search for: entriescontrol

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "entriescontrol".

2005 Mar 30
Production Log Analyzer 1.1.0 for installation instructions and details. Sample Output: Average Request Time: 0.279874593327209 Request Time Std Dev: 0.351590385021209 Slowest Request Times: ZeitgeistController#goals took 30.889858s ZeitgeistController#goals took 29.657513s EntriesController#save_comment took 20.499292s AccountController#create took 19.539545s EntriesController#save_comment took 15.46844s ZeitgeistController#goals took 14.814086s ZeitgeistController#goals took 13.943129s ZeitgeistController#goals took 13.113908s...
2010 Aug 13
Link to remote and the equivalent in Rails 3
...... So ... with the following line: <%= link_to "Add Photos", entries_path, {:controller => :entries, :action => :showphotos, :remote => true} %> I get the following error: Started GET "/entries" for at Fri Aug 13 23:13:18 +0100 2010 Processing by EntriesController#index as JS Rendered entries/index.js.erb (0.2ms) Completed 200 OK in 15ms (Views: 15.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) Started GET "/images/test.png" for at Fri Aug 13 23:13:18 +0100 2010 ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/images/test.png"): Rendered /Libr...
2006 Mar 13
Displaying related entries by tags - HELP!
Ok, my site is setup like pretty much every other blog out there. A list of the most recent 5 posts, then by clicking one, you go to an individual post page, displaying the full context of that post. Now, what I would like to do is to display the related entries in the side column, which is part of the layout, based on the tags belonging to that specific entry. Here''s my coding so
2013 Nov 10
accepts_nested_attributes_for how, example
I have following tables with following models: users(id, role_id) *has_many :entries* categories(id, category_name) *has_many :entries* entries(id, category_id, user_id) *belongs_to :user, belongs_to :category, has_one :storage* storages(id, title, content, entry_id)* belongs_to :entry*, *has_one :vote* votes(id, count, storage_id) *belongs_to :storage* Now,
2008 Nov 27
will_paginate issue
Hi, I am trying paginate (will_paginate) users posts. It is counting and showing the page links correctly, but still showing all the posts on one page. @entries = @user.entries.paginate :per_page => 5, :page => params[:page], :order => ''created_at DESC'' If I change it to @entries = Entry.paginate :per_page => 5 ........ It is fine, but I would like to show only
2010 Apr 26
...have specified the correct rules in the routing.rb. I have attached the code. Please help routing.rb map.connect '':controller/:action'' map.connect '':controller/:action/:id'' map.connect '':controller/:action/:id.:format'' Controller class EntriesController < ApplicationController def sign_in @name = params[:visitor_name] end end View <html> <head><title>Hello <%=h @name %></title></head> <body> <%=h @name %> <% form_tag :action => ''sign_in'' do %> <p>Enter...