search for: expect_with

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "expect_with".

2010 Dec 12
rspec-2.3.0 is released
...rspec-core/compare/v2.2.1...v2.3.0) * Enhancements * tell autotest to use "rspec2" if it sees a .rspec file in the project''s root directory * replaces the need for ./autotest/discover.rb, which will not work with all versions of ZenTest and/or autotest * config.expect_with * :rspec # => rspec/expectations * :stdlib # => test/unit/assertions * :rspec, :stdlib # => both * Bug fixes * fix dev Gemfile to work on non-mac-os machines (Lake Denman) * ensure explicit subject is only eval''d once (Laszlo Bacsi) ### rspec-exp...