search for: ertz

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "ertz".

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2006 Dec 24
Installing CPAN packages?
Hi guys, Has anyone yet tackled installing CPAN packages through puppet? I need some that aren''t available as separate debs, so if anyone has an idea how best to do this, I''d like feedback. Thanks, Thijs
2007 May 15
Trying to make tidy{} work
Hi, Say I''ve got a directory full of stale Tomcat temp files of the form: /usr/local/blackboard/apps/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/webapps_assessment/strts6866.tmp and I want to delete any files that haven''t changed in a week and not keep any backup. Should this get rid of them: tidy {
2005 Jan 06
autoscaling plot font size in Sweave output possible?
...4 | month 10 | day 04 | language R `---- Footnotes: [1] <URL:> -- Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. -- Susan Ertz
2007 Mar 07
Standalone puppet (i.e. no server) config
Hi, I''m new to puppet and having difficultly setting it up the way I want to (which is a little different from the norm I''d say). What I''m trying to achieve is to have a automatic build of debian (etch at the moment) using debian installer that installs a minimal system including puppet using the debian package puppet (not puppetmaster). As part of the initial setup
2007 Jan 14
Delayed detection of updates
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi *! Has anybody a fix/workaround for this beahaviour? My Service[munin-node] is subscribed to the timestamp of a directory containing config-snippets like this: {{{ file{"/etc/munin/plugins": checksum => mtime, } service{munin-node: subscribe => File["/etc/munin/plugins"], # ... }}} When adding new snippets to the
2008 Feb 02
Service ensuring fails on some distro (gentoo) with some packages
Hi I''m having the following problem and tried already several workarounds, as well benp- tried to help me on irc. I copied the ntp modul from DavidS repo and adapted it in the Service part to run as well under openbsd. Which was just adding some binary if openbsd is the operatingsystem. However then I wanted to run it as well on a gentoo system (on centos, debian and openbsd it was
2007 Dec 20
No networking
I''m trying to run puppet on a node I''m cloning from CD. No IP, no DNS, puppet with a standalone manifest and --use-nodes. I get dnsdomainname errors and a "Network is unreachable" error. I''m using 0.20, but I checked for new options in 0.23 and didn''t see one to turn off networking. Is this an option? Thanks.
2007 Jan 30
hi I''ve read about PuppetReporting at the Trac website. Apparently you are working on integrating the benchmark tests for every type in ruby. Do you have any idea when this will all get implemented? This is a crucial part (and actually a necessary feature) in the configuration management system we have set up using Puppet. grtz Koen Vereeken
2008 May 31
KPSS test - Lag selection
Hello everyone! Quite a similar question has been posed here some time ago, but there was no explicit solution offered. So I hope that it is OK to pose it again. I want to perform a KPSS test using the packages "urca" or "tseries". But I neither want to use the predefined lag structures, "short" and "long", nor specify the number of lags arbitrarily by