Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "fert".
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2013 Sep 19
(no subject)
Dear R sages,
I used the function rbind to combine a matrix (M) and a vector (Fert) to
get a new matrix (A). This was fine.
The issue is however, that the new matrix A has as its row names the name
of the vector Fert, even though I set teh new vector A to have
dimnames=NULL. See short code below fyi.
*M <- matrix(0, 2, 3)
diag(M) <- c(0.3,0.5)
2002 Jun 19
split plot design with missing plots
...t;alerted" me that I have done something
wrong. I designed an experiment with all combinations of all levels of each
treatment, but lost a little data (3 out of 192 plots). With the following
data, I run the following model:
> collim[c(1:6,187:192),c(1,3:6,9)]
plot Litter Fert Seed S density
X192.4 192 R 16 C 7 12
X192.3 192 C 16 C 14 26
X192.2 192 C 16 A 8 3
X192.1 192 R 16 A 9 12
X191.4 191 R 32 A 3 0
X191.3 191 C 32 A 10 11
X146.2 146 R 32 C 7...
2011 Aug 06
How set lm() to don't return NA in summary()?
...rast::contrast(), gmodels::estimable(), multcomp::glht() and all these
fail when model has NA estimates. This is becouse vcov() and coef() has
different dimensions. Is possible set lm() to omit NA? Below same toy data
and code.
> # toy data
> adi <- expand.grid(cult=gl(1,3,la=LETTERS[1]), fert=101)
> fat <- expand.grid(cult=gl(2,3,la=LETTERS[2:3]), fert=seq(50,150,50))
> da <- rbind(adi, fat)
> da$y <- da$fert+rnorm(nrow(da),0,10)
> # plot
> require(lattice)
> xyplot(y~fert|cult, da)
> # adjust
> m0 <- lm(y~cult*fert, da)
> summary(m0)
2002 Jun 21
lme: anova vs. intervals
...; is intervals marginal or approximate? Which should I trust as more
accurate or, alternaitvely, more conservative?
Partial output follows.
Thanks for the insight.
> anova(fm0)
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 69 6331.902 <.0001
Fert 3 44 42.176 <.0001
Seed 1 44 0.488 0.4886
Litter 1 69 1.830 0.1805
Density 1 69 68.714 <.0001
Fert:Seed 3 44 0.061 0.9799
2011 Aug 06
multcomp::glht() doesn't work for an incomplete factorial using aov()?
...s and I need correcting for
multiplicity. So, I can use multcomp::glht() for this. However, glht()
return an error message that is not compatible with my expectations. Someone
know I or has a suggestion for? Below some reproducible code.
# toy data
adi <- expand.grid(cult=gl(1,3,la=LETTERS[1]), fert=101)
fat <- expand.grid(cult=gl(2,3,la=LETTERS[2:3]), fert=seq(50,150,50))
da <- rbind(adi, fat)
da$y <- da$fert+rnorm(nrow(da),0,10)
# plot
xyplot(y~fert|cult, da)
# adjust complete factorial
m0 <- aov(y~cult*fert, subset(da, cult!="A"))
2012 Dec 05
nlme starting values are not the correct length
...the method described in Mixed-Effects Methods and Classes for S and S-PLUS, version 3.0, but when I add the covariates, I get the error " starting values for the fixed component are not the correct length"
My data has the following structure "Subject" "Species" "Fert" "Photo" "PARi" , where several "Photo" measurements where taken on the same subject by changing "PARi", 4 Species levels and 2 Fert levels, there are 31 Subjects (one missing value), and 323 observations
DATA extract
Subject Species Fert Photo PARi
2008 May 26
use aov or lme for split plot design?
...same 4 functional plant groups (funktGr),
each represented by
four species (the species are nested in the functional plant groups,
because if I take
species as a single factor I get 16 species, which is not true.
in each chamber I have four replicates (pseudoreplicates)
half of the plants got fertilisation (Fert), that means each plant got
it's own
the response variable is biomass (g)
Randomisation was done to plot and subplot level.
I tried this:
the output is:
Error: Gruppe
Df Sum Sq...
2004 Feb 17
parse error in GLMM function
Hi R-Helpers:
I?m trying to use the function GLMM from lme4 package, (R-1.8.1, Windows
98),and I get the following error:
> pd5 = GLMM(nplant~sitio+
+ fert+
+ remo+
+ sitio:fert+
+ remo:sitio+
+ remo:fert+
+ remo:fert:sitio
+ data=datos,
+ family=binomial,
+ random=~repe:sitio)
Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt) : parse erro...
2003 Apr 29
plot with nlme
...effectively, and am wondering if it does not handle unbalanced data (3 out
of 192 missing).
I include below the model and an xyplot that almost does the job. I would
happily send anyone the data if they would be willing to help.
Many Thanks in advance.
The model:
fm <- lme( log(S,2) ~ Fert*Litter*Seed*Density, data = collimd, random =
~1|block/plot/Seed )
# The following is close, but fits lines within each panel rather than
giving me the fitted values generated by the model.
xyplot( log(S,2) ~ log10(Nper0.5m) | Fert*Seed, data =
collimd, groups=Litter,
scales = lis...
2012 Jul 05
7 days confusion over lists
...) ). Their subsets were listed as
Crop1$CContent for example and there was quite a few of them. There is a
run file that gets the list file going in the following code:
#--Initialising the lists to store variable values
tmp <- init_lists()
Param <- tmp[[1]]
Crop1 <- tmp[[2]]
Fert <- tmp[[3]]
Meteo <- tmp[[4]]
Soil <- tmp[[5]]
RainPattern <- tmp[[6]]
Crop2 <- tmp[[7]]
Cropres <- tmp[[8]]
The problem here is that the lists get confused with each other; that is
elements of Soil appear in Crop2. In the run file, I change...
2006 Sep 25
F values for glm with binomial distribution
...alues for this model but I
got a message that "using F test with a binomial family is inappropriate in:
anova.glm(model, test = "F")". Should I not report F statistics on this kind
of analysis? I would appreciate any comment on this.
This is my output:
> model=glm(y~agua*fert+bloco, family=binomial)
> anova.glm(model,test="F")
Analysis of Deviance Table
Model: binomial, link: logit
Response: y
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev F Pr(>F)
NULL 43 85.018...
2010 Dec 06
Help with plit plot design in logit model
I'm trying to fit a logit model to a set of data that was collected under a split plot scheme. The structure of the data is
Whole plot factors: Watering Frequency (2 levels: Hi/Lo) and Fertilizer type (3 factors A/B/C)
Subplot factor: slope type (2 factors up/down)
Response: Proportion of infected leaves(Infected leaves/Total leaves) of the plant (2 plants recorded from each plot)
Dataset (Partial)
Water Fert Slope Plant Total Infect
Hi A up 1 24 2...
2006 Feb 24
read table problem
I have a file saved in R, named agrexp.Rdata, shown below
> agrdata
fert yield
1 25 84
2 50 80
3 75 90
4 100 154
5 125 148
If I double clicked on this file, the data is displayed without problem.
However if I tried to import using:
> agrdata<-read.table("agrexp.Rdata") or
> agrdata<-read.table("agrexp.Rdata&q...