label>Your email:<br /><input type="email" /></label></p> <p>...