search for: erlauben

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "erlauben".

2008 Feb 11
Fwd: Re: domain member WIN2003 AD - Trusted Domain
...idmap config DOMAINB:range = 100000-150000 idmap alloc backend = tdb idmap alloc config:range = 100000-150000 # winbind settings winbind separator = / winbind use default domain = Yes # Zeitintervall fuer die Zwischenspeicherung von Informationen winbind cache time = 30 # Auflistung der Benutzer erlauben (z.B: getent passwd) winbind enum users = No # Auflistung der Gruppen erlauben (z.B: getent group) winbind enum groups = No # Gruppen in Gruppen unterstuetzen winbind nested groups = Yes # Kerberos Ticket automatisch verlaengern winbind refresh tickets = Yes # kein offline Betrieb winbind offline l...
2008 Feb 11
domain member WIN2003 AD - Trusted Domain
Hi folks, we have a problem with a win2003 DC and Samba. The authentification of users from the dc works fine, but when we added users from a forest trust in a active directory localgroup, samba don't find the users... I post this problem here: Maybe you can help. Cheers Paul -- Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu
2019 Jun 21
CentOS 7 SeLinux Problem?
...griff auf Datei /proc/ sys/fs/suid_dumpable zuzugreifen. ***** Plugin catchall (100. Wahrscheinlichkeit) schl?gt vor ************** If you believe that dovecot should be allowed getattr access on the suid_dumpable file by default. Dann sie sollten dies als Fehler melden. Um diesen Zugriff zu erlauben, k?nnen Sie ein lokales Richtlinien-Modul erstellen. Ausf?hren allow this access for now by executing: # ausearch -c 'dovecot' --raw | audit2allow -M my-dovecot # semodule -i my-dovecot.pp zus?tzliche Information: Quellkontext system_u:system_r:dovecot_t:s0 Zielkontext...
2010 Feb 18
Your password expires today problem
Hi. I enabled policies with pdbedit. Password must be changed every 90 days and must contain at least 8 characters. I enabled password history too. After that (I tried it in samba 3.4.3 and 3.0.25 with same behaviour) every time a user try to log in the domain using Windows receives a "Your password expires today. Do you want to change it now ?" message box. If the password is changed,