Displaying 20 results from an estimated 406 matches for "facets".
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2007 Oct 21
Interesting shared behaviour side-effect
Given the following ApplicationController specs:
describe ApplicationController, "one facet", :shared => true do
it ''foo'' ...
it ''bar'' ...
describe ApplicationController, "some other facet", :shared =>
true do
it ''abc'' ...
it ''xyz'' ...
2007 Oct 30
Facets and/or Nested Describes
I have to confess that I did not know about facets before reading
Ashley Moran''s post:
Not knowing about the facets solution, I made a couple of feature
requests for nested describes:
2008 Jun 17
ggplot facet spacing, wrapping
...into some problems with the spacing of some faceted ggplot plots.
I have a number of time series faceted to be one above another, but the
scale labels of the y axes all clobber each other at the bottom/top of each.
for example, try:
qplot(x, y, data = data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10, size = 1:10), facets =
size ~ ., size = size) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:10) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,10))
and notice the 10's and the 0's on the respective Y axes are mushing each
other. Is there a way to adjust the spacing of facets in a faceted plot?
Likewise, what about wrapping, so that...
2013 Oct 12
Order of factors with facets in ggplot2
I'd like to produce a ggplot where the order of factors within facets is
based on the average of another variable.
Here's a reproducible example. My problem is that the factors are ordered
similarly in both facets. I would like to have, within each facet of `f1',
boxplots for 'x' within each factor `f2', where the boxplots are ordered
based on t...
2007 Jun 27
Aspects in RSpec 1.0.5
Forgot post this when I did it...
For anyone else that used the "aspect" method of the rspec-ext gem,
here''s a New World version of the code to drop into spec_helper.rb.
(I''m assuming rspec-ext hasn''t been updated since I did this a week
or two ago)
module Spec
module DSL
module BehaviourEval
module ModuleMethods
2011 Feb 16
Faceting article
I've been involved in developing a fairly complex site at
http://tilt.ft.com recently, and have acquired an unhealthy interest in
faceting. I couldn't find any good non-academic guides to faceting
strategy on the web, so I thought I'd have a stab at writing one.
I'm not completely happy with it, but it's been sitting in my drafts for
long enough that I thought it
2010 Sep 11
Setting scales for ggplot2 with facets
Faceting in ggplot2 seems to permit different scales for different
facets, but I fail
to see how one could control ylim and xlim ranges for each facet
For instance, I would like to set the ylim = c(0,10) for facet "A"
and ylim = c(42,102) for facet "B". Since the data is out of these
setting facet_grid(factor ~ ., scales = &qu...
2008 Mar 04
qplot (ggplot2) faceting histogram with missing values
...cet histograms even when the faceting variable
contains missing values, but only so long as the faceting variable is
not a factor.
y1 <- rnorm(10)
x1 <- c(rep(1,5), rep(2,4), NA)
x2 <- factor(c(rep(1,5), rep(2,4), NA))
qplot(y1, geom = "histogram", facets = x1 ~.)# this works
qplot(y1, geom = "histogram", facets = x2 ~.)# this doesn't work
Error in if (is.null(data) || nrow(data) == 0) return() :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
This is with ggplot2_0.5.7, R version 2.6.2, on OS X 10.5.2.
Not that this is terribly hard to wor...
2008 Feb 27
how to specify ggplot2 facet plot order
Hi, new to R and ggplot2. I've been trying to get a facet plot in which the
order of the facets is as I require, rather than ordered numerically,
alphabetically, by Roman numerals, mean (answers to these were posted here
after much searching). Here's some test code to demonstrate what I get.
series = c('C2','C4','C8','C10','C15','C20')
2008 Mar 25
ggplot2 - facetting
..., 'Class4'))))
plotdata2 <- plotdata2[order(plotdata2[,'group']),]
mapping=aes_string(x='x',y='y'),geom='point', stat='identity')
scaleX <- scale_x_continuous()
Facets<-facet_grid(group ~ .)
plot1<-plot0+layer1 +scaleY + scaleX + facet_grid(group~.)
I always get the error message:
Error in check_formula(formula, varnames) :
Formula contains variables not in list of known variables
Thanks for any help you can provide.
2011 Oct 11
controling text in facets (ggplot2)
Hi R-helpers!
Here is my problem:
I have a graph with 3 different facets where there are 3 different
regression line. My goal is to mention separately in each facet each
equation that describes my lines.
So far, I managed to add a line and the same equation to all my facets but
that's not unfortunately what I want.
Is there a way to do that? Any suggestion would b...
2011 Jun 11
problems with geom_vline, histograms, scale=free and facets in ggplot
Dear list,
I?m having a little trouble with adding vertical lines to a histogram.
I need to draw a matrix of histograms (using facets), and in each
histogram add a vertical line indicating the mean value of the data in
each facet. According to the last example in the geom_hline help, to
display different lines in each facet I need to provide a data frame.
I modified this example to make a plot similar to what I need:
# BEGIN R...
2013 Mar 07
ggpliot2: reordering of factors in facets facet.grid(). Reordering of factor on x-axis no problem.
...ch = 20)),
var2 = rnorm(120, mean = rep(c(6, 7, 8), each = 40),
sd = rep(c(1, 2, 3), each = 20)))
# Trying to change the order of my factor1 (same method works for factor3,
# which is on th x-axis). Factor1 (A-F) is represented on the different
# and the factor1 labels can be read off the strips:
mydata$factor1 <- factor(mydata$factor1,
levels=c("F", "E", "C", "D", "A", "B"),
# summarizing the data with factor1 and fact...
2009 Nov 22
"Over-coloring" facets on persp() plot
...eful graphs of my
research data using persp(). I have even figured out how to overplot
rectangular regions (corresponding to submatrices) with a different
color. This is accomplished by using par(new=T). I am now searching
for a way to "highlight" a set of (possibly non-contiguous) facets with
a specific color, e.g., the facet between each set of four points whose
values are all above a certain threshold. An example would be coloring
the raised corners of the classic sombrero (found in example(persp))
differently from the rest of the sombrero. I feel like the last example
2010 Nov 09
ggplot2: facet_grid with different vertical lines on each facet
I am plotting many histograms together using facet_grid in ggplot2. However,
I want to then add a vertical line to each histogram, or facet, each of
which vertical lines are at different x-values.
The following example adds all vertical lines to each facet:
ggplot(data,aes(values)) + geom_histogram() + facet_grid(.~variable) +
How can I add a vertical
2008 Aug 24
uninitialized constant "Console"
I just upgraded webgen, and it broke. Here''s what I get when I run webgen:
chadmac:thewoolleyweb.com woolley$ webgen --version
An error has occurred: uninitialized constant Console
chadmac:thewoolleyweb.com woolley$ gem list webgen
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
webgen (0.5.2, 0.4.7)
2009 Feb 11
Label bars in a faceted bar plot in ggplot2
Hi List,
I am running R 2.8.0 on a Windows XP machine, running ggplot2 version 0.8.1
I want to label the bars in a faceted grid barplot. Reproducible R
code is given below:
#### reproducible facet barplot #####
# Dataset from which to create the barplot
ml <- rep(1:10,2)
vals <- rnorm(20,mean = 10, sd=1)
type <- c(rep("MAPE",10),rep("AIC",10))
2007 Jul 16
Different axis limits for each facet in ggplot2
Is it possible to have different axis limit for each facet in a ggplot2
plot? Here is an example:
dat=melt(data.frame(x,y,z), id.var="x")
qplot( x, value, data=dat, facets=variable~., geom="line" )
Both the x and y axes are now the same for both facets. But since the ranges
of the 'y' and the 'z' variable differ so much, I would prefer their y axes
to be different. This is easy...
2006 Aug 02
ggplot facet label font size
How do I change the font size in the facet labels along the edges of the
For example (from the ggplot help file):
p<-ggplot(tips, sex ~ smoker, aesthetics=list(x=tip/total_bill))
In this plot, the facet labels are "smoker: No", "smoker: Yes", "sex:
Female", "sex: Male". What command can I use to reduce the font size of
2009 Feb 26
gplot problems with faceting
...subset z based on a single variable name eg ".ASU_1.Biofilm_C"
Then I try the following, but I get an error message :
> qp<- qplot(Par.Value, Var.Value, data = z[z$Var==v,], ylab=v, geom=c("point","smooth"), method="lm")
> qp<- qp + facet_wrap( facets= Par~ ., scales = "free_x", ncol=length(vPar))
> qp
Erreur dans `[.data.frame`(plot$data, , setdiff(cond, names(df)), drop = FALSE) :
colonnes non d?finies s?lectionn?es
I can have this working by modifying the facets arguments to "Par~Var", and it does what I want,