Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches for "estiamted".
2010 Feb 18
Chisq test for truncated count data and estiamte the expectation value
Dear all,
I have some questions for count data.
First, I want to calculate the expectation value and variance from truncated
data when I assume that the truncated data follow Poisson or negative
binomial distribution.
For example,
N freq
1 30
2 35
3 26
4 8
5 0
6 2
7 0
The mean of N is 2.2. If the data follows Poisson distribution, the
estimated lambda is 1.9.
Is there any package to
2003 Oct 30
Variance of a non-linear combination of the coefficient estiamtes
I would like to know if anyone knows how to compute a variance of the
non-linear combination of the coefficient estimates.
Say, I get a model of
y~c+ax+bz (1)
where x and z are the independent variables, c is the constant estimate, and a
and b are the coefficient estimates.
Then, I want to know the variance of
b*c/a (2).
How am I going to get it?
In Stata, I can just use
2005 Dec 16
partially linear models
I am estiamting a partially linear model y=X\beta+f(\theta) where the f(\theta) is estiamted using wavelets.
Has anyone heard of methods to test if the betas are significant or to address model fit?
Thanks for any thoughts or comments.
Elizabeth Lawson
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2007 Jan 16
ARIMA xreg and factors
I am using arima to develop a time series regression model, I am using arima
b/c I have autocorrelated errors. Several of my independent variables are
categorical and I have coded them as factors . When I run ARIMA I don't
get any warning or error message, but I do not seem to get estimates for all
the levels of the factor. Can/how does ARIMA handle factors in xreg?
here is some example
2011 Oct 11
Count model prediction
Hello ;
I am doing a regression of count data (number of award and there are some
I have estiamted the parameters of negative binomial distribuion (lambda is
a function of covaraites, GLM model) by glm.nb function and training
Now I want to predict the number of award (for example y=0, y=1, y=2,) or
testing dataset. I dont know how to calculate this numbers?
I would be very grateful i...
2012 Feb 15
Parameter estimation of gamma distribution
I am trying to estiamte parameters for gamma distribution using mle for
below data using fitdist & fitdistr functions which are from "fitdistrplus"
& "MASS"packages . I am getting errors for both functions. Can someone
please let me know how to overcome this issue??
c(256656, 76376, 6467673, 46446, 3400, 3100, 5760, 4562, 8000, 512, 4545,
2007 Apr 23
Estimates at each iteration of optim()?
I am trying to maximise a complicated loglikelihood function with the "optim" command. Is there some way to get to know the estiamtes at each iteration? When I put "control=list(trace=TRUE)" as an option in "optim", I just got the initial and final values of the loglikelihood, number of iterations and whether the routine has converged or not. I need to know the
2007 Jul 19
ridiculous slow gigabit transfer, faster with VNC
...m any win32 system to any unix
system, much slower than expected.
Using scp from the linux lapotp to solaris desktop is 10Mb/sec as
expected (laptop has 100mbit only).
Using samba to copy a 1GB file I get about 7 minutes from win32 to
opensolaris. From opensolaris to win32 the windows dialog says
estiamted time 142 mins. Using plain FTP it takes 25sec. This is very
A twist is that if a VNC client is open from the win32 desktop to the
opensolaris box the estimated transfer time via samba from opensolaris
to win32 drops right down to about 4 min. Much better, but still
nowhere near the FTP...
1999 Jul 26
: Repeated measurements data
I have repeated measures data (over time) for each of 40 individuals
with the number of observations per person varying greatly from 4 to
51. There are 578 measurements in total. There are no grouping
variables or other covariates.
I have been using the function carma in the library called growth to
fit a cubic polynomial in time with AR(1) serial correlation plus
measurement error. However, I
2007 Oct 04
SETAR and nonlinear model estimation
I am currently doing a research paper that requires the estimation of a thereshold model. I have gone through the reference manual for the pacjage "tsdyn" and i am failing to see how the the threshold models provided by R can estimate a model in which the other control variables exist or are included in the estiamtion of the model.
Any help provided will be greatly appreciated
2004 Nov 18
implementing a "loop" using by(x,x$factor,FUN)
I'm writing some R code that requires a massive amount of looping and would
ideally like to write it so that it avoid the use of "for" loop ... however I'm
having some trouble.
Very briefly, the basic idea is to implement a binary partitioning algorithm to
determine the optimal cutpoint based on deviance measures obtained from
likelihood estiamtes. This is in the
2003 Oct 30
Variance of a non-linear combination of the coefficient e stiamtes
< In Stata, I can just use "bs" function ...>
in STATA the bs command runs a bootstrap
If you want to use the bootstrap function (or you could linearize b*c/a :)
look under ?boot (you may need to load the package first).
boot(data, statistic, R, sim="ordinary", stype="i",
strata=rep(1,n), L=NULL, m=0, weights=NULL,
2011 Apr 19
Prediction interval with GAM?
Is it possible to estimate prediction interval using GAM? I looked through
?gam, ?predict.gam etc and the mgcv.pdf Simon Wood. I found it can
calculate confidence interval but not clear if I can get it to calculate
prediction interval. I read "Inference for GAMs is difficult and somewhat
contentious." in Kuhnert and Venable An Introduction to R, and wondering why
and if that
2007 Sep 19
Robust or Sandwich estimates in lmer2
Dear R-Users:
I am trying to find the robust (or sandwich) estimates of the standard error of fixed effects parameter estimates using the package "lmer2". In model-1, I used "robust=TRUE" on the other, in model-2, I used "robust=FALSE". Both models giving me the same estimates. So my question is, does the robust option works in lmer2 to get the robust estimates of
2005 Jan 11
Kolmogorov-Smirnof test for lognormal distribution with estimated parameters
Hello all,
Would somebody be kind enough to show me how to do a KS test in R for a
lognormal distribution with ESTIMATED parameters. The R function
ks.test()says "the parameters specified must be prespecified and not
estimated from the data" Is there a way to correct this when one uses
estimated data?
Kwabena Adusei-Poku
2000 Nov 15
loess documentation
Hi all,
I 've got a question about the usage of loess in the modreg package.
The documentation (loess.html) states that the smoothing window is
either set by span or enp.target. If span is used, the details section
of the docs state...
Fitting is done locally. That is, for the fit at point x, the fit is
made using points in a neighbourhood of x, weighted by their
2000 Nov 15
loess documentation
Hi all,
I 've got a question about the usage of loess in the modreg package.
The documentation (loess.html) states that the smoothing window is
either set by span or enp.target. If span is used, the details section
of the docs state...
Fitting is done locally. That is, for the fit at point x, the fit is
made using points in a neighbourhood of x, weighted by their
2010 Dec 13
Complicated nls formula giving singular gradient message
I'm attempting to calculate a regression in R that I normally use Prism for,
because the formula isn't pretty by any means.
Prism presents the formula (which is in the Prism equation library as
Heterologous competition with depletion, if anyone is curious) in these
KdCPM = KdnM*SpAct*Vol*1000
c = -1*Hot*(S*MS+BMax)