search for: ennapadam

Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "ennapadam".

1997 Dec 09
[Fwd: R-beta: R 0.50 alpha]
Hi, I'm using the rsept for WINDOWS 95 (with modified men?, and "fixed" survival4). See the Ennapadam Venkatraman's example made in date 35/07/97 19.02 Ennapadam Venkatraman wrote: > library(splines) > library(survival4) > xx <- NULL > xx$ftim <- exp(-runif(100)) > xx$ctim <- 2*runif(100) > xx$sts <- 1*(xx$ftim <= xx$ctim) > xx$otim <- xx$sts*xx$ftim + (1...
1997 Jul 25
R-beta: R 0.50 alpha
The new code seems to have broken various things. Autoloading of libraries doesn't seem to work: > library(survival4) Autoloading required library: splines Error in : invalid "pos" argument > search() [1] ".GlobalEnv" "library:survival4" "library:date" [4] "library:base" The coxph function the
1997 Jul 25
R-beta: R 0.50 alpha
The new code seems to have broken various things. Autoloading of libraries doesn't seem to work: > library(survival4) Autoloading required library: splines Error in : invalid "pos" argument > search() [1] ".GlobalEnv" "library:survival4" "library:date" [4] "library:base" The coxph function the
1997 Apr 24
R-beta: R beta 0.49
I reported bugs in "rhyper" and the TASKS.OLD file claims that they have been fixed. But R continues to get stuck (the prompt never comes back) if I use rhyper with N1, N2, n large, for example "rhyper(5,200,250,60)". E. S. Venkatraman (venkat at =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= r-help mailing list -- Read
1997 Sep 23
R-beta: Survival 4
I installed the latest version of R (Version 0.50 Alpha-4) and it breaks survival4 as follows (it worked fine under Version 0.50 Alpha-3) R> library(survival4) Autoloading required library: splines R> survfit(Surv(runif(25),rbinom(25,1,0.4)) ~ 1) Error in eval(frame, data)[subset, , drop = FALSE] : incorrect number of dimensions Thanks E. S. Venkatraman
1999 Jan 21
Pairlist & Dataframe
Is this a feature/bug or am I missing something: R : Copyright 1999, The R Development Core Team Version 0.63.2 (January 12, 1999) ...... > ls() character(0) > x <- NULL > x$x1 <- rnorm(10) > x$x2 <- rnorm(10) > mode(x) [1] "pairlist" > Error: can't coerce pairlist into a
1999 Jan 21
Calling survfit within a function
I have a function that generates data and tries to apply the survfit within it. I have tried: function(..){ x ..... survfit(Surv(tim,sts) ~ grp, data = x, envir = sys.frame(sys.parent())) } but I still get "Error: Object "x" not found". Is there a fix? (I use R-0.63.2 with the current survival4 package) Thanks E. S. Venkatraman
1997 May 12
R-alpha: Hypergeometric Distribution
A cut and paste typo has crept in and is rendering all values returned for the hypergeometric distribution incorrect. The problem is in src/main/arithmetic.c in the function "math4". The lines PROTECT(sy = allocVector(REALSXP, n)); a = REAL(sa); b = REAL(sb); c = REAL(sc); d = REAL(sc); /* <-- change this line */ y = REAL(sy); should
1999 Feb 16
[R] Pairlist & Dataframe (PR#100)
> Ennapadam Venkatraman <> writes: >> > x <- NULL >> > x$x1 <- rnorm(10) >> > x$x2 <- rnorm(10) >> > mode(x) >> [1] "pairlist" >> > >> Error: can't coerce p...
1997 Apr 30
R-beta: ls.print
ls.print produces error that I don't seem to be able to trace. Output of the commands as follows: (hyeung is a 24x2 matrix of data) ------------------------------------------------- > summary(hyeung) x.1 x.2 Min. : 28.0 Min. : 10.0 1st Qu.: 72.0 1st Qu.: 87.5 Median : 86.5 Median : 92.5 Mean : 81.0 Mean : 82.5 3rd Qu.: 97.0 3rd Qu.:100.0 Max.
1997 Apr 30
R-beta: ls.print
ls.print produces error that I don't seem to be able to trace. Output of the commands as follows: (hyeung is a 24x2 matrix of data) ------------------------------------------------- > summary(hyeung) x.1 x.2 Min. : 28.0 Min. : 10.0 1st Qu.: 72.0 1st Qu.: 87.5 Median : 86.5 Median : 92.5 Mean : 81.0 Mean : 82.5 3rd Qu.: 97.0 3rd Qu.:100.0 Max.
1997 Jun 06
R-beta: nlm
I am trying to use the function "nlm" to find the mle. I want to use a generic function for the likelihood which would require me to use both the parameters and the data as arguments. But nlm requires the function to have only the parameters as arguments for this function (see example below). > testfun <- function(x,y) sum((x-y)^2) # x - parameters, y - data >
1999 Apr 07
Bug list summary (automatic post)
...Symbol findfont definefont --(missing scalefont?) * PR# 120 * Subject: graphics bug: type="l" From: Matthew Wiener <> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 15:30:25 -0500 (EST) --X server problem drawing > 64K lines at once. Workaround? * PR# 123 * Subject: Text in plot From: Ennapadam Venkatraman <> Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 13:05:37 -0500 --Multiline text not working * PR# 130 * Subject: lty=0 -- shouldn't it give an invisible line? From: Peter Dalgaard BSA <> Date: 28 Feb 1999 21:45:43 +0100 * PR# 149 * Subject: plot....
1999 Jul 07
Bug list summary (automatic post)
...o be solved. The --rest is still there (22feb99) * PR# 120 * Subject: graphics bug: type="l" From: Matthew Wiener <> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 15:30:25 -0500 (EST) --X server problem drawing > 64K lines at once. Workaround? * PR# 123 * Subject: Text in plot From: Ennapadam Venkatraman <> Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 13:05:37 -0500 --Multiline text not working * PR# 130 * Subject: lty=0 -- shouldn't it give an invisible line? From: Peter Dalgaard BSA <> Date: 28 Feb 1999 21:45:43 +0100 --Strange effect on barplo...
1999 Aug 21
Bug list summary (automatic post)
...o be solved. The --rest is still there (22feb99) * PR# 120 * Subject: graphics bug: type="l" From: Matthew Wiener <> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 15:30:25 -0500 (EST) --X server problem drawing > 64K lines at once. Workaround? * PR# 123 * Subject: Text in plot From: Ennapadam Venkatraman <> Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 13:05:37 -0500 --Multiline text not working * PR# 130 * Subject: lty=0 -- shouldn't it give an invisible line? From: Peter Dalgaard BSA <> Date: 28 Feb 1999 21:45:43 +0100 --Strange effect on barplo...
1999 May 21
Bug list summary (automatic post)
...Symbol findfont definefont --(missing scalefont?) * PR# 120 * Subject: graphics bug: type="l" From: Matthew Wiener <> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 15:30:25 -0500 (EST) --X server problem drawing > 64K lines at once. Workaround? * PR# 123 * Subject: Text in plot From: Ennapadam Venkatraman <> Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 13:05:37 -0500 --Multiline text not working * PR# 130 * Subject: lty=0 -- shouldn't it give an invisible line? From: Peter Dalgaard BSA <> Date: 28 Feb 1999 21:45:43 +0100 * PR# 149 * Subject: plot....