search for: errorexplan

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "errorexplan".

2006 Mar 01
scaffold.css and Rails tutorial problem
...: 13px; line-height: 18px; } pre { background-color: #eee; padding: 10px; font-size: 11px; } a { color: #000; } a:visited { color: #666; } a:hover { color: #fff; background-color:#000; } .fieldWithErrors { padding: 2px; background-color: red; display: table; } #ErrorExplanation { width: 400px; border: 2px solid #red; padding: 7px; padding-bottom: 12px; margin-bottom: 20px; background-color: #f0f0f0; } #ErrorExplanation h2 { text-align: left; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px 5px 5px 15px; font-size: 12px; margin: -7px; background-color: #c0...
2006 Jul 20
How do you use :message with validation?
If I do validates_uniqueness_of :name, :message => "It''s not uniqueeee!!!" then how do I have it display that message when the check fails? -Ben Lisbakken -- Posted via
2007 Jul 15
....inject(0) {|sum, object| sum + object.errors.count } unless html = {} [:id, :class].each do |key| if options.include?(key) value = options[key] html[key] = value unless value.blank? else html[key] = ''errorExplanation'' end end header_message = "Errors prohibited this #{(options[:object_name] || params.first).to_s.gsub(''_'', '' '')} from being saved" error_messages = {|object| {|m...
2006 Jan 27
Multiple Model Validation
Hey All ! I have a form which contains two models. I would like both models to be validated, but have their validations aggregated on the page. If I do: <%= error_messages_for(:model1) %> <%= error_messages_for(:model2) %> It puts two big validation blocks on the page. I would like all the errors from both models, but only in one validation box. Is this possible ? All my attempts
2006 Jan 22
has_one not working as expected?
I messed around with Rails for a while last year, but then got busy and had to drop it. However, I now have time again, so I''m starting to play around with a simple database schema to model my extensive collection of photographic material, including equipment, negatives, photographs, etc. I''m running into an issue with using belongs_to/has_one methods. Read on for an
2006 Jun 13
help with ''error_messages_for''
Greetings, I''m in the throws of deploying an app on site5, and I''m getting strange errors. I think I might need to understand how error_messages_for works. I get a pretty standard looking error: " You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base. The error occured while evaluating nil.errors Extracted
2011 Jan 26
undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class c:/Gpsappm/app/views/user_comments/_form.html.erb where line #1 raised: undefined method `model_name'' for NilClass:Class Extracted source (around line #1): 1: <%= form_for(@user_comment) do |user_comments| %> 2: <% if @user_comment.errors.any? %> 3: <div id="errorExplanation"> 4: <h2><%= pluralize(@user_comment.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this user comment from being saved:</h2> (1) What exactly does this error message mean? From other posts I gather this is a null instance of UserComments, but this is to create...
2006 Jul 19
Form helpers produce invalid XHTML code!
...;input name="commit" type="submit" value="Create" /> </form> So far, so good. But as soon as an error is shown after submitting the form it produces this code: <form action="/en/bookings/create" method="post"> <div class="errorExplanation" id="errorExplanation"><h2>1 error prohibited this artist from being saved</h2><p>There were problems with the following fields:</p><ul><li>Name can''t be blank</li></ul></div> <!--[form:artist]--> <p&g...
2006 Jul 29
error_messages_for - Custom formating
...{}) Returns a string with a div containing all the error messages for the object located as an instance variable by the name of object_name. This div can be tailored by the following options: header_tag - Used for the header of the error div (default: h2) id - The id of the error div (default: errorExplanation) class - The class of the error div (default: errorExplanation) NOTE: This is a pre-packaged presentation of the errors with embedded strings and a certain HTML structure. If what you need is significantly different from the default presentation, it makes plenty of sense to access the obje...
2006 Mar 26
How to override generated in validation html code?
...ride validation functionality in RoR? In active_record_helper.rb class there is "hardcoded" default html generated durning validation. If I will use {code:ruby} validates_presence_of :summary, :description {code} in my model class, there is html generated: {code:html} <div class="errorExplanation" id="errorExplanation"><h2>2 errors prohibited this issue from being saved</h2><p>There were problems with the following fields:</p><ul><li>Summary can''t be blank</li><li>Description can''t be blank</li&gt...
2006 Mar 27
Validation - How to pop up error messages
Hi, I''m trying to "validate" the input provided in the login form to see if "username" is entered or not? How do i do this ? In the model i have done like this validates_presence_of username, :body, :message => "Missing required field" But I''m not this message (Missing required field ) getting printed at all? How do i print this? Do i need
2006 Dec 12
Error message translation
I have a problem with translation of english phrase when an input error occurs. When I put: error_messages_for("registratie") above my view. I get the error: "xx errors prohibited this registratie from being saved". The problem now is, the site is for dutch customers and I would like to translate this to a dutch phrase. I know I can translate the individual fields with the
2008 Jan 31
presenting validation errors via fbml?
Hi Facebookers, Is there a helper or suggested approach for presenting validation errors on an fbml form? Something to translate rails error markup to fbml:error markup? thanks Joel
2006 Jan 30
Translating a validtion flash
I''m a belgian Rails user (Dutch is my native language). I wondered if it is possible to translate error messages (generated by validators). I know how to create my own error messages: def method content rescue logger.error(...) flash[:notice] = ''My own error message" redirect_to(...) But where can I find the validator''s .rb files, so I can change them?
2006 Jun 16
rake spec controller test output hideus.'');\", 4000);\n// ]]>\n</script>\n\n\n\n\t<div class=\"rowcontainer\">\n<div class=\"halfcolumn\">\n<form action=\"/user/signup\" method=\"post\"><p style=\"text-align:center;\">\n<div class=\"errorExplanation\" id=\"errorExplanation\"><h2>3 errors prohibited this user from being saved</h2><p>There were problems with the following fields:</p><ul><li>Name can''t be blank</li><li>Name is too short (minimum is 4 characters)</l...
2006 Mar 14
Unable to display errors for multiple records
Hi, I''m trying to save multiple records of the same model in one go. Which is no problem at all. Problem starts when I want to introduce error handling. The problem is that no record should be saved when one of the records contains an error. I tried it as follows: session[:infos].each do |info| = info["name"] unless @quest.valid? @errors_found = true
2010 Mar 24
flash error & fade away
this is my current code: #notice { border: solid 1px #99cc99; background-color: #e2f9e3; color: #006600; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } #notice.error { border-color: #e2f9e3; background-color: #eeaaaa; color: #cc0000; } <% flash.each do |key, msg| %> <%= content_tag :div, flash[:error] || flash[:notice], :id => ''notice'', :class =>
2005 Dec 16
validates_presence_of not working
Hi, I''m new to ruby and rails. I just created a simple update page and the update works fine if all form fields are filled in. However there is one field that should never be allowed to be blank. So I put this in my model: class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :dr_title validates_length_of :dr_title, :minimum => 1 So, when I submit the form with a blank
2008 Mar 13
Specifing methods in a steps_for block
...uot;there should be $number more $type? in the system" do | number, type| type.classify.constantize.count.should == (@initial_item_count + number.to_i) end Then "there should be an error message explaining what went wrong" do response.should have_tag(''div#errorExplanation'') end Then "the user should see the form again" do response.should have_tag(''form[method=post]'') end end This more or less works for me. However, I''m interested in two things. First, is this good practice? It''s DRY, but I...
2010 Aug 18
error_messages_for doesn't work
I''m having a problem, ''cause I wrote the following line in my model "Hi": [code] validates_numericality_of :phone, :only_integer => true, :allow_blank => false, :message => "must be a number" [/code] And in my "new" view, I put: [code] <%= error_messages_for :oi, :header_message => "Erro ao cadastrar