Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "enseign".
2009 May 06
Samba group management understanding
Hello all,
I want to set up a share for a project (enseign)
First thing I did is to create a group for that project (with
smbldap-groupadd) and add project members to that group.
Then I created a test_smb directory on my linux server with the
following access rights:
drwxrwx--- 2 gbayard enseign 4096 avr 29 15:03 /test_smb
Note: the idea is that only gr...
2005 Oct 06
R for teaching multivariate statistics (Summary)
...t out on loan here so I have not seen it either.
Peter has been using Bryan Manly's book but finds that it is expensive
and describes different algorithms to those used in R.
Brian Ripley drew attention to Chapters 11 and 12 of MASS.
Pierre Bady pointed out the material on the website "Enseignements de
Statistique en Biologie" http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/R/enseignement.html
by A.B. Dufour, D. Chessel & J.R. Lobry. I hope to explore this some
more when I get back to higher bandwidth.
Pat Altham has a wealth of material on her web site, especially
2003 Feb 13
search contrasts tutorial
I'm looking for a tutorial or notes on the use of contrasts factor in
linear model in R,
I've found some mails and infos about in various documents about R,
but I've probably missed
a good review on this subject.
Robert Espesser
Laboratoire Parole et Langage UMR 6057, CNRS
29 Av. Robert Schuman 13621 AIX (FRANCE)
Tel: +33 (0)4 42 95 36 26 Fax: +33 (0)4 42 59 50
2004 Mar 22
Débutant R
Bonjour à tous,
Je débute dans l'utilisation de R, et suis à la recherche de toute piste me permettant l'introduction à ce logiciel.
J'ai pour le moment la fiche d'Emmanuel Paradis: "R pour les débutants", mais j'aimerais savoir où je peut trouver
d'autres documentations notamment pour le traitement statistique de données (Anova, modèle linéaire et
2004 Nov 05
graphics site
About six months ago there was a reference to a site (in french) that
did a spectacular job of demonstrating R's graphical capabilities.
My bookmarks were recently wiped and I cannot find this site despite my
best googling.
Anyone have the address which I have done a miserable job describing?
2009 Jul 30
Re : Wavelet Kernel
Dear list,
I would like to fit a wavelet SVM model. Where can I find a wavelet
kernel function? Thanks in advance.
Stella Sim
DISCLAIMER:\ This email contains confidential informatio...{{dropped:11}}
2011 Apr 19
SPDEP Package, neighbours list for Moran's I on large grid dataset
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?...
Nom : non disponible
URL : <https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20110419/a3438017/attachment.pl>
2004 Dec 17
the list is down but I''m working on it
Hi people
The list is down, severly so. Mailman is pretty hosed which is probably
related to repeated disk-full conditions.
I''ll try to fix this tomorrow (Saturday).
In the meantime, I''m considering moving away from Mailman, if anybody knows
a better alternative, I''d love to hear about it in private.
http://www.PowerDNS.com Open source
2004 Oct 21
an introduction to R in french
Hello wizaRds !
I am looking for a french and recent version of "An introduction to R".
Does anybody know where i could find on of these.
Romain Fran??ois
25, avenue Guy Moquet
94 400 Vitry sur seine
francoisromain at free.fr
01 46 80 65 60
06 18 39 14 69
2009 May 06
Groups are not recognized any more
writable = yes
valid users = @mt23
create mask = 0770
force group = mt23
then I try to access the "test" share from windows with user gbayard
which belongs to group mt23 (result of command id gbayard follows)
uid=1217(gbayard) gid=14(sysadmin)
and I got the following in the logs:
[2009/05/06 13:56:50, 2] lib/smbldap.c:smbldap_open_connection(800)
smbldap_open_connection: connection opened
[2009/05/06 13:56:50, 2] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:init_group_from_ldap(2348)
init_group_from_ldap: Entry found for group: 544
[2009/05/06 1...
2013 Jun 08
Call for Papers to SETIT 2014. 24-28 March 2014 Malaysia
...et accord pr??voit l'octroi d'une bourse d'un montant de 150$ et l'h??bergement gratuit (5 nuit??es) ?? tous les participants* de la Conf??rence Internationale (Human-Machine Interaction HMI 2013). Cette conf??rence aura lieu du 25 au 27 Mars 2013 ?? chennai-INDE.
Les doctorants et enseignants b??n??ficeront selon cet accord des tarifs suivants:
frais de participation
frais normaux
frais sponsoris??s
Participant niveau mast??re (maximum)
Participant avec communication longue
Participant sans communication
Participant avec communication sous fo...
2012 Nov 07
acl and subfolder
...path = /var/log/dovecot/dovecot-lda.log
log_path = /var/log/dovecot/dovecot-lda-errors.log
mail_plugins = acl sieve
protocol imap {
imap_id_log = *
mail_plugins = acl imap_acl listescape
- Laurent Foucher
< I U T 'A' Paul Sabatier >
laurent.foucher at iut-tlse3.fr
Enseignant/Charg? de mission Syst?mes & R?seau
2007 Nov 10
problème de téléchargement
salut Alex, je ne peut pas télécharger wxruby-1.9.2 avec rubygems. J''avait wxruby-1.9.0, mais j''ai fait une restauration complète de mon pc hier.
J''ai la version 0.9.4 de ruby gems.
J''ai un message d''erreur <openURI::HTTPerror> quand je veut installer wxruby-1.9.2.
wxruby-users mailing list
2006 Jan 30
Debian Sarge Server with iptables behind D-Link Router
I have the shown (end of this post) net work configuration.
In a "few" words: My Debian Sarge server is connected to a D-Link ADSL
Router (DSL-562T). DMZ is enabled for the Debian Sarge IP on the Router.
My Linux server has two NIC''s.
ethlan = internal Net
ethdsl = external -> D-Link
My Linux server is configured to make NAT via iptables.
Current state -
2001 Nov 10
Summary: Teaching with R a quick survey.
...rsity of Washington, Seattle
We use it here at the University of Lyon, Biometry Lab, France, for both
teaching (masters, under and post graduate) and research, in all fields
of statistics and particularly multivariate analysis.
Jean Thioulouse - Equipe "Ecologie Statistique" - UMR CNRS 5558
Universite Lyon 1, Bat. Mendel, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Fax: (33) 4 78 89 27 19 Tel: (33) 4 72 43 27 56