Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7204 matches for "ests".
Did you mean:
2006 Apr 10
Can someone, please, help explain to me why the following two calls
return the same set:
> seq(from=as.POSIXlt('2005-12-4'), to=as.POSIXlt('2006-4-2'), by='weeks')
[1] "2005-12-04 EST" "2005-12-11 EST" "2005-12-18 EST" "2005-12-25 EST"
[5] "2006-01-01 EST" "2006-01-08 EST" "2006-01-15 EST"
2009 Jan 23
Dates in Common
I have two collections of dates and I want to figure out what dates they have
in common. This is not giving me what I want (I don't know what it is giving
me). What is the best way to do this?
> data1
[1] "1948-02-24 EST" "1949-04-12 EST" "1950-05-29 EDT" "1951-05-21 EDT"
[5] "1951-12-20 EST" "1953-01-22 EST"
2010 Oct 07
reshape from wide to long, ordering of "varying"
I have data in the following form
age sex Int.Prev.Est.1 Int.Prev.Est.2 Int.Prev.Est.3
Int.Prev.Est.4 Int.Prev.Est.5
93110 93 0 23.75482 57.86592 9.755003
4.343534 4.280714
93610 93 1 53.36475 39.47247 4.381618
1.622119 1.159044
94110 94 0 23.47514 58.23936 10.789339
3.690415 3.805741
94610 94 1
2005 Jun 07
Functions within functions in R and S-Plus
Sorry to bother you about a S-Plus related problem, but I hope someone
can help.
I have tried to "translate" some code from R to S-Plus (I have colleague
that insists on using S-Plus. And yes, I have tried to make him change
to R...)
The following code works out fine in R, but in S-Plus (S-PLUS 6.2 for
Windows Professional Ed.) I get the error message "Problem in
2008 May 16
How to swap and rearrange rows?
Dear R-expert,
How to swap and rearrange the row so that I will have
Jan-Dec in order?
> est31
??????????? p0 est.alpha est.beta? est.rate
Jan? 0.8802867 0.7321440 7.241757 0.1380880
Mar? 0.8598566 0.7096567 7.376367 0.1355681
May? 0.6204301 0.8657272 6.036106 0.1656697
July 0.5032258 0.9928488 4.027408 0.2482986
Aug? 0.5322581 0.9625738 4.103121 0.2437169
Oct? 0.6792115 0.8526226 5.105218
2004 Dec 06
R doesn't understand dates prior to 1 Jan 1970
...that same error
when entered alone. Any date on or after 1 Jan 1970 works fine; any
before fails with the same error. Obviously, I've not tried every date,
but that seems to be the case.
I got by that test by changing "1910" to "1970", but it crops up later,
too (reg-tests-1.R):
> > ## Date objects with NA's
> > (t1 <- strptime(c("6. Aug. 1930", "3. Nov. 1925", "28. Mar. 1959",
> + NA, paste(1:29," Feb. 1960", sep=".")),
> + format = "%d. %b. %Y"))
2012 Mar 07
problem with data
Good Afternoon,
?? I have a small problem with the following code.
# The x.sub$Time[[1]] 2006-10-31 19:03:01 EST
# when put in variable star give-me
[1] 1 36 32 -........
do not understand why
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/problem-with-data-tp4453510p4453510.html
Sent from the R help mailing
2006 Nov 22
problems with garchFit
Hi all,
I post it on both r-help and r-finance since I don't know where is most
appropriate for this topic. Sorry if it bothers you.
I did garch fitting on S&P500 monthly returns with garchFit from fSeries. I
got same coefficients from all cond.dist except normal. I thought that is
probabaly usual for the data. But when I play with it, I got another
I plot skew normal with
2010 May 28
problem with a function
Hi all,
I have a function rho.f which gives a list of estimators. I have the
following problems.
rho.f(0.3) gives me the right answer. However, if I use rho.f(corr[4]) give
me a different
answer, even though corr[4]==0.3.
This prevents me from using a for loop. Can someone give me some help?
Thank you very much in advance.
2011 Apr 03
style question
Hi everyone,
I am trying to build a table putting standard errors horizontally. I
haven't been able to do it.
berkeley <- aggregate(Table(Admit,Freq)~.,data=UCBAdmissions)
berk0 <- glm(cbind(Admitted,Rejected)~1,data=berkeley,family="binomial")
berk1 <-
berk2 <-
2003 Aug 20
Method of L-BFGS-B of optim evaluate function outside of box constraints
Hi, R guys:
I'm using L-BFGS-B method of optim for minimization problem. My function
called besselI function which need non-negative parameter and the besselI
will overflow if the parameter is too large. So I set the constraint box
which is reasonable for my problem. But the point outside the box was
test, and I got error. My program and the error follows. This program
depends on CircStats
2009 Mar 10
puzzled by math on date-time objects
I don't understand the following. When I create a small artificial set
of date information in class POSIXct, I can calculate the mean and the
a = as.POSIXct(Sys.time())
a = a + 60*0:10; a
[1] "2009-03-10 11:30:16 EDT" "2009-03-10 11:31:16 EDT" "2009-03-10
11:32:16 EDT"
[4] "2009-03-10 11:33:16 EDT" "2009-03-10 11:34:16
2005 Oct 17
as.POSIXct before and after 1970
Can someone, please, explain the difference in as.POSIXct results
before 1970 and on and after 1970 as illustrated below.
After 1970, the use of 'EST' or "EST+5EDT' as the timezone does not
affect the result of asPOSIXct, but before 1970 on 10/28 the results
are different.
> as.POSIXct('1970-10-29', tz='EST')+1
[1] "1970-10-29 00:00:01 EST"
2012 Feb 05
Grouping miliseconds By Hours
I have a list of numbers corresponding to timestamps, a sample of which follows:
c(1327211358, 1327221999, 1327527296, 1327555433, 1327701042,
1327761389, 1327780993, 1327815670, 1327822964, 1327897497, 1327897527,
1327937072, 1327938300, 1327957589, 1328044466, 1328127921, 1328157588,
1328213951, 1328236836, 1328300276, 1328335936, 1328429102)
I would like to group these into hours. In other
2006 Jun 20
Help with dimnames()
Hi R people:
I'm trying to set the dimnames of a data frame called "ests" and am
having trouble!
First, I check to see if "ests" is a data.frame...
> is.data.frame( ests )
[1] TRUE
... and it is a data frame!
Next, I try to assign dimnames to that data frame....
> dimnames( ests )[[ 1 ]] <- as.character( ests$stfips )
Error in "row.nam...
2011 Sep 12
as.POSIXct on vector weird output
I don't know R, so maybe I've done something wrong, but I'm working off an
example I saw on the web and wondering why as.POXIXct isn't returning the
same result on f$V1 as it is on z. Did I do something wrong? Or is it a
problem with my build?
> f$V1
[1] 09/11/2011 13:46:39 09/11/2011 13:45:18 09/11/2011 13:44:58
[4] 09/11/2011 13:40:02 09/11/2011 13:37:58 09/11/2011
2010 Mar 20
POSIXct conversion stops part way through a df column
I have a date/time imported from Excel in my dataframe oooi (with
several hundred thousand rows), for example the input data near row 3100 is
11/12/2008 21:35
11/12/2008 22:03
11/12/2008 22:12
11/12/2008 22:38
11/12/2008 23:16
11/12/2008 23:23
11/13/2008 7:00
11/13/2008 7:03
11/13/2008 7:05
11/13/2008 7:11
I want to convert the column to POSIXct
oooi$dpt <-
2019 Sep 24
VI Xornada de Usuarios de R en Galicia [10/10/2019]
Por si fuera de vuestro inter?s, os informo de que ya est? disponible el Programa de la Jornada de usuarios de R en Galicia.
Pod?is consultarlo aqu? -> https://www.r-users.gal/Programa%202019
Tendr? lugar, el jueves 10 de octubre, en la Facultad de Matem?ticas de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
Un saludo,
Miguel Rodr?guez.
2009 Aug 20
Understanding R code
What is
1. par.ests <- optimfit$par
2. fisher <- hessb(negloglik, par.ests, maxvalue=maxima);
3. varcov <- solve(fisher);
4. par.ses <- sqrt(diag(varcov));
Thanks a lot,
fit.GEV <- function(maxima)
sigma0 <- sqrt((6. * var(maxima))/pi)
mu0 <- mean(maxima) - 0.57722 * sigma0
xi0 <- 0.1
2009 Dec 22
as.Date function yields inconsistent results (PR#14166)
Full_Name: Mario Luoni
Version: 2.10.0
OS: Windows XP HE SP3
Submission from: (NULL) (
This piece of code:
zzz1 <- as.POSIXct("1999-03-18", tz="CET")
zzz2 <- as.POSIXlt("1999-03-18", tz="CET")
zzz1 == zzz2
yields TRUE for "zzz1==zzz2", but the two dates returned by as.Date are