Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "f_y".
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2011 Jan 25
Integration of two lines
I need to integrate the absolute difference between two lines measured
on different points.
# For example :
x <- seq(0, 1, 1/100)
f_x <- runif(101) + x
y <- seq(0, 1, 1/23)
f_y <- runif(24) + (1 - y)
plot(x, f_x, type="l")
lines(y, f_y)
Then I would like to compute Integral( | f_x - f_y | )dx.
(This is not the same as | Integral(f_x)dx - Integral(f_y)dx |.)
Computing this integral looks non trivial. I guess I should interpolate
the points of f_y over x an...
2008 Jun 03
How to solve a non-linear system of equations using R
Dear R-list members,
I've had a hard time trying to solve a non-linear system (nls) of equations
which structure for the equation i, i=1,...,4, is as follows:
f_i(d_1,d_2,d_3,d_4)-k_i(l,m,s) = 0 (1)
In the expression above, both f_i and k_i are known functions and l, m and s
are known constants. I would like to estimate the vector d=(d_1,d_2,d_3,d_4)
which is solution
2011 Feb 16
Constraints in projection pursuit regression
I am solving a projection pursuit regression problem, of the
form y = \sum_i f_i (a_i^T x), where a_i are unknown directions, while
f_i are unknown univariate link functions. The following is known about
each f_i:
1. f_i (0) = 0 (that is, each f_i passes through the origin)
2. f_i is monotonic.
Is there a way to ensure that the function ppr() in R produces solutions that respect the
2003 Oct 23
Variance-covariance matrix for beta hat and b hat from lme
Dear all,
Given a LME model (following the notation of Pinheiro and Bates 2000) y_i
= X_i*beta + Z_i*b_i + e_i, is it possible to extract the
variance-covariance matrix for the estimated beta_i hat and b_i hat from the
lme fitted object?
The reason for needing this is because I want to have interval prediction on
the predicted values (at level = 0:1). The "predict.lme" seems to
2006 Jan 12
Problem with NLSYSTEMFIT()
I want to solve a nonlinear 3SLS problem with "nlsystemfit()". The
are of the form
y_it = f_i(x,t,theta)
The functions f_i(.) have to be formulated as R-functions. When invoking
"nlsystemfit()" I get the error
Error in deriv.formula(eqns[[i]], names(parmnames)) :
Function 'f1' is not in the derivatives table
2024 Jan 23
Quantiles of sums of independent discrete random variables
...), the computation
of such a convolution is quite fast.
(B) Characteristic function:
X will be approximated with Y=X+Z, where Z is normal N(0,sigma) with small sigma.
Y has a density (which it is impossible to compute directly) but the characteristic function
(_continuous_ Fourier transform) cf_Y of Y can easily be computed analytically (without knowing
the density of Y)
Now let s be a numeric vector. I want to get the density f_Y(s) of Y evaluated along s.
The proper way of doing this would be to apply the inverse continuous Fourier transform to the function cf_Y at each point in s.
2008 Jul 31
clustering and data-mining...
Hi all,
I am doing some experiment studies...
It seems to me that with different combination of 5 parameters, the end
results ultimately converged to two scalars. That's to say, some
combinations of the 5 parameters lead to one end result and some other
combinations of the 5 parameters lead to the other end result (scalar).
I am thinking of this is sort of something like clustering or
2006 Jul 20
Timing benefits of mapply() vs. for loop was: Wrap a loop inside a function
mat <- rbind(like.mat(score,items, (prof_cut-gauss_numer$nodes)),
dnorm(prof_cut-gauss_numer$nodes, mean=mu, sd=sigma))
} else { mat <- rbind(like.mat(score,items,
(gauss_numer$nodes+prof_cut)), dnorm(gauss_numer$nodes+prof_cut,
mean=mu, sd=sigma))
f_y <- rbind(apply(mat, 2, prod), exp(gauss_numer$nodes),
class.denom <- function(score,items, mu=0, sigma=1){
gauss_denom <- gauss.quad.prob(49, dist='normal', mu=mu, sigma=sigma)
mat <-
2006 Jan 14
Different length of objects
i got an warning message in the following code:
ll2 <- function(b,f,t) {
i think, the problem here is, that t[0] doesn't
2009 Aug 06
solving system of equations involving non-linearities
I would appreciate if someone could help me on track with this problem.
I want to compute some parameters from a system of equations given a number of sample observations. The system looks like this:
sum_i( A+b_i>0 & A+b_i>C+d_i) = x
sum_i( C+d_i>0 & C+d_i>A+b_i) = y
sum_i( exp(E+f_i) * ( A+b_i>0 & A+b_i>C+d_i) = z
A, C, E are free variables while the other
2004 Jul 10
Exact Maximum Likelihood Package
Dear R users,
I am a mathematics postdoc at UC Berkeley. I have written a package
in a Computational Algebra System named Singular
to compute the Maximum Likelihood of a given probability distribution over
several discrete random variables. This package gives exact answers to the
problem. But more importantly, it gives All MLE solutions.
My understanding is that
2006 May 05
Spline integration & Gaussian quadrature (was: gauss.quad.prob)
mat <- rbind(like.mat(x,b, (prof_cut-gauss_numer$nodes)),
dnorm(prof_cut-gauss_numer$nodes, mean=mu, sd=sigma))
} else { mat <- rbind(like.mat(x,b, (gauss_numer$nodes+prof_cut)),
dnorm(gauss_numer$nodes+prof_cut, mean=mu, sd=sigma))
f_y <- rbind(apply(mat, 2, prod), exp(gauss_numer$nodes),
class.denom <- function(x,b, mu=0, sigma=1){
gauss_denom <- gauss.quad.prob(49, dist='normal', mu=mu, sigma=sigma)
mat <- rbind(like.mat(x,b,gauss_denom$nodes),gauss_...
2010 Nov 16
Re : interpretation of coefficients in survreg AND obtaining the hazard function for an individual given a set of predictors
Thanks for sharing the questions and responses!
Is it possible to appreciate how much the coefficients matter in one
or the other model?
Say, using Biau's example, using coxph, as.factor(grade2 ==
"high")TRUE gives hazard ratio 1.27 (rounded).
As clinician I can grasp this HR as 27% relative increase. I can
relate with other published results.
With survreg the Weibull model gives a
2005 Feb 24
KalmanXXXX and deJong-Penzer statistic?
A question about: Kalman in R, time series and
deJong-Penzer statistic - how to compute it using
available artefacts of KalmanXXXXX?
Background. in the paper
'Diagnosing Shocks in TIme Series', de Jong and Penzer
construct a statistic (tau) which can be used to
locate potential shocks. [p15, Theorem 6.1 and
2010 Mar 16
How can I calculate the error of a fit parameter, when the data set has an error itself?
Hi out there,
imagine you have a dataset (x,y) with errors f,
so that each y_i is y_i +- f_i. This is the normal case for almost all
measurements, that one quantity y can only be measured with a certain
> x<-c(1,2,3)
> y<-c(1.1,0.8,1.3)
> f<-c(0.2,0.2,0.2)
> plot(x,y) #whereas every y has the uncertainty of f
If I now perform a nls-fit (and force the data
2010 Mar 29
Error of a fit parameter, of the data set has errors itself?
Hi out there,
imagine you have a dataset (x,y) with errors f,
so that each y_i is y_i +- f_i. This is the normal case for almost all
measurements, since one quantity y can only be measured with a certain
accuracy f.
> x<-c(1,2,3)
> y<-c(1.1,0.8,1.3)
> f<-c(0.2,0.2,0.2)
> plot(x,y) #whereas every y has the uncertainty of f
If I now perform a nls-fit (and force the data
2011 Jul 01
How to filter XY pairs of inacurate gps position along track, taking into account the time index to not mix track from different days in one average track
plot(Raw$Lon,Raw$Lat,type="l",main = "lowess(cars)")
# data should be or filtared or ...?
#expected answer:
# ver 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Raw$Lon_v2<- f_x (x=Raw$Lon, y=Raw$Lat)
#Raw$Lat_v2 <- f_y (x=Raw$Lon, y=Raw$Lat)
# ver 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
op <- par(mfrow = c(2,1), mgp = c(2,.8,0), mar = .1+c(3,3,3,1))
plot(Raw$Lon,Raw$Lat,type="l",main = "lowess()")
2011 Feb 20
Generating uniformly distributed correlated data.
I wish to generate a vector of uniformly distributed data with a
defined correlation to another vector
The only function I have been able to find doing something similar is
corgen from the library ecodist.
The following code generates data with the desired correlation to the
vector x but the resulting vector y is normal and not uniform
x <- runif(10^5)
2006 Apr 20
Major internal changes, TI DSP build change
>> You found it. The SHL32 (not SHR32) line fixes the problem. It must be
>> doing a 16-bit shift, then extending the result (which is reasonable).
>> As
>> it happens, that it the same macro which gave us trouble last May
>> (25th/26th), when the C55 build was more subtlely broken.
> Yes, that's what I finally remembered. I think I've fixed all
2010 Nov 13
interpretation of coefficients in survreg AND obtaining the hazard function for an individual given a set of predictors
Dear R help list,
I am modeling some survival data with coxph and survreg (dist='weibull') using
package survival. I have 2 problems:
1) I do not understand how to interpret the regression coefficients in the
survreg output and it is not clear, for me, from ?survreg.objects how to.
Here is an example of the codes that points out my problem:
- data is stc1
- the factor is dichotomous