search for: fb_sig

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "fb_sig".

2007 Dec 08
Uploading photos using facebook & attachment_fu
Hi All, I''m trying to use a form to upload a photo that I will save using attachment_fu. I''m very new to Facebookr so I apologize if this is covered somewhere, but I''m kind of stumped. Here''s what I''m doing now: <% facebook_form_for(:my_object, :url => { :action => ''upload_photo'', :id => params[:id] }, :html => {
2008 May 15
Facebooker support for iframe apps
Hi facebooker-ers, It looks to me like facebooker does not currently support iframe facebook apps - or am I missing something? My first problem as I understand it is as follows - When you are logged into facebook, and access a facebook application, facebook tacks on a whole lot of extra fb_sig parameters to the request (including fb_sig_user) that the application can then validate to authenticate the user. ( via a frustratingly poorly documented algorithm ) I found that for my facebook application that uses an iframe, facebooker didn''t seem to be performing this validation. Di...
2007 Nov 29
Sessions Not Working In Production Mode
I am completely stumped by this problem, and would welcome any suggestions people could provide. My application uses active-record-based sessions. In development mode, the app works fine with sessions, no problems. But in production mode, the process works for a while (a few hours, maybe more), but at a certain point the session mechanism stop working. It looks like the system stops storing new
2008 Aug 21
forgery Protection
Has anybody solved this issue. [ ] ? NameError (undefined local variable or method `controller'' for #<LeaveController:0xb7144abc>): /app/controllers/application.rb:24:in `verify_authenticity_token''
2008 May 08
New test helpers
Hey guys- A few methods useful for testing have been added to trunk: 1) facebook_post For use in controller unit tests and integration tests. Basically, it delegates to the standard "post" method for simulating post requests in a test, but constructs mock fb_sig params and passes them along to the requested action with the rest of the params that the test specifies. 2) assert_facebook_redirect_to Takes a URL as an argument, extracts the redirection URL from an fb:redirect tag, and asserts the two are equal. NOTE: This method replaces assert_fb_redirect_to...
2008 Sep 08
InvalidAuthenticityToken when user adds application through facebook registration
...Tesster! Your account has been created. [application] has been added to your account. Facebook also issues a post request similar to the following: Processing HomeController#index (for at 2008-09-08 16:36:48) [POST] Session ID: b3286f3c51ba8da745b45732-1487557007 Parameters: {"fb_sig_time"=>"1220917013.3643", "fb_sig"=>"95fcf4dabcc91059e5c8452155708142", "installed"=>"1", "action"=>"inde x", "fb_sig_session_key"=>"b3286f3c51ba8da745b45732-1487557007", "auth_token&q...
2007 Dec 11
before_filter work around
...solve to the default route of "/" i''ve written a little before filter that seems to make these two exist OK. def is_facebook_request? redirect_to(params.merge({ :controller => ''facebook_accounts'' })) and return false if params.include?(''fb_sig'') end I just merge my facebook controller into the params hash and redirect to the facebook controller for methods which try and resolve to the default "/" actions. Hope that is helpful to someone besides me ;-) Later, Mark
2008 Mar 11
detecting if in the FB canvas
I have been checking the params for params[:fb_sig] to detect if the client is in the Facebook canvas, but those don''t work at the beginning of a controller when you''re calling before_filters. I have a require_login in the before_filter, but I want to skip it if the user is from Facebook. So are there any other ways to check that...
2008 Mar 11
Facebooker-talk Digest, Vol 5, Issue 12
...def set_user_facebook_id(fb_id) @fb_id = fb_id end # makes a request as if it was from facebook. Need to set_user_facebook_id() first # so it knows whom to send the request as. def facebook_request(http_verb, action, params = { }) fb_params = { "fb_sig_time" =>, "fb_sig_locale" => "en_US", "fb_sig_session_key" => "d82ebe8648254d4cef7d993a-1953401", "fb_sig_position_fix" => "1", "fb_sig_in_canvas" => &quot...
2008 Mar 11
Facebook_request in unit tests
...request def set_user_facebook_id(fb_id) @fb_id = fb_id end # makes a request as if it was from facebook. Need to set_user_facebook_id() first # so it knows whom to send the request as. def facebook_request(http_verb, action, params = { }) fb_params = { "fb_sig_time" =>, "fb_sig_locale" => "en_US", "fb_sig_session_key" => "d82ebe8648254d4cef7d993a-1953401", "fb_sig_position_fix" => "1", "fb_sig_in_canvas" => "1&q...
2008 Mar 16
bypassing verify_authenticity_token before_filter when in facebook
...of Facebook. Here is a small extension i wrote for the ForgeryProtection module. ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection.module_eval do alias :original_verify_authenticity_token :verify_authenticity_token def verify_authenticity_token(*args) if controller.params.include?(''fb_sig'') && controller.action == ''sekret_method'' # Pretend to call this before_filter. true else original_verify_authenticity_token(*args) end end end I detailed the particulars for the how and why in a blog post incase any of you a...
2008 Mar 27
handling post-remove URL / uninstall of application
...move] ensure_authenticated_to_facebook [:except => :post_remove] before_filter :get_user, :except => :post_remove Now I''ve defined something like this in my controller: def post_remove if raise "Incorrect API Key" unless params[''fb_sig_api_key''] == Facebooker::Session.api_key #session[:facebook_session].api_key my_user = WebUser.find_by_facebook_uid params[''fb_sig_user''] WebUser.destroy my_user end end Unfortunately the call to Facebooker::Session.api_key isn''t working,...
2008 Jun 03
Order of authentication methods is causing unnecessary call to API?
Hey Guys, I am wondering if I am missing something here. I am noticing that after a user installs my app I get a request that not only contains an auth_key but also contains a valid session key. Occasionally I am seeing that Facebook server is occasionally sending a connection reset during the auth key authentication method, this caused me to notice that secure_with_token is given precedence in
2008 Apr 09
form_tag and form_for cause #protect_from_forgery errors
Hey All, I''m trying to do a simple form_for (and I also get it with form_tag) and I''m getting the following error: ActionView::TemplateError (No :secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call. Set that or use a session store capable of generating its own keys (Cookie Session Store).) on line #2 of users/new.fbml.erb: 1: <h1>Welcome To Courses, Let''s Get
2008 Mar 10
facebooker is rewriting URLs even off of facebook canvas
The URLs for CSS/JS files are being rewritten to the address specified in the tunnel even when outside of the facebook canvas. Is anyone else having this problem?