search for: expires_on

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "expires_on".

Did you mean: expires_in
2008 Oct 26
daylight savings time difference with rspec?
Hi all, I wanted to check this with you. I have an rspec example that checks the correct expiration date set on an object. The expiration is set in the model with expires_on = + next_duration[phase] where next_duration can either be in units of seconds or n.days (should be the same thing). n can be 3, 7, 25, or 30 days. in my example I check an interval because the two events are not simultaneous between when the model calls and when the rspec examp...
2006 Aug 10
polymorphic challenge
Hello guys, I have 2 classes (I pasted small part of them here); class Shop < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :items, :as=> :itemable protected def self.paying_scope with_scope(:find => {:conditions => ''expires_on > NOW()'', :include => [:address]}) do yield end end end class Item < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :itemable, :polymorphic => true end Shops has expires_on field which I check if they can be shown or not during searches => NO PROBLEM I need to do same thin...
2005 Oct 20
Missing id on date_select (0.14.1)
...ts and I noticed that a template with this (a modified 0.13.1 generated scaffold). <label for="credit_card_account">Account</label> <%= text_field ''credit_card'', ''account'' %> <label for="credit_card_expires_on">Expires on</label> <%= date_select ''credit_card'', ''expires_on'', :discard_day => true, :start_year => start_year, :end_year => end_year %> expands to this: <label for="credit_card_account">Accou...
2006 Nov 27
how to select with a kind of through relation(has_one)
...ance class Item <.... def self.find_by_ad_enabled(options={}) ad_enabled do self.find :all, {:order => "RAND()"}.merge(options) end end protected def self.ad_enabled with_scope(:find => {:conditions => ''memberships.ad_enabled = 1 and shops.expires_on >= NOW() and shops.enabled = 1'', :include => [:shop, :images, :membership]}) do yield end end end create_table "items", :force => true do |t| t.column "shop_id", :integer .... end create_table "shops", :force => true do |t|...
2006 Mar 10
Oracle Date type errors rails on edit
I have a table with "expires_on" a DATE field. "Show" and "Destroy" work, but "Edit" errors: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.11.2/lib/action_view/helpers/date_helper.rb:150:in `select_hour'' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.11.2/lib/action_view/helpers/date...