Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "estmation".
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2008 Nov 27
Regression Problem for loop
Dear all,
I have wrote a code for a linear regression. I want to
write a loop for so, that I can get estimate for pavlues for six predictors.
But I am getting for estmate for only last one. How can I get pvalues for
all my predictors in a loop??
Anticipating your help
> mat<-matrix(rnorm(36),nrow=6)
> mat
[,1] [,2] [,3]
2012 May 10
Outcome~predictor model evaluation, repeated measurements
Dear all,
I have simple question regarding how to fit a model (i.e. linear) to the
Say I have 10 subjects with different phenotypes (dependent var Y,
identical for a particular subject) and one predictor variable measured 3
times for each subject (X). By other words:
Y Subj X
1 1 1.2
1 1 1.3
1 1 0.7
3 2 2.1
3 2 2.5
3 2 4
5 3 3
5 3 4
5 3 4
20 10 12
20 10 13
20 10 12.5
Subj is a
2012 Feb 01
Probit regression with limited parameter space
...produce the hessian matrix, I
used hessian (numDeriv) to calculate it. However, the standard errors
calculated using hessian function are quite different from the ones
generated by the glm function, although the parameter estimates are very
close. I was wondering what makes this difference in the estmation of
standard errors and how this computation is carried out in glm.
2) Does any one know how to estimate a constrained probit model in R (to be
specific, I need to restrain the range of three parameters to [-1,1])?
Among the optimation functions, so far nlminb and spg work for my problem,
but neit...
2007 Mar 15
Seemingly Unrelated Regressions question - not R question
Does anyone know where I can find a proof of the fact that when each X
matrix in a SUR is the same,
then SUR estimation is equivalent to OLS estmation. The proof is
supposedly in William Greene's book but that book
costs 157.00 an has mixed reviews so I am reluctant to purchase it.
This is not an offer (or solicitation of an offer) to buy/se...{{dropped}}
2008 Oct 28
help on package or code for simutaneous equation probit(logit) model
Dear List
I am trying to fit a simutaneous equation logit model. i.e., the
response variables of the structured equations are binomial, I am not
sure if systemfit can do this job. A google search doesn't yield too
much helpful information. Your knowledge on any other packages or
codes are appreciated.
2005 Jan 18
lme confusion
Hi, this is my first time using the nlme package, and I ran into the
following puzzling problem.
I estimated a mixed effects model using lme, once using groupedData, once
explicitly stating the equations. I had the following outputs. All the
coefficients were similar, but they're always slightly different, making me
think that it's not due to numerical error.
Also, what is the
2003 Jun 25
within group variance of the coeficients in LME
Dear listers,
I can't find the variance or se of the coefficients in a multilevel model
using lme.
I want to calculate a Chi square test statistics for the variability of the
coefficients across levels. I have a simple 2-level problem, where I want to
check weather a certain covariate varies across level 2 units. Pinheiro
Bates suggest just looking at the intervals or doing a rather
2002 Apr 22
glm() function not finding the maximum
I have found a problem with using the glm function with a gamma
I have a vector of data, assumed to be generated by a gamma distribution.
The parameters of this gamma distribution are estimated in two ways (i)
using the glm() function, (ii) "by hand", using the optim() function.
I find that the -2*likelihood at the maximum found by (i) is substantially
larger than that