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2002 Mar 29
help with lme function
Hi all,
I have some difficulties with the lme function and so this is my problem.
Supoose i have the following model
y_(ijk)=beta_j + e_i + epsilon_(ijk)
where beta_j are fixed effects, e_i is a random effect and
epsilon_(ijk) is the error.
If i want to estimate a such model, i execute
>lme(y~vec.J , random~1 |vec .I )
where y is the vector of my data, vec.J is a factor object and vec.I
is the vector for the i indice.
Now , this is...
2004 Oct 08
nlme vs gls
...anywhere else. I will frame it in the context of an R
related issue.
To illustrate the problem, consider student achievement test score data
with multiple observations available for each student. One way of
modeling these data might be
Y_{ti} = (\mu + \mu_{i} ) + (\beta_0 + \beta_{i} )*(time) +
\epsilon_{ti} ; t indexes time and i indexes student
The nlme code is
tt<-lme(reponse~time, data, random=~time|ID)
With this, I can extract the growth rate for each individual in the data
set. Conceptually this is the sum of the main effect for time plus the
empirical bayes estimate for each individua...
2002 Aug 29
lme() with known level-one variances
...ted standard errors) from identical
models fit to different data sets. I would like to use these results
to create pooled estimated regression coefficients and estimated
standard errors for these pooled coefficients. In particular, I would
like to estimate the model
\beta_{i} = \mu + \eta_{i} + \epsilon_{i}
\eta_{i} ~ iid N(0,\tau^2) and independent of the \epsilon_{i}, the
latter themselves being independent with variances assumed known and
equal to the squared standard errors reported in the regression
I would like to use lme() to estimate \tau^2 by REML, and also get a
sensibly weighte...
2009 Jun 19
using garchFit() to fit ARMA+GARCH model with exogeneous variables
Hello -
Here's what I'm trying to do. I want to fit a time series y with
ARMA(1,1) + GARCH(1,1), there are also an exogeneous variable x which I
wish to include, so the whole equation looks like:
y_t - \phi y_{t-1} = \sigma_t \epsilon_t + \theta \sigma_{t-1}
\epsilon_{t-1} + c x_t where \epsilon_t are i.i.d. random
\sigma_t^2 = omega + \alpha \sigma_{t-1}^2 + \beta y_{t-1}^2
I looked through documentation of garchFit() from the fGarch library but
didn't find a way to include exogeneous variables like x_t...
2000 Mar 28
the function lme in package nlme
...us, does not use the cluster
function option. This difference does not appear to be documented in the
V&R `R Complements' file.
I have data which is divided into 6 groups
The lme model is of the form (simplified from the actual model a bit)
y = a + b x_{ij} + \alpha_i + \beta_i x_{ij} + \epsilon_{ij}
i = 1,...,6.
where a and b are fixed effects and \alpha and \beta are random effects.
I have a vector of the form
clus = (1,1,1,2,5,6,4,4,4,3,...)'
where the 1, 2 3 are all factors corresponding to different groups (or
clusters in Splus terminology).
In Splus I would use the argument...
2013 Mar 12
rugarch: GARCH with Johnson Su innovations
I'm trying to implement a GARCH model with Johnson-Su innovations in order to simulate returns of financial asset. The model should look like this:
r_t = alpha + lambda*sqrt(h_t) + sqrt(h_t)*epsilon_t
h_t = alpha0 + alpha1*epsilon_(t-1)^2 + beta1 * h_(t-1).
Alpha refers to a risk-free return, lambda to the risk-premium.
I've implemented it like this:
#specification of the model
spec = ugarchspec(variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH",
garchOrder = c(1,1), submodel = NULL, exter...
2005 Apr 22
lme4: apparently different results between 0.8-2 and 0.95-6
...x1 is a two level factor; x2 and x3 are
continuous. We are including random intercepts for YEAR and SITE. On
subject-matter considerations, we are also including a random coefficient
for x3 within YEAR.
Neglecting the log link, the model is
y_{i,j} = x'_i \beta + \eta_i + z'_i \phi_j + \epsilon_{i,j}
i indexes SITE and j indexes YEAR,
\beta is the vector of fixed effects
\eta_i in the random intercept for SITE
\phi_j are the random intercept and coefficient for YEAR.
I have written x'_i because the covariates are assumed (reasonably) to be
constant over the 5 years...
2006 Nov 03
ANOVA in Randomized-complete blocks design
...bb 0.925
2 pp 0.971
2 pb 1.051
2 bb 0.952
3 pp 0.927
3 pb 0.891
3 bb 0.892
4 pp 0.971
4 pb 1.010
4 bb 0.955
The model used for ANOVA in the book is
Y_{ij} = \mu + \alpha_i + B_i + [(\alpha B)_{ij}] + \epsilon_{ij}
(I am not quite confident how to represent this model in R, see below)
The ANOVA table from S&R looks like this:
MSB series 3 0.021 0.007 10.23 **
MSA genotypes 2 0.010 0.005 6.97 *
MSE error 6 0.004 0.001
In R, I am using the following model (is...
2005 Sep 09
Off-topic: Comparing standard errors from simulation and analytical model
...; to reflect a certain
psychometric problem that occurs in longitudinal analyses of student
achievement scores.
These data are then analyzed using a linear model to obtain parameter
estimates. This is replicated 250 times.
For example, the model equation used is
Y_{ti} = \mu + \beta \cdot t + \epsilon_{ti}
So, I obtain 250 estimates of \mu and \beta. I take the standard
deviation of these estimates to get the sampling distribution of the
parameter (standard errors). Next, I take a single data set, contaminate
the scores, and then use the analytical approach to obtain standard
errors. So, I end u...
2006 Jan 31
Help with boot()
...jects each with 5
observations Y_t = (t_1, ..., t_5). Consider these 'longitudinal' data.
So, I use reshape to put into the long format in order to regress the
observations onto time, a time-varying covariate. I do the regression
for each individual separately:
Y_{t} = \mu + \beta(time) + \epsilon_{t}
To get the statistic of interest (sigma_theta), I do the following with
the original data:
theta <- numeric(10)
sigma <- numeric(10)
for(i in 1:10){
tmp <- subset(long, ID==i)
tmp.lm <- lm(obs ~ time, tmp)
theta[i] <- coef(tmp.lm)[2]
sigma[i] <- sum...
2007 Apr 28
Perpendicular symbol in plotmath?
Does anyone know of an equivalent to the LaTeX \perp (perpendicular)
symbol for adding to R plots? Parallel is easy enough ("||"), but I
haven't been
able to find a way of adding perpendicular. The plotmath documentation
doesn't mention how to do it, so I'm inclined to think that it doesn't
exist - but surely there must be some way of achieving the desired