search for: eppi

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "eppi".

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2002 Nov 24
rsync and the file's mtime
I'm trying to write a script that runs rsync to pull files and then detect which ones of them have changed. The problem is when I run rsync without the -t flag the mtime gets updated every run, not only when the file changes. It this a bug, by design, or un-avoidable? My plan was to use the -N bash file test operator to check to see if the file had been accessed since it have been
2004 Aug 26
suddent random problem with Windows boxes
...e made absolutely no changes to the server or Samba in a few weeks, so I don't know what could be causing this. I was running Samba 2.2.9pre1, so I upgraded to 3.0.6 to no avail. Here is a copy of my smb.conf file (which was last modified on July 30th): [global] security = user workgroup = EPPIE netbios aliases = FUDD unicode = yes unix charset = 850 display charset = 850 allow hosts = 136.142.198. #wins server = encrypt passwords = yes netbios name = SPEEDY domain logons =yes logon script = scripts\logon.bat logon path = \\%N\profiles\%U add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -g machines -c...
2005 Jan 23
Minimizing linux
anybody knows how to make a certain linux distro small? Ma. Kharisma V. Esguerra System Engineer I Epson Precision (Philippines), Inc. - Cebu Office Module 7A, e-Office, Asiatown I.T. Park, Apas, Cebu City, 6000 Philippines Tel. Nos. (+63 32) 412-7511 to 13 Fax No. (+63 32) 412-7514
2005 Feb 02
unknown terminal type
I know this is kinda unrelated to what this forum is all about, but I really have looked around in google. I have created a custom filesystem (for montavista linux) and as far as vi and clear goes, "linux unknown terminal type" is displayed. there is no /etc/termcap or /usr/lib/terminfo but an /usr/share/terminfo/... is found... any ideas on this one? Ma. Kharisma V. Esguerra System
2005 Jan 26
FW: How to delay before mounting root filesystem
yup runned it. probably something wrong with my initrd filesystem. can you send me a directory listing of your initrd? and probably a sample linuxrc. if worse comes to worse, i'll probably load my usb and scsi modules in the initrd. i'm probably doing it all wrong. i'm trying to imitate the slackware10usb way of booting up. every driver built in the kernel, patch on the mounting root
2005 Jan 25
How to delay before mounting root filesystem
Got to minimize (barely) my filesystem and kernel and fit it into my usb key (256mb) My kernel was compiles with scsi and usb support built-in. My problem now is i can't mount my root filesystem when i tried to boot. kernel somehow takes time before being able to recognize my usb as a valid scsi device thus displaying VFS: Cannot open root device 08:01 this is my lilo.conf boot=/dev/sda