Displaying 20 results from an estimated 639 matches for "fff".
Did you mean:
2005 Oct 21
MASQed network to exit on different ext IP addres
...------- -------------------
VLAN0015 ETH0 -----
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (alias on eth0) --
i need that all traffic from subnet goes out masqueraded
with ip address of alias on eth0 (fff.fff.fff.fff)
and have default gw bbb.bbb.bbb.bbb . There is obsolote kernel 2.2.25
and iproute ver. iproute2-ss991023 with ipchains version
ipchains 1.3.8, 27-Oct-1998
I t...
2002 Sep 19
how to use if statement in function correctly
I try to persuade if statement in my function to work as I want (but I am not very
My question is why my function with if statement is evaluated correctly in case of
atomic variables and incorrectly in case of vector variables.
Here is an example:
#function with if statement
fff <- function(otac,sklon)
test <- (otac * 3.69683+286.6*(1/sklon)-0.03100345*otac*sklon)
{otac/sklon * 141.76}
{otac * 3.69683+286.6*(1/sklon)-0.03100345*otac*sklon}
> fff(20,70)
[1] 40.50286
# correct
> fff(50,70)
[1] 80.42371
> fff(seq(20,50,5),7...
2007 Oct 03
Factor levels.
I have factors with levels ``Unit", "Achieved", and "Scholarship"; I
wish to replace these with
"U", "A", and "S".
So I do
fff <- factor(fff,labels=c("U","A","S"))
This works as long as all of the levels are actually present in the
factor. But if ``Scholarship'' is absent
(as if often is) then I get an error.
I can do a workaround such as
fff <- factor(c("U",&quo...
2002 Nov 08
Using the ``...'' argument.
Suppose that I have a function fff which calls a couple of functions
foo and bar, and that foo takes optional arguments a and b, and bar
takes optional arguments u and v.
Is there an elegant way of passing ***both*** sets of optional
arguments via a ``...'' argument for fff?
I'd like to be able to have a structure like...
2010 Nov 30
xyplot : superimposed 2 groups in different panels
I would like to plot the following xyplot : for each date of fff (1 date per
panel), bbb=f(aaa) for the two groups (ddd=1 and ddd=2) superimposed.
I can do it by group (see below) but not together.
I looked at http://lmdvr.r-forge.r-project.org/figures/figures.html but I
haven't found what I was looking for (to be honest, I haven't understood all
the ex...
2007 Jul 17
problem with length()
...hy length(eee) returns 9? I
was expecting 15398, and when I try to add this vector to a data
frame with that many rows, it fails complaining that the vector is of
length 9. In what I thought was an identical situation with a
related dataset, the same code worked as expected.
> length(fff)
[1] 15398
> str(fff)
int [1:15398] 20010102 20010102 20010102 20010103 20010103 20010102
20010102 20010104 20010103 20010102 ...
> fff[1:12]
[1] 20010102 20010102 20010102 20010103 20010103 20010102 20010102
20010104 20010103 20010102 20010105 20010103
> eee <- as.POSIXlt(strpti...
2004 Mar 25
factor based on pattern match ?
is't possible to specify pattern in levels ?
> y=c("ff","f","m","mm","fm","mf","ffm","mmf","mmm","fff");
> factor(y)
[1] ff f m mm fm mf ffm mmf mmm fff
Levels: f ff fff ffm fm m mf mm mmf mmm
I want to specify levels using regexp ("f.*","m.*") or use some
another method. So, I could have 2 levels, say, F and M, where
F means everything beginning from 'f...
2010 Jul 07
how to process this in R
...med as xxx.txt. the content of the file looks like the
name count
1. aaa 100
2. bbb 2000
3. ccc 300
4. ddd 3000
more that 1000 rows in each files.
these are the areas i need help:
1. how can i only read in the files with the string patterns ggg or fff as
part of the file names?
for instance, I only need the file names with the ggg or fff in it
i don't need to read in the files, such as xxxx_aaa_yyyy.txt
2.how cam rename the files:
for instance: xxxxx_ggg_yyyyy_1.txt======...
2020 Oct 29
dovecot quota-warning detection mail
2012 Feb 20
Help on lattice barchart ploting
...AAA 3.636 2/2
BBB 85.965 2/2
BBB 14.035 2/1
CCC 63.158 1/1
CCC 21.053 1/2
CCC 15.789 2/2
DDD 26.786 2/2
DDD 46.429 2/1
DDD 26.786 1/1
EEE 32.759 2/2
EEE 43.103 2/1
EEE 24.138 1/1
EEE 37.931 1/1
EEE 51.724 1/2
EEE 10.345 2/2
FFF 23.214 2/2
FFF 53.571 2/1
FFF 23.214 1/1
GGG 46.552 1/1
GGG 44.828 1/2
GGG 8.621 2/2
HHH 65.517 2/2
HHH 32.759 2/1
HHH 1.724 1/1
Following is the code which I have written to get the plot.
barchart(Genotype~Freqs | RsID, data=gDataFr,layout=c(4,6),...
2004 Jan 09
degree-min-sec data
but surely there is a better way!
Or is this the wrong technique?
More generally, is there a way to "unzip" a character vector along some
split marker, handling irregulatirites gracefully? For example, from
y<-c("aaa#bbb", "ccc#ddd", "eee","fff"),
strsplit(y,split="#") would produce
c(c("aaa","bbb"), c("ccc","ddd"), c("eee","fff")).
Is there a way to produce instead
2001 Apr 17
RE: [Rd] converting body of a function to a a character vector
1. This query belongs in r-help, not in r-devel
2. Pity about your shift key...
3. The function you need is deparse() rather than as.character():
> fff <- function(x) {
+ x*x
+ }
> deparse(body(fff))
[1] "{" "x * x" "}"
4. There is a reason why as.character works this way. It transforms to
character from a more fundamental representation of the language object, but
that's a larger story...
2009 Jul 20
No subject
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<span id=3D"result_box" class=3D"long_text"><span title=3D"Boa tarde." onmo=
useover=3D"this.style.backgroundColor=3D'#ebeff9'" onmouseout=3D"th=
is.style.backgroundColor=3D'#fff'">Good afternoon.
<br></span><span title=3D"Obrigado =E0 todos pelas respostas." onmouseover=
=3D"this.style.backgroundColor=3D'#ebeff9'" onmouseout=3D"this.styl=
2013 Feb 04
Help on conditional selection of data.frame data...
I have trouble with using data.frame data.
1. I loaded data using the following:
ff <- read.table("E:/R/VM/matrix.txt", header=T)
The data I used is attached.
I want to use at least 2 conditions for selecting of data. But I failed.
It works. ->
fff <- ff[ff$HG == "GUEST",]
ffff <- fff[fff$WR == "READ",]
But it doesn't work -> ff[ff$HG == "GUEST",ff$WR=="READ"]
How can I use 2 or more conditions together in one sentence ?
2. I want to plot Throuput data using BlockSize a...
2007 Jun 20
[LLVMdev] Unique shape and types
...es, LLVM only has one instance of a given
shape, mostly for type equality (and I suppose projects like pool
allocation requires it).
However, this leads to a somehow misleading bytecode representation. For
example, consider the C++ program compiled with llvm-g++:
class AAA {
int b;
class FFF {
int a;
extern int foo(AAA * aaa);
extern int bar(FFF * aaa);
This gets compiled to
%struct.AAA = type { i32 }
%struct.FFF = type { i32 }
declare i32 @foo(AAA*)(%struct.AAA*)
declare i32 @bar(FFF*)(%struct.AAA*)
This is misleading because the bytecode tells us the argument type of
2012 Nov 23
error in IF condition with factor evaluation
..." that are named "DISCONECTED"
thank you
> summary(dataset$STATUS.x)
158869 169181 3028 8565 47233
> class(dataset$STATUS.x)
[1] "factor"
> fff = function(x) {
+ for (i in 1:length(x)){
+ if (x[i] == "DISCONECTED") {
+ x[i] == "DISCONNECTED"
+ } else x[i] == x[i]
+ }
+ return(x)
+ }
> r = fff(dataset$STATUS.x)
Error in if (x[i] == "DISCONECTED") { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
2011 Aug 15
area under the curve
simp <- function (y, a = NULL, b = NULL, x = NULL, n = 200)
if (is.null(a) | is.null(b)) {
if (is.null(x))
stop("No x values provided to integrate over.\n")
else {
x <- c(a, b)
fff <- 1
if (length(x) == 2) {
if (x[1] == x[2])
if (x[2] < x[1]) {
fff <- -1
x <- rev(x)
x <- seq(x[1], x[2], length = n)
if (is.function(y))
y <- y(x)
else {...
2006 Jul 08
..., ]) : NA/NaN/Inf en llamada a una funci?n externa (arg
> invisible(edit(Datos))
> local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE)))
+ if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)})
> fit <- rqProcess( yyy ~ lll, data = Datos, taus = seq(.1,.9,by =
> fff <- rqProcess( yyy ~ lll, data = Datos, taus = seq(.1,.9,by =
taus: 0.1 Erro en summary.rq(rq(formula, data = data, tau = taus[i],
method = "fn"), :
tau - h < 0: error in summary.rq
> fff <- rqProcess(yyy ~ lll, data = Datos, taus = -1, nullH =
2007 Feb 23
using "integrate" in a function definition
Dear list members,
I'm quite new to R, and though I tried to find the answer to my probably
very basic question through the available resources (website, mailing
list archives, docs, google), I've not found it.
If I try to use the "integrate" function from within my own functions,
my functions seem to misbehave in some contexts. The following example
is a bit silly, but
2010 May 20
Re : Manipulating Data Frames
...csv(file='ipsample.csv',sep=',' , header=TRUE)
> data
State Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
1 AAA 1 1 0 2 2 0
2 BBB 1298 1195 1212 1244 1158 845
3 CCC 0 0 0 1 2 1
4 DDD 5 11 17 15 10 9
5 EEE 18 28 27 23 23 16
6 FFF 68 152 184 135 111 86
from this data frame, I took "Jan" as base and calculating weightage like
this :
> basemonth.sum <- sum(data[[2]])
> basemonth.sum
[1] 1390
> basemonth.data <- data[[2]]
> basemonth.data
[1] 1 1298 0 5 18 68
> weightage...