Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "eq3".
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2011 Jun 21
Setting up list of many equations for systemfit
Dear List Members,I am trying to set up a large system of equations and I am trying to find a simple way to set up the list command under the package system fit. Here is the example from system fit and what I am trying to do:
EQ1 <- Y1 ~ X1 + X2 + X4EQ2 <- Y2 ~ X2 + X3EQ3 <- Y3 ~ X2 + X3 + X4EQ4 <- Y4 ~ X1 + X3 + X4eqSystem <-list(form1 = EQ1, form2 = EQ2, form3 = EQ3, form4 = EQ4)
#atempt 1 to "automate" above:eqSystem1 <-paste(paste("form", 1:4, sep=""), paste("EQ", 1:4,sep=""),sep="=")
2011 Jun 23
Loops, Paste, Apply? What is the best way to set up a list of many equations?
Is there a way to apply paste to?list(form1 = EQ1, form2 = EQ2, form3 = EQ3, form4 = EQ4)?such that I don't have to write form1=EQ1 for all my models?(I might have a list of 20 or more)? I also need the EQs to read the formulas associated with them.
For example, below, I was able to automate the name assignment but I could not figure out how to?to set up the list usin...
2011 Jun 28
How do I output all the R-squares of an SUR? summary(fitSUR$eq[[1:4]])$r.squared does not work
...<-c(paste("Y", 1:4, sep=""), paste("X", 1:10, sep="")) ##
assign variables' names
EQ1 <- Y1 ~ X1 + X2 + X4 + X7 + X10 ## equation 1 formula
EQ2 <- Y2 ~ X2 + X3 + X5 + X8 + X10 ## equation 2 formula
EQ3 <- Y3 ~ X5 + X6 + X7 + X9 ## equation 3 formula
EQ4 <- Y4 ~ X1 + X3 + X4 + X6 + X9 ## equation 4 formula
eqSystem <-list(form1 = EQ1, form2 = EQ2, form3 = EQ3, form4 = EQ4)
fitSUR <- systemfit(eqSystem, method ="SUR", data=YX)
## How do I out put all the R...
2004 Nov 29
systemfit - SUR
Hello to everyone,
I have 2 problems and would be very pleased if anyone can help me:
1) When I use the package "systemfit" for SUR regressions, I get two
different variance-covariance matrices when I firstly do the SUR
regression ("The covariance matrix of the residuals used for
estimation") and secondly do the OLS regressions. In the manual for
"systemfit" on page
2010 Aug 25
SEM : Warning : Could not compute QR decomposition of Hessian
...etat_hexa->axe1, NA, 1
etat_hexa->axe2, et2, NA
etat_hexa->axe3, et3, NA
socioBV->sold_mig, BV1, NA
socioBV->sold_nat, BV2, NA
socioBV->ORIECO, BV4, NA
socioBV->tps_dom_emp, NA, 1
eqBV->eq_CONC, NA, 1
eqBV->eq_sante, eq2, NA
eqBV->eq_edu, eq3, NA
socio_com->pourcactif , NA, 1
socio_com->tx_chomage, com2, NA
socio_com->pourcagric, com3, NA
socio_com->pourc_jeunes, com4, NA
socio_com->pop99, com5, NA
socio_com->rev_imp_foyer, com7, NA
access_hexa->route1_pond, NA, 1
access_hexa->route2_pond, acc2, NA
2006 Oct 03
HP Toolbox kills Samba
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