search for: evang

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 23 matches for "evang".

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2005 Mar 15
Asterisk Queue strange behaviour
...could put some "magic" into my mobile phone voicemail welcome message that tells asterisk to put the call back into the Queue? Would any of these help? Or is there a way of specifying that an extension or a channel can only be used by one call at a time? Please Help... Yours Jan Marius Evang
2007 Sep 03
blog post on story runner
Here''s an excellent blog post on Story Runner, which will be part of the next release and is undergoing active development in trunk:
2007 Jan 19
Something cool I learned about rspec today
I found an awesome feature today. When you''re setting expectations, you can actually pattern match the parameters to methods. Here''s my discussion and example: Pat
2007 Apr 04
[PLUGIN] ArPaginator - Allows you to easily paginate over any existing AR queries.
...n would fail. This is because Rails seems to ignore the :limit option when using with_scope around an association proxy. You would have to convert that code to not use the association proxy, as in the first example. This plugin requires the count_from_query plugin ruby script/plugin install svn:// ruby script/plugin install svn:// Released under the MIT License --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk...
2007 Sep 20
Getting Started with Story Runner
I haven''t found any How To''s to use story runner and I''m not sure how to get started. Should I be looking for resources on how to use rbehave? How do I generate my first Story? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Mar 13
Opening the singleton class of mocked objects run on the mock object. When I run the spec, I get the expected undefined method `validates_presence_of'' for #<Class:#<Spec::Mocks::Mock:0x33772e4>> The code works though, I get the expected behavior. I just don''t know how to spec it. Thoughts? Pat [1]
2007 Jan 20
[PLUGIN] instance_validations
Get info at (until I set up an open svn repository). Download link is at the bottom of that page InstanceValidations =================== ActiveRecord lets you define validations at the class level. This plugin lets you define validations for ActiveRecord...
2008 Mar 03
Testing Plugins + Lib Code
Hi, I''m quite new to Rspec and I''m embarking on a new project. One thing I''m really not sure about is how to test plugins and code in your ''lib/'' folder. Where would these specs actually live in the dir structure? Should you test plugins by creating specs within the plugin''s dir? Or by adding a spec to the main ''/specs''
2007 Apr 04
[PLUGIN] count_from_query - easily convert finder queries into count queries
...ld change the complete_videos definition to be class Company < ActiveRecord::Base def complete_videos videos.find :all, :conditions => "status=''complete''", :order => "created_at DESC" end end and get the same result. ruby script/plugin install svn:// Released under the MIT License --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA...
2008 Jan 21
Story runner "macros"
I''ve gotten quite a bit out of Pat Maddox''s screencast One thing I''m not sure of is the feature where he writes things like: When "I POST to", "/articles", :post => {:title => "Title", :body => "Body") do | path, params| po...
2008 Jun 10
Refactoring''s code needs refactoring''s specs?
Hi guys, I have one question: When refactoring the working code I need or should refactoring the specs too? My old code is: My new refactored code: and the specs that are still passing without refactoring: Regards. -- "Most of you are
2007 Sep 15
How to write a plugin that uses rspec internally?
My team is working on a plugin and we want to use RSpec internally for the plugin''s tests. (a) What are some different ways to go about this? Should we rely on the RSpec gem? Should we expect that the "host" Rails application has installed the RSpec plugins? Are there other options? (b) Which approach from (a) would you recommend? (c) Would you recommend any particular
2007 Apr 04
rspec_plugin generator
...n going with tests isolated against its own database. The database stuff is based on code from Chapter 8 of Rails Plugins: Extending Rails Beyond the Core by James Adam. If you''re writing a plugin, check it out, you''ll definitely learn a few tricks. ./script/plugin install svn://
2007 Jan 09
#6928 Get a new oracle connection on every request
...ning is that under oracle in development mode you get a new connection on every request, without old connections being closed/disconnected. So in my shop after about 200 requests I am blocking all new connections for anything using this oracle instance. Not a great selling point for my efforts to evangalize rails to my fellow devs using this db... :-) I made the changes in the patch in my vendor/rails and it solved my problem. tom --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Core" grou...
2007 Feb 21
Rendering all the elements when calling Array#to_xml
When I call to_xml on an array, I want it to get the XML for all the elements in it. I''ve defined to_xml in my class. >> r.to_xml => "<video><id>1</id><views>2</views></video>" >> a = [r] => [#<StatisticsReport:0x3259f38 @video_id=1, @views=2>] >> a.to_xml => "<?xml version=\"1.0\"
2007 May 24
Mocking, changing method interfaces and integration tests
Suppose we have a method ''foo'' which internally uses another method ''bar''. Being good BDDers we mock out the ''bar'' method. After all, we only want to spec the ''foo'' method - actually running the ''bar'' method means slower, less maintainable and brittler specs. That''s why we <3 mocking,
2007 Sep 29
How to write the very first example?
Many posts on this list are about using RSpec with Rails and that''s the way I''m also using RSpec all the time. Unfortunately there isn''t that much info about using RSpec for standalone Ruby projects. I must admit I''m really having a hard time writing the very first example(s) for a fresh standalone Ruby project. I haven''t really got a clue where to
2007 Sep 12
Philosophical questions
Disclaimer: The following are observations by a relatively new user (couple of weeks) of RSpec and not intended as RSpec trollbait. Also, forgive me if similar topics have been discussed elsewhere on the mailing list. I at least did the due diligence of a quick search. That said... I''ve been positively thrilled with RSpec for use outside of Rails. It has been in my attempts
2008 Mar 10
tutes on testing controllers
hello spec''ers, i''m in the hunt for guides on testing controllers with rspec, would you guys recommend any? thanks Oliver -- Oliver Azevedo Barnes oli.azevedo.barnes at +55 11 9768 0193
2006 May 05
The perfect development environment?
I am trying to create the perfect development environment for rails and i dont know exactly which way to go. Do i create a windows environment or a *nix environment. If i go *nix, what distro is best suited for rails. I would be using mysql, so that would come in to play. If i go *nix, i would use apache. Any ideas for the right environment would be greatly appreciated. I guess the major choice is