search for: ffdf

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 47 matches for "ffdf".

2012 Jul 25
ff package: reading selected columns from csv
...-------------------------------------------------------------------- ## *I want to read the second column only:* x.class <- c('NULL', 'numeric','NULL','NULL','NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL') ##* The following command works fine:* > read.csv.ffdf(file=csvfile, header=FALSE, skip=100, > colClasses=x.class, nrows=1e3) ffdf (all open) dim=c(1000,1), dimorder=c(1,2) row.names=NULL ffdf virtual mapping PhysicalName VirtualVmode PhysicalVmode AsIs VirtualIsMatrix V2 V2 double double FALSE FALSE PhysicalI...
2012 Sep 14
Any way to get read.table.ffdf() (in the ff package) to pass colClasses or comment.char parameters through to read.fwf() ?
Hi everyone, my apologies if I'm overlooking something obvious in the documentation. I'm relatively inexperienced with the (awesome) ff package. My goal is to use the read.table.ffdf() function to call the read.fwf() function and pass through the colClasses and comment.char arguments. The code below shows exactly what doesn't work for me. If the colClasses and comment.char parameters cannot be passed to read.fwf() through read.table.ffdf(), I'd love to hear any ideas...
2010 Dec 24
How to specify ff object filepaths when reading a CSV file into a ff data frame.
Hi, The read.csv.ffdf function in package ff will create the ff object physical file in the default directories, I am trying to let the files created in the paths users specify, I think the point is to make use of the asffdf_args parameter, I have a test CSV file named D:\rtemp\fftest.csv, the content of the file is as...
2013 Nov 18
Reading in csv data with ff package
...e("Integer"=round(100000*runif(size)),"Character"=sample(LETTERS,size,replace=T),"Logical"=sample(c(T,F),size,replace=T)) #Write to csv write.csv(,"data.csv",row.names=F) ------------------------------------------------- Now to read it in as a 'ffdf' class, I can do the following: ------------------------------------------------- data = read.csv.ffdf(x=NULL,file="data.csv",nrows=1001,first.rows = 500, next.rows = 1005,sep=",") ------------------------------------------------- That works. But with my current large dat...
2013 May 07
how to read numeric vector as factors using read.table.ffdf
...d linear models. However, since big.matrix will convert all character vectors to factors and the character labels will be lost. I decided to create a lookup table outside of R for my character columns and use numbers to represent different levels for R. However, I do not know how to tell read.table.ffdf these columns should be considered factors instead of numerics. Please help. thanks. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Feb 27
How to specify ff object filepaths when reading a CSV file into a ff data frame.
Really old subject?, so, all my apologizes for digging up but, since I also ran into this? maybe this hack can be useful to someone I propose monkey patching here: library(ff) <- function (x, vmode = NULL, col_args = list(), ...) { rnam <- attr(x, "row.names") if (is.integer(rnam)) { if (all(rnam == seq_along(rnam))) rnam <- NULL else rnam <- as.character(rnam) } x <- as.list(x) vmodes <- vector("list", l...
2011 Jan 18
help with read.table.ffdf parameters
...V21 V22 V23 V24 "integer" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "factor" "numeric" "numeric" V25 V26 "numeric" "numeric" > library(ff) > results.ff <- read.table.ffdf(file = "./results/results.txt", + header = F, + colClasses = classes, + first.rows = 1000, + next.rows = 1000, +...
2011 Dec 22
ff object in lapply function
Hello. I'm using as.ffdf(mydataframe) to create ffdf objects inside an lapply loop and returning that. I then use crbind to combine the lapply results into allData. So...simplified flow looks like this. res <- lapply(1:nchunks, function(n) { blah blah with nth chunk mydatafr...
2010 Apr 13
how to work with big matrices and the ff-package?
...,i]+a[,j] namb[x] <- paste(i, "_", j, sep="") x <- x+1 } } dimnames(b)[[2]] <- namb After the above step I need to convert my ff_matrix to a data.frame to discretize the whole matrix and calculate the mutual information. The calculated result should be saved as an ffdf-object or something similar. require(infotheo) disc <- as.ffdf(discretize(, disc="equalwidth", nbins=5)) This won't work. After this step it somehow loses the path to the working directory. As soon as I try to discretize the next data.frame I get the fol...
2010 Jun 11
ff package when reading .csv files
Hi My aim is to read a large .csv file into R. I ran the following code and am using R version 10.1 on Windows. >library(ff) > read.csv.ffdf(x=NULL,"file.csv",fileEncoding="",nrows=-1,first.rows=NULL,next.rows=NULL,levels=NULL,appendLevels=TRUE,FUN="read.table",transFUN=NULL,asffdf_args=list(),BATCHBYTES=getOption("ffbatchbytes"),VERBOSE=FALSE) Error in read.table.ffdf(FUN = "read.csv",...
2013 Sep 30
read.table() with quoted integers
...ex or (depending on ? factor as appropriate. Quotes are (by default) interpreted in all fields, so a column of values like ?"42"? will result in an integer column. Should the former behavior be considered a bug? This creates problems when combined with read.table.ffdf from package ff, since this function tries to guess the column classes by reading the first rows of the file, and then passes colClasses to read.table to read the remaining rows by chunks. A column of quoted integers is correctly detected as integer in the first read, but read.table() fails in subs...
2012 May 04
Can't import this 4GB DATASET allocation of 4078Mb: see help(memory.size) #This occurs after a 30 minute wait. ###/*MY ATTEMPT USING FF*/### #First, try with the 29 row "datatset2.txt", # open a connection to the file con <- file('dataset2.txt', 'rt') # read the remainder using read.table.ffdf ffdf <- read.table.ffdf(file=con) # close connection close(con) ffdf #ffdf (all open) dim=c(29,9), dimorder=c(1,2) row.names=NULL #ffdf virtual mapping # PhysicalName VirtualVmode PhysicalVmode AsIs VirtualIsMatrix PhysicalIsMatrix PhysicalElementNo PhysicalFirstCol PhysicalLastCol Physical...
2010 Jan 07
A question about the ff package
Hi, I am using version 2.1-1 of the ff package. I have a data set with 80 million rows and I need to create a new ffdf object, subseting by values in one of the original ffdf's columns. Here is my code: bigData <- read.table.ffdf(file="/data/demodata/data/smallData.txt", next.rows=1e5, head=TRUE, sep="|") dim(bigData) N <- nrow(bigData);N select <- ff( vmode='logical', leng...
2010 Feb 11
ff package: How to save and open ff(df) files.
Hello to everyone, I'm a newbie with ff package and I´m starting to use it. I´ve been reading the ff.pdf guide and another documents and questions , but I´m really confused about some procedures I can´t see how to do. I´d want to know if it´s possible (and how) to "save" a ffdf file(s) and open it in another session, via saving it in an permanet location. Let´s supose we´re reading from a text file to a ffdf object, with read.table.ffdf and we want to save the files and information in a permanent path and file. First of all I read about GetOption("fftempdir") b...
2012 Apr 15
Specifying splits - in read.csv.ffdf
Hi All,   I am currently trying to familiarize with "ff" package which allows me to store R objects in the hard drive. One of things that I notice when reading in a text file with "read.csv.ffdf" function - is that, in the R temp folder, 1000+ small files get created, each file having a name like "ffdf1bcd8b4aa0.ff". Each file is about 5KB in size.   My understanding is, the whole file has been split into small small pieces and stored in the hard drive. What I am trying to...
2012 Oct 31
ffdfindexget from package ff
I'm having trouble getting ffdfindexget to work right in Windows. Even the most trivial of examples gives me problems. > myVec = ff(1:5) > another = ff(10:14) > littleFrame = ffdf(myVec, another) > posVec = ff(c(2, 4), vmode = 'integer') > ffdfindexget(littleFrame, posVec) Error in if (any(B < 1)) sto...
2009 Nov 09
Hand-crafting an .RData file
Hello, I frequently have to export a large quantity of data from some source (for example, a database, or a hand-written perl script) and then read it into R. This occasionally takes a lot of time; I'm usually using read.table("filename",comment.char="",quote="") to read the data once it is written to disk. However, I *know* that the program that generates
2012 Nov 13
Getting information encoded in a SAS, SPSS or Stata command file into R.
...allow me to extract the necessary information from these command files. Does anyone know of any r package or other non-proprietary tools that would allow me to get this data set from its current form into any of the following formats: SAS, SPSS or Stata binary files read by R. A MySQL data base An ffdf object readable using the ff package. My ultimate goal is to get the data into an ffdf object so that I can manipulate it in R, perhaps by way of a database. In allocation I will probably be using no more than 20 variables at a time, probably a bit under a gig. I am working on a machine with three...
2009 Nov 06
New version of package ff supports large data.frames, csv import/export, packed atomic datatypes and bit filtering from package 'bit' on which it depends from now. Some performance results in seconds from test data with 78 mio rows and 7 columns on a 3 GB notebook: sequential reading 1 mio rows: csv = 32.7 ffdf = 1.3 sequential writing 1 mio rows: csv = 35.5 ffdf = 1.5 Examples of things you can do with ff and bit: - direct random access to rows of large data-frame instead of talking to SQL database (?ffdf) - store 4-level factor like A,T,G,C with 2bit instead of 32bit (?vmode) - fast chunked iteration...
2009 Nov 06
New version of package ff supports large data.frames, csv import/export, packed atomic datatypes and bit filtering from package 'bit' on which it depends from now. Some performance results in seconds from test data with 78 mio rows and 7 columns on a 3 GB notebook: sequential reading 1 mio rows: csv = 32.7 ffdf = 1.3 sequential writing 1 mio rows: csv = 35.5 ffdf = 1.5 Examples of things you can do with ff and bit: - direct random access to rows of large data-frame instead of talking to SQL database (?ffdf) - store 4-level factor like A,T,G,C with 2bit instead of 32bit (?vmode) - fast chunked iteration...