Displaying 20 results from an estimated 57 matches for "expenditure".
2004 Nov 05
Error message from vignette strucchange-intro example
contineousely ending up in an error.
This is the given code:
1. library(strucchange)
2. data(USIncExp)
3. if (!"package:stats" %in% search()) library(ts)
4. USIncExp2 <- window(USIncExp, start = c(1985, 12))
coint.res <- residuals(lm(expenditure ~ income, data = USIncExp2))
coint.res <- lag(ts(coint.res, start = c(1985, 12), freq = 12),k = -1)
USIncExp2 <- cbind(USIncExp2, diff(USIncExp2), coint.res)
USIncExp2 <- window(USIncExp2, start = c(1986, 1), end = c(2001,2))
#here is what eval is looking for in vain: diff.expenditure
2012 Jul 31
Help with NaN when 0 divided by 0
...n my case I never get Inf,
just NaN because of the structure of my dataset.
Here’s a dumb example:
var1 <- c(0, 500, 5379, 0, 1500, 1750)
var2 <- c(0, 36, 100, 0, 10, 5)
I realize the NaNs are logical, but for my purposes this should just be 0
because I am calculating expenditures and if you spent no money in one
sub-area and none in the whole area then you don't have an expenditure at
all, so it should be 0. And since R doesn't like adding NA's or NaN's to
anything, I'd rather just have this be 0 so that my future calculations,
such as adding up expend...
2005 Aug 16
Fwd: Documenting data sets with many variables
Date: Friday 05 August 2005 14:03
From: Arne Henningsen <ahenningsen at email.uni-kiel.de>
To: R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
I extended the data set "Blanciforti86" that is included in my R package
"micEcon". For instance, I added consumer prices, annual consumption
expenditures and expenditure shares of eleven aggregate commodity groups.
The corresponding variables in the data frame are called "pAgg1",
"pAgg2", ..., "pAgg11", "xAgg1", "xAgg2", ..., "xAgg11", "wAgg1",
"wAgg2", ..., "wAgg1...
2008 Oct 10
linear expenditure model
I would like to estimate a linear expendire with Systemfit package.
(method: "SUR")
As someone could show me how to define the equations?
Think before you print !
Disclaimer: This e-mail may contain confidential informa...{{dropped:9}}
2009 Jan 19
conditional weighted quintiles
...at I mean.
x <- data.frame("id"=c(1:5),"income"=c(10,10,20,30,50),
I would like to see the expenditure of each quintile conditional on income, i.e.
the education expenditures of the 5th quintile equal to zero.
Thanks in advance,
ozan bakis
2005 May 04
Double hurdle model in R
...can write the model in the following way:
if (z'a + u > 0 & x'b + e > 0) y = x'b + e, else y = 0
In the model, consumption y is the (left-) censored dependent variable. e
and u are the normally distributed error terms. z'a is the participation
equation and x'b is the expenditure equation. If we would remove the
participation equation from the model we would end up with a type I
In the tobit-model the same set of paprameters and variables determine
both the discrete probability of non-zero outcome and the level of
positive expenditure. In the double-hurdle-mod...
2003 Nov 25
weighted mean
How do I go about generating a WEIGHTED mean (and standard error) of a
variable (e.g., expenditures) for each level of a categorical variable
(e.g., geographic region)? I'm looking for something comparable to PROC
MEANS in SAS with both a class and weight statement.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 May 16
Engel curve
has anybody an example of an Engel curve analysis in R
or does there exist a package to estimate and plot
Engel curves from expenditure / income data in R?
Thanks a million for your hints,
2008 Nov 10
plotting graph in different device
i try to plot my graph into different device using x11(),
but when i do this comes up:
> x11(print(plot(A5e$ECAB,A5e$EXPEND,type='p',main='Per capita expenditure
> against economic
+ ability index without
+ col='red',col.axis='blue')))
Warning message:
?length(width)? differs between new and previous
==> NOT changing ?width?
2001 Apr 11
Q:Truncated Regression Model
I have the ususal linear regression model
but I cant observe y (expenditure for a particular good) for some y <c
where c is fixed for all observations.
But I can observe the corresponding covariates x (incom).
I used the survivla5 library (survreg(Surv(y,y<c,type="left")~x) for a
censored regression model (thanks again for this tip).
Is there a way to est...
2007 Oct 16
Help with repeated measures!
Hello all,
I'm an R novice, recently trying to implement R in my research. Using the
data frame below, I want to construct a repeated measures model, with energy
expenditure (kjday) as dependent of treatment (code)
using mass as a covariate.
ind mass kjday code
79 15.8 45.216 3
42 16.5 44.64 3
10 14.85 45.216 3
206 15.75 45.216 3
23 12.15 42.336 3
5 14.6 51.264 3
79 16.9 46.944 5
42 16.6 44.352 5
10 15.6 51.552 5
206 15.5 45.504 5
23 12.3 42...
2024 Oct 25
Post quantum encryption question
...and (I think) hash algorithms.
I.e. AES-256 would be "as strong" as AES-128, and AES-128 would be
reduced to 64-bit equivalent strength. The latter sounds pretty scary
but AIUI the attacker would need to perform close to 2^64 quantum
computations to break AES and that's still a huge expenditure.
There's no analogous store-now-decrypt-later situation for signature
schemes in SSH. The closest concern is long-lived signing keys that
would be troublesome to rotate before a QC becomes available. There's
not many of these in the SSH ecosystem, but examples could include
hardware securi...
2011 Apr 17
How to retrieve a vector of a data.frame's variable attributes?
...[1] "labelled" "factor"
[1] ecological zone
93 Levels: 10 quantiles of welfare ... year of the interview
[1] class
24 Levels: '05 PPP USD / year cedis / year cedis /year class geo-1 ... years
[1] geography
7 Levels: agriculture demography design expenditure geography ... welfare
I have tried:
hh <- hh[, order(attr(hh, "category"))]
hh <- hh[, order(attr(hh[, 1:100], "category"))]
hh <- hh[, order(attr(dimnames(hh), "category"))]
but all the right-hand side assignments above return NULL.
Thanks very much for y...
2004 Jul 23
Complex Surveys...Specifying Design
I need some guidance from someone who is familiar/has some experience with
the survey package.
The data that I am using is from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
(www.meps.ahrq.gov <http://www.meps.ahrq.gov/> ). The STRATA and PSU
variables are varstr01 and varpsu01 respectively. When I try to specify
them with the svydesign function I get an error message. An excerpt of my
session is as follows...
> h60 <-...
2010 Apr 23
creating dummy with loop command
...ing a better explanation now,
my model is trying to see the effect of eco-innovative industries on total output, thats why i am trying to estimate by-industry regression:
the model is
capital,material expendtrs, #labor, energy expendtrs, eco-innovation expenditures and innovation expenditures
and i have in my disposal the 3-digit industry codes where total number of them are 99 ( not all of them belong to the same industry)
so in order to be able to do by-industry regression i need to create 3-digit dummies for every different industry group
for example for...
2006 Sep 17
Standard error of coefficient in linear regression
...talk about in the linear regression and I'm
really confused. The question is:
How exactly are standard errors of coefficients calculated in the linear
Here's an example from a website I've read [1]. A company wants to know
if there is a relationship between its advertising expenditures and its
sales volume.
> exped <- c(4.2, 6.1, 3.9, 5.7, 7.3, 5.9)
> sales <- c(27.1, 30.4, 25.0, 29.7, 40.1, 28.8)
> S <- data.frame(exped, sales)
> summary(lm(sales ~ exped, data = S))
lm(formula = sales ~ exped...
2005 Jan 19
Fax and PRI
I'm setting up a small office PBX on asterisk, and I've got to the
point where I have to decide on
what to do about FAX.
The current situation is: PRI (E1) connected to an E100 and sip hard
phones on their own network.
I'd like to add some very limited fax capability to the system.
Basically we need to send a couple
of faxes a month, and receive about the same number.
My options
2008 Nov 04
use abline() for regression model in the plot
...1 CA
and using the following command i plot two graph, which the first one is
with two outliners (row 42 and 47)
and the second command, first we created a new set of data frame and use it
for the plot and is without the outliners:
1)plot(A5$ECAB,A5$EXPEND,type='p',main='Per capita expenditure against
economic ability index',
2)A5e <- A5[c(1:41,43:46,48),c(1,2)]
plot(A5e$ECAB,A5e$EXPEND,type='p',main='Per capita expenditure against
economic ability in...
2010 Nov 23
Tobit model on unbalanced panel
Appreciate any suggestions regarding how to fit an unbalanced panel data to
a Tobit model using R functions. I am trying to analyze how real estate
capital expenditures (CapEx) are affected by market conditions using a panel
Tobit model. The CapEx is either positive or 0, so it is censored. The data
are unbalanced panel, including the CapEx of about 5000 properties over
about 40 quarters, with the starting and ending quarters differ across
In case yo...
2010 May 03
question about the degrees of freedom
Dear R users,
I think i have a simple question which i want to explain by an example;
i have several 2-digit industry codes that i want to use for conducting by-industry analysis but i think there is a problem with the degrees of freedom!
for example, when i do my analysis without any 2-digit industry code, i got the following summary (i have 146574 observations in total):