Displaying 20 results from an estimated 135 matches for "ete".
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2001 Apr 10
problem with domain
...nu, desktop,
...), but no profile informations of office or any
screen/color/printer/.... settings?
Another problem with the printers:
You can install them on the clients (NT 4, Serive Pack 6) only as admin,
but you can't use them as user afterwards.
Any help/hints/rtfms?
ETES - Espenhain & Theofel EDV-Systeme GbR
Libanonstrasse 58 A * D-70184 Stuttgart
Phone +49 711 4895550 * Fax +49 711 4809761
EMail: info@etes.de --- URL: www.etes.de
2011 Sep 01
[PATCH 1/1] staging: hv: Add support for >2 TB LUN in storage driver.
If a LUN larger than 2 TB is attached to a Linux VM on Hyper-V, we currently
report a maximum size of 2 TB. This patch resolves the issue in hv_storvsc.
Thanks to Robert Scheck <robert.scheck at etes.de> for reporting the issue.
Signed-off-by: Mike Sterling <mike.sterling at microsoft.com>
Signed-off-by: K.Y. Srinivasan <kys at microsoft.com>
Signed-off-by: Haiyang Zhang <haiyangz at microsoft.com>
drivers/staging/hv/hyperv_storage.h | 1 +
2011 Sep 01
[PATCH 1/1] staging: hv: Add support for >2 TB LUN in storage driver.
If a LUN larger than 2 TB is attached to a Linux VM on Hyper-V, we currently
report a maximum size of 2 TB. This patch resolves the issue in hv_storvsc.
Thanks to Robert Scheck <robert.scheck at etes.de> for reporting the issue.
Signed-off-by: Mike Sterling <mike.sterling at microsoft.com>
Signed-off-by: K.Y. Srinivasan <kys at microsoft.com>
Signed-off-by: Haiyang Zhang <haiyangz at microsoft.com>
drivers/staging/hv/hyperv_storage.h | 1 +
2003 Apr 28
Problem after system hang and reboot
...t of lines:
Truncating prphaned inode 8863987 (uid=0, gid=0, mode=0100644, size=742)
when running fsck.
These lines have always the same values (inode, mode, ... are equal) and ar
enow showen for about 4 hours. (Yes, always the same line.)
Is this ok or does this mean, that fsck is unable to delete this inode?
+++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more http://www.gmx.net +++
Bitte lächeln! Fotogalerie online mit GMX ohne eigene Homepage!
2003 May 23
Summary statistics & plots of repeated measures data
...two groups of subjects (classkey in the table below).
They've each received several different treatments. One measure is a
1-7 rating taken several times per treatment (about 1-14 times per
session). studentkey, classkey, and treatment are factor()s.
The table looks something like this:
ete classkey studentkey treatment
1 7 4 108 bp1
2 4 4 117 bp1
3 6 4 120 bp1
4 6 4 105 bp1
5 3 4 100 bp1
6 3 4 100 bp1
7 4 4 107 bp1
8 3...
2004 May 04
Unable to gunzip file
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2009 Jan 23
RE: XEN limit
Many thanks
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2007 Dec 11
got too little data ??
...he faulty mailbox index seems to clear the problem, until
another one occurs. On such errors some mail clients (Thunderbird) retry
operation in infinite loop, so log gets really cluttered.
In imap-fetch-body.c it is stated : "We shouldn't really ever get here.
One reason is if mail was deleted from NFS server while we were reading
it. Another is some temporary disk error."
Both reasons do not seem to apply in our case: mail partition is not
NFS-mounted, and disks (a RAID5 array) seem healthy. Furthermore,
affected accounts are not over quota.
So may we have found a bug ? Or may w...
2014 Feb 05
100% přírodní složky
...? sm?si bylinn?ch
extrakt? poskytuj?c?mu del??, siln?j?? a
del?? stopo?en?.
V?m, ?e se t??ko hovo?? o intimn?ch
probl?mech mu??, ale v???m tomu, ?e ka?d?
tou?? po BEZPE?N?M zp?sobu dosa?en? sv?ch
c?l?. Necht?l byste toho tak? dos?hnout?
Kompletn? kontrolu sv?ho ?du, aby d?lal v?dy
to, co po n?m chcete vy?
Stopo?en? poka?d?, kdy po n? zatou??te,
nebo kdy? je to nutn?, abyste se mohl milovat
tolikr?t, kolikr?t jen chcete?
Del??, siln?j?? a TVRD?? stopo?en??
Konec p?ed?asn? uspokojen?: m??ete se
milovat klidn? i hodinu, jako pornohv?zda, ne?
z??itek ukon??te transcendent?ln?m
Necht?l b...
2003 Nov 24
merging variable and character
confidentiels et etablis a l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires.
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D?couvrez l'offre et les services de SG Asset Management sur le site
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2006 Jul 13
ts and stl functions - still a problem
...ried this:
> tstkr <- ts(c(tkr), deltat=1/12)
> however this made no difference...I still get an error - does
> anybody know what is wrong?
> Regards,
> Daniel
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2008 Feb 08
learning S4
...od('initialize',...) does the validityMethod
become un-used ?
4. Is it possible to set up several initialization processes ? One
that build an objet from a data.frame, one from a matrix...
Ce message a ete envoye par IMP, grace a l'Universite Paris 10 Nanterre
2012 Jun 30
Problems with associations
...| NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2 |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)
=> [#<Task id: 1, user_id: nil, project_id: 1, name:
"W\r<br>T\r<br>F\r<br>VERY\r<br...", del
eted: 0, done: 0, created_at: "2012-06-24 15:46:37", updated_at:
"2012-06-30 17:13:27">, #<Task id: 2, user_id: nil, pro
ject_id: 1, name: "Teste", deleted: 0, done: 0, created_at: "2012-06-30
17:11:27", updated_at: "2012-06-30 17:11:27">]
I g...
2006 Sep 08
Connecting to a SQLBASE database with R
...uld be able to connect with this type of database.
I hope I would be understood. I am not a database specialist and, being french, my english is a little bit poor.
Thanks for your response.
Vincent Spiesser
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2003 Apr 24
Missing Value And cor() function
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2012 Feb 27
samba ldap domain member server with cifs and nfs
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2007 Dec 12
Just verifying upgrade procedure?
When upgrading from source, it's ok to just run make install and every files will be overwritten with the new version?
Nothing else one should do?
Bj?rn T Johansen
btj at havleik.no
2000 May 04
About Omega in pda()
...- Paris-X Nanterre
Damien.Berlemont at ccf.fr
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This message is strictly confidential. Integrity is not guaranteed through Internet. The content of this message does not bind Credit commercial de France in any way. If you are not t...
2005 Mar 05
Object containing different classes
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2008 Feb 29
inheritence in S4
...t a and b), a class C (slot c and d) and a class
E that inherit from A and B.
I define print(A) and print(B). For print(C), I would like to use both
of them, but I do not see how...
Thanks for your help...
Ce message a ete envoye par IMP, grace a l'Universite Paris 10 Nanterre