search for: fb2k

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "fb2k".

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2004 Aug 06
Debian packages: icecast2, libshout, ices2
On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 03:57:44PM -0500, Luke Stodola wrote: > I've compiled Keegan's libogg, libvorbis, and icecast2 packages for > woody/powerpc, available at > if anyone wants them. > Keegan, feel fry to put these on your site. Thanks, but it looks to me like you've done a bit more than recompile my packages for PowerPC.
2004 Aug 06
OT: Oddcast DSP for foobar2000 v .7
I'm doing live streaming with foobar2000 and oddcast. I've noticed fb2k is now at version .7 (at least RC). The plugins need to be recompiled for the new version. Anybody out there using Oddcast with the new version of fb2k? I didn't see anything on oddcast's website, but I thought maybe somebody has recompiled it themselves? Thanks! -- Luke Stodola m...
2005 Feb 08
what ID tags will show up?
I'm just getting started here and I'm wondering what the best way to do things are. I have been thinking of setting up icecast on my server and then remotely broadcasting with Foobar2000 and the Oddsock plg-in. I'll be playing 128kbps MP3 files. I'm not sure what format to stream in ... I'm having trouble listening to any Ogg Vorbis streams at all .... the MP3 streams come
2007 Jul 24
FLAC 1.2.0 released are encouraged to upgrade (the API has not changed). The changelog has all the details, but in summary: - automatic SSE OS detection at runtime (so no need to specifically enable SSE at compile time) - small encoder and decoder speedups - new --ignore-chunk-sizes option in flac will help with fb2k piped encoding to flac.exe MD5: dbbb7d40fcaeef684afea5165a1c974b 7b07ac65b8c8530ad56c9930913a3d62 flac-1.2.0-linux-i386.tar.gz cec82a7a173f593ede022eb61a3...
2004 Sep 10
Streaming With Flac
We have FLAC support on our AudioReQuest products, and we allow streaming from our built-in web server for MP3s, but can not get Flac working. Does anyone know a Windows based player that will play FLAC streams? I have tried the Winamp plug-in for FLAC (even updated it to 1.1.0), but streaming is not working. We use embedded id3 tags instead of Flac comments if this means anything. Thanks
2004 Aug 06
metadata update is delayed for 2 songs
...your source client. I think b) is much more likely, since nobody before you has ever said anything to suggest that icecast loses track of metadata updates. Listening to the stream doesn't help - I'd have to (at least) see full network dumps of the tcp stream between the source client (fb2k?) and icecast2. That would (eventually) show whether the source is sending the correct data or not. If you can collect such a network dump, could you send it to me off-list (it's likely to be big)? A section covering at least one metadata change would be required. Mike --- >8 ---- Li...
2006 Sep 24
Add-on patch to support .pls .asx .ram .qtl listing formats
...return 0; } + if (pls_requested && pls_file_available == 0) + { + char *host = httpp_getvar (httpclient->parser, "host"); + char *sourceuri = strdup (path); + char *dot = strrchr(sourceuri, '.'); + + /* at least a couple of players (fb2k/winamp) are reported to send a + * host header but without the port number. So if we are missing the + * port then lets treat it as if no host line was sent */ + if (host && strchr (host, ':') == NULL) + host = NULL; + + *dot = 0; + h...
2004 Aug 06
plugin for windows media player?
Hi, Is there any plugin for windows media player or can i find source code for foobar.I want to use play some speex files from the web and looking for a simple player that can play speex files. Thanks, Sailaja Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner online.Post your profile. --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To
2004 Sep 10
Streaming With Flac
...not support streaming. There are a couple of other options: 1. you could try the unofficial version, which is a little ahead of the current source code, (improvements by X-fixer) ( read about it at ) 2. I believe fb2k (a new player by one of the original winamp guys) supports FLAC streaming: 3. you could look into some other players; see at the end for some links to some third-party plugins for other players. Josh _____________...
2016 Jun 23
FLAC__SSE_OS change
lvqcl wrote: ... > P.S. I wonder what's the point to test OS SSE support in 2016? I believe > that > users of Windows 95 and Windows NT4 don't expect new software to work on > their > OSes. I do (although I am often disappointed). Regards, Martin -- Martin J Leese E-mail: martin.leese Web:
2007 Jul 25
FLAC 1.2.0 released
...(the API has not > changed). The changelog has all the details, but in summary: > > - automatic SSE OS detection at runtime (so no need to specifically > enable SSE at compile time) > - small encoder and decoder speedups > - new --ignore-chunk-sizes option in flac will help with fb2k piped > encoding to flac.exe Awesome! Is this new version already stable or still a testing version? (sorry for this probably stupid question but I'm still a FLAC newbie :) ) thx >
2003 Nov 10
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 11:12:25 +1300
Hello, I'm having issues with Ogg Vorbis that I need help with... I'm a PC user (P4 1.3GHz) and I'm encoding 60-70 minute wav files using either: Sonic Foundry Sound Forge 6.0 or Ogg Drop V1.6.11c into .ogg format. I use 160 kBit/s nominal VBR and the files work out to be about 60/70MB in size. If I listen to the ogg files from start to finish it's fine...but if I try and skip
2004 Aug 06
metadata update is delayed for 2 songs
well when i streamed the station using foobar.. then foobar2000 displayed the metadata correctly... but at that time.. when i checked out status2.xml, stats.xsl and stats.xml , the metadata is displaced incorrectly.. two songs behind.. i've tested the stream broadcasting using winamp2, foobar200 w/ oddcast dsp plug in. you can check out my station at
2005 Apr 11
Semantics of chaining...
Just been thinking about this lately... but what exactly is a chain meant to represent ? I can see two alternatives... it's merely an "invisible" join... as is used by say vcut. In other words 2x 1 minute chains should be treated as 1x 2 minutes. Or it is a chapter, say putting a whole album in one file, where each chain is one song, but they are intended to be played chainwise