search for: facet_grids

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 190 matches for "facet_grids".

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2016 Apr 20
overlay two facet_grid
Hi all, Does anyone know how to overlay two facet_grids? I have two facet grids as following: ggplot(data=df,aes(x=TE,y=TR,color="orange"))+geom_point()+facet_grid(FS+TRJ~OR+INV,labeller=label_both)+xlim(0,200)+ylim(0,10000) ggplot(data=df,aes(x=TE,y=TR))+geom_point(aes(color=TST))+facet_grid(FS+TRJ~OR+INV,labeller=label_both)+xlim(0,200)+yl...
2009 Oct 02
ggplot2: proper use of facet_grid inside a function
Hello Again R Folk: I have found items about this in the archives, but I?m still not getting it right. I want to use ggplot2 with facet_grid inside a function with user specified variables, for instance: p <- ggplot(data, aes_string(x = fac1, y = res)) + facet_grid(. ~ fac2) Where data, fac1, fac2 and res are arguments to the function. I have tried p <- ggplot(data,
2010 Oct 28
ggplot2: facet_grid with only one level does not display the graph with the facet_grid level in title
Hi All, Here is the code that I'll be referring to: p <- ggplot(, aes(PER_KEY, EVENTS)) (p <- p + facet_grid( pool.short ~ .) + stat_summary(aes(y=EVENTS), fun.y = sum, geom="line") + opts(axis.text.x = theme_text(angle = 90, hjust=1), title="Events (15min.) vs. Time: Facet pool", strip.text.y = theme_text()) ) Now, depending on preceding
2016 Apr 20
overlay two facet_grid
...ill be unlikely to appear, so read the above link and pay attention to the dput function. -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. On April 20, 2016 3:01:43 PM PDT, "ch.elahe via R-help" <r-help at> wrote: >Hi all, >Does anyone know how to overlay two facet_grids? I have two facet grids >as following: > > >ggplot(data=df,aes(x=TE,y=TR,color="orange"))+geom_point()+facet_grid(FS+TRJ~OR+INV,labeller=label_both)+xlim(0,200)+ylim(0,10000) >ggplot(data=df,aes(x=TE,y=TR))+geom_point(aes(color=TST))+facet_grid(FS+TRJ~OR+INV,labeller=label_...
2010 Nov 09
ggplot2: facet_grid with different vertical lines on each facet
Hello, I am plotting many histograms together using facet_grid in ggplot2. However, I want to then add a vertical line to each histogram, or facet, each of which vertical lines are at different x-values. The following example adds all vertical lines to each facet: ggplot(data,aes(values)) + geom_histogram() + facet_grid(.~variable) + geom_vline(xintercept=c(5,10,15)) How can I add a vertical
2011 Jan 18
ggplot2, geom_hline and facet_grid
Hi I have a long data set on which I want to do Bland-Altman style plots for each rhythm type Using ggplot2, when I use geom_hline with facet_grid I get an extra set of empty panels. I can't get it to do it with the "Diamonds" data supplied with the package so here is a (much abbreviated) example: > lvexs cvd_basestudy ecd_rhythm fixed_time variable_time 1 CBP05J02
2008 Jan 26
using facet_grid() from ggplot2 with additional text in labels
Hi I am using ggplot2 at the moment and I must say it is definitely better then ggplot - good work. My problem is that I am using facet_grid() in the following way: > p <- ggplot(ssq, aes(x=year, y=-log(ssq))) > p + geom_point() + facet_grid(me*gi~cs*rz) and it works nicely, except that I would like to have, in naddition to the values of me, gi, cs and rz the name of the variable.
2008 Mar 25
ggplot2 - facetting
Dear All, After having overcome the issue of legends (thanks, Thierry, once more), I am trying to use facetting, but here also I can not find how to do this. I do not want to use qplot, but rather the more flexible options. However, it seems I am doing still something pretty stupid, because I always get an error, even if it seems I am doing everything like the examples. My code is below.
2008 Jan 27
Putting frame around single panels in ggplot 2 and facet_grid()
Hi I want to highlight two panels in a grid created with facet_grid() by putting a box around it or usiong another background colour. Is this possible, and if yes, how? Thanks Rainer -- Rainer M. Krug, Dipl. Phys. (Germany), MSc Conservation Biology (UCT) Plant Conservation Unit Department of Botany University of Cape Town Rondebosch 7701 South Africa Tel: +27 - (0)21 650 5776 (w) Fax:
2013 Nov 12
geom_abline does not seem to respect groups in facet_grid [ggplot2]
Just trying to understand how geom_abline works with facets in ggplot. By way of example, I have a dataset of student test scores. These are in a data table dt with 4 columns: student: unique student ID cohort: grouping factor for students (A, B, . H) subject: subject of the test (English, Math, Science) score: the test score for that student in that subject The goal is to compare
2008 Dec 03
ggplot2 - suggestion for facet_wrap/grid
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2008 Nov 22
ggplot2 - facet_grid and facet_wrap
Hello R users (and Hadley) I have another question about ggplot2 :-) (version 0.8) `dat` <- structure(list(D = c("a", "b", "c", "d"), G = c(1.51520888871520, 1.88812208268440, -6.60521862, 0.55968739), E = c(1.38888592256404, 1.39366168665589, 1.22509259382058, 1.36617701059296), I = c(6.92634958902857, 6.94416045215158, 13.2179488828556,
2011 Dec 23
simple ggplot2 question
Hello, I am trying to make a plot using the code below. The plot is divided into two parts, using facet_grid. I would like the vertical axis (labelled 'place') to be different for each location (=part). So in the upper part, only places 'n' through 'z' are shown, while in the lower part, only places 'a' through 'm' are shown. I thought 'free_y'
2011 Aug 23
Linear Regression with 2 grouping variables
Hi all, I have a data set that looks a bit like this. feed1 RFU Site Vial Time lnRFU 1 44448 1 1 10 10.702075 2 47521 1 1 20 10.768927 3 42905 1 1 30 10.66674 4 46867 1 1 40 10.755069 5 42995 1 1 50 10.668839 6 43074 1 1 60 10.670675 7 41195 1 1 70 10.626072 8 47090 1 2 10 10.759816 9 48100 1
2013 Sep 18
ggplot2: changing strip text in facet_grid and a legend text problem
Hi, Dummy data script and scripts are attached below. I would like to change the plot to look like this:
2008 May 12
Converting qqplot2 qplot() to grammar?
Hello all, I've been using the following qplot command: qplot(pixX,pixY, data=som, geom="tile", fill=rgb) + scale_fill_identity() + opts(aspect.ratio = .75) + facet_grid(unitX ~ unitY) Now I would like to convert it into the explicit ggplot grammar, so I can remove the extras: axes, labels, background, borders, facet labels, and extra white-space around the plot. (If anyone has
2012 Oct 30
Error unary operator
Hi R - listers, I am receiving an error. Does anyone know what this means? J ggplot(subset(foo, Rayos != "Rayos.NA"), aes(x=HTL, y=DevelopIndex, colour=TotalEggs)) +geom_point() +geom_jitter() + facet_grid(Aeventexhumed ~ Rayos) + geom_smooth(method="lm", fill=NA) + ylim(c(0, 7)) Error in +geom_smooth(method = "lm", fill = NA) : invalid argument to unary
2013 Mar 06
Ggplot2: Moving legend, change fill and removal of space between plots when using grid.arrange() possible use of facet_grid?
Hi, # For publications, I am not allowed to repeat the axes. I have tried to remove the axes using: # yaxt="n", but it did not work. I have not understood how to do this in ggplot2. Can you help me? # I also do not want loads of space between the graphs (see below script with Dummy Data). # If I could make it look like the examples on the (nice) examples page: #
2011 May 28
ggplot pale colors
Hello i am new to ggplot and i observed a strange behavior. I want to display two groups of points, each group with a different color. But i encountered a problem with the colors. Here is a first example: dataset <- data.frame(Main = c("A", "A", "B", "B"), Detail = c( "b", "c", "1", "2"), resp = runif(4, min
2012 Aug 07
label_wrap_gen question
Hi, all I am trying to use the label_wrap_gen function in this website. I tried to make a long name like this Light and heavy good vehicles (diesel) -\nGVX f2 = facet_grid(vehicle ~ ., labeller=label_wrap_gen(width=15)) eventually, I got something like this in my label... *Light and heavy good vehicles (diesel) - GVX* I suppose the