search for: farmiloe

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "farmiloe".

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2007 Feb 07
Hi list: I started to make a quick GemPlugin command [ssl::start] that sets up an stunnel before calling the normal [start] command. so $ mongrel_rails ssl:start will do everything that start normally does and configure/setup an stunnel. The question... Obviously this plugin will require stunnel to be installed. What do you think is the best move: 1) nothing, just require that people
2007 Sep 22
skeleton and configs
Hi people, just thought I''d mumble out my thoughts on merb''s apps directory structure and config concepts and see what other people are feeling... the app dir: mvc/application is layed out as expected....maybe without the mailer by default (another discussion) the config dir: I really think that it''s confusing to have such a mixture of ways to configure some
2008 Feb 07
Catching non-Merb::ControllerExceptions Exceptions
Is there an agreed upon method for handling exceptions thrown by something outside of Merb? For example, DataMapper now throws a DataMapper::ObjectNotFoundError when a record isn''t found in the db. I''d like to catch these exceptions and raise a C:E:NotFound exception instead, but without having to wrap a lot of code in begin/rescue/end blocks. Thanks, Mike Irwin
2007 Oct 13
Formatted Routes?
Is anyone using formats with the url generator in trunk? I can''t figure it out and it seems to be unimplemented in the router code. I want to do something like url(:articles, :format => "xml") # => /articles.xml or url(:formatted_articles, :format => "xml") -- Geoffrey Grosenbach ........................ PeepCode Screencasts
2006 Dec 20
OSX Dashboard Widget for managing mongrels...
Hey everyone - I recently switched to using a Mac and have several different rails projects going and was getting tired of starting/stopping mongrels via the shell so wrote my first dashboard widget to do it for me. More details at the URL below... Hope those of you on OSX find it handy... feels good to finally give something
2008 Jan 10
Merb constants
the constants update ( is cleaner... but... am I right in thinking that rake tasks are now a bit buggered? Looks like a search/replace was performed, but its now impossible to set an environment for rake tasks? chrisfarms -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Dec 13
How to set response code
Hi ! I''m trying to return a simple 201 Created status to the caller, but I can''t seem to do it. I use curl from the command line with the --verbose option, and the response is really 200 OK. My controller code: class Observations < Application def create(feature, node, observation_type) # Do some work... response.status = "201 Created"
2007 Sep 21
merb 0.4.0 - redirect problems
I had redirects working just the other day... before I upgraded to the latest release. Can somebody please chime in as to why this simple redirect is throwing an error? Controller: ----------------------- def do redirect "" end Error Output: ------------------------- Internal server error 500 uninitialized constant Merb::ControllerMixin::MovedTemporarily in
2007 Nov 16
The original: Send your submissions to me by email or on #merb. I''ll blog it, and pick a winner. The winner does not mean it makes it into Merb, just means I personally like it best. But it might make it into Merb. # Scenario: # You have a simple application that lists all the monkeys at the zoo. # Every monkey has a
2007 Mar 13
Getting Started without Rails
Hi, everyone. I am in the process of learning Ruby. I''ve concluded that there are couple of quirks with mod_ruby that are limiting me a fair bit, so I''m looking for an alternative. From what I''ve read, Mongrel is The Answer. However, this has left me with a few questions. I''m looking for some help getting a non-rails Mongrel started... I can''t
2007 Sep 20
Proposed API change for respond_to
Ez (or someone) asked on #merb tonight whether respond_to was the right API for what it does. After some discussion and pasties, I offer the following proposed API for content negotiation and response format selection: First, what does respond_to do right now? I see at as performing 3 distinct operations: 1. parse params[:format] and the accepts header to find out what format the
2007 Nov 16
uploads and swiftiply
This is actually REALLY obvious, but I just thought i''d post it up here since it took a few brain clicks to dawn on me. Evented mongrels don''t play nice with upload-progress systems. (although with the new nginx patch and a couple of mongrels it wouldn''t be so bad.) </public-service-announcement>
2008 Jan 10
local variable simulation in partials
Hey people.. I often hit name clashes when using partials, take the following example... <%= partial :clip, :url => '''' %> I will not be able to access my url variable, because the local variable will not override the #url method. This is contradictory to how most "local" variables work. Can I fix this, or is this behavior for some other