search for: ends

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2005 Aug 31
Unicall X reload
Hi, executing the reload command on Asterisk make the Unicall channel unblock all Unicall channels dropping active calls. Is this just a local error (maybe in the other end of my E1 ?), an option in the source (maybe a debugging option ?) or it must be this way ? Asterisk: 1.0.9 unicall: 0.0.3-pre4 protocolvariant: br Thanks, Leonardo Aug 31 15:00:55 WARNING[28411]: Already have a
2007 Jan 09
Date Approximation in Specs
The floating-point expectations allow for an error tolerance. Is there any similar facility for dates? For example, say I have a custom class that handles date/time spans and I want to spec it: context "A DateRange span" do specify "should know when a week ago is :)" do d = d.last_week.should_be_close_to(1.week.ago, 24*60*60) end end The idea
2010 May 04
Posix warning : Access to ... is crossing device
I have a distributed/replicated setup with Glusterfs 3.0.2, that I'm testing on 4 servers, each with access to /mnt/gluster (which consists of all directories /mnt/data01 - data24) on each server. I'm using configs I built from volgen, but every time I access a file (via an 'ls -l') for the first time, I get all of these messages in my logs on each server: [2010-05-04 10:50:30] W
2019 Oct 08
RFC: End-to-end testing
[ I am initially copying only a few lists since they seem like the most impacted projects and I didn't want to spam all the mailing lists. Please let me know if other lists should be included. ] I submitted D68230 for review but this is not about that patch per se. The patch allows to process tests that should check target asm rather than LLVM IR. We use this
2011 Apr 15
Whole genome searching of 100bp "D" sequence
Hi, I was wondering I'm going about this in the correct way. I need to test if there are coding sequences or exons in hg19 which match a string of 100bp "D" i.e. [A,G or T]. However I'm getting a strange result. I get a hit on chr7, using the 100bp search however when I search with 60bp sequence of "D" I don't get any hits. library("BSgenome")
2007 Oct 09
VC6 Patch
Here is a patch that gets the theora_static.dsp project for VC6 building again. Aaron -------------- next part -------------- Index: win32/theora_static.dsp =================================================================== --- win32/theora_static.dsp (revision 13945) +++ win32/theora_static.dsp (working copy) @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ # PROP Intermediate_Dir "Static_Release" # PROP
2007 Oct 09
R dynamic memory management
I have a loop that processes all the raw data files in agiven directory. It should allocate only the memory to accomodate the filenames list. Each file is loaded into RAM one at a time and saved to another directory after processing. The R script runs fine but it had some memory problems so it was terminated before getting to the end of the list. This is a Windows XP desktop with ~ 1GB RAM In the
2009 May 15
[PATCH server] use service layer for Network controller.
There's still room for additional refactoring as we may want to eventually split out nic, bonding, and ip address manipulation into their own controller/svc module, but that would be a much more extensive redesign than we want to deal with for the overall service layer creation refactoring. Signed-off-by: Scott Seago <sseago at> --- src/app/controllers/network_controller.rb
2007 Aug 06
used the described Class in a shared behavior
Is it possible to access the described class in a shared behavior? I''m trying to do something like this: describe "Siberian feline", :shared => true do described_class_instance_as :feline, :name => "fluffy", :breed => "Siberian" # or maybe before(:all) do @feline = => "fluffy", :breed =>
2010 Aug 18
Once I added this HABTM, one of my 'through' relationships, on a non-habtm model, seems to have broke?
I''m a rails newb and have been Googling about this, but I''m still stumped. Not showing everything here, but basically it should be a pretty common setup so I''m sure others know what I''m doing wrong. - A meter can belong to many meter_groups - A meter_group can have many meters. - A user can ''subscribe'' to viewing a meter_group (Subscription)
2006 Nov 21
Specification Reuse to avoid Combinatorial Explosions
Hello, While reading Dan North''s BDD tutorial <>, I tried to implement his ATM example as spec stubs. When I first implemented it creating a context for each of his scenarios, I noticed that there is duplication and a combinatorial explosion of the specs. I attached the full files to this email. For brevity, I will use scenario 1 in the body of
2007 Jun 11
DelegateClass fails
This is not a big deal, but DelegateClass fails with rspec when methods are defined in the the delegating class. Here''s code that demonstrates: require ''delegate'' gem ''rspec'' # Version 1.0.5 ############################################################ # CONTROL EXAMPLE: Works FINE. ############################################################ class
2007 Oct 11
Login testing ideas
I''ve been going through Pat''s example story and noticed that there was no checking for a bad login. I assume this is because that would have made the article bigger and more complicated than it needed to be. So the question that comes of of this is: How do folks normally handle the negative case? My plan was to just use another scenario, but as a new person to BDD/TDD,
2006 Aug 24
A new QueueWorker class
Hello all, I''ve come up w/ a worker class that manages queued jobs using a fixed number of child workers. Well, that''s not quite true -- a new worker is spawned for each job, but you set the total number that may exist at once. There are three components: 1) queue_worker.rb: The singleton worker that manages the child workers. You probably want to auto start this. Make sure you
2007 Nov 29
Stylistic preferences
What are people''s opinions on which of these two styles is better to use? 1) before --------------------------- module UserSpecHelper include GenericSpecHelper def valid_sms_attributes(phone_number="12345") { :phone_number => phone_number } end end describe User, "with phone number" do include UserSpecHelper before(:each) do @user =
2011 May 07
Gluster "Peer Rejected"
Hello All, I have 8 servers.? 7 of the 8 say that gbe02 is in state State: Peer Rejected (Connected). gbe08 says it is connected to the other?7? but they are all State: Peer Rejected (Connected) So it would appear that gbe02 is out of sync with the group. I triggered a manual self heal by doing a the recommended ./find on a gluster mount. I'm stuck... I cannot find ANY docs on this
2013 Oct 12
[LLVMdev] [RFC] CodeGen Context
Hi all, This is my proposal for how to solve the problem we have with function attributes that affect code generation changing between functions. (This is mostly a problem for LTO.) Please take a look at this proposal, and let me know if you have any questions or comments. Cheers! -bw CodeGen Context =============== The back-end's
2006 Jul 04
LoginGenerator Problem
I am trying to make a barebones login system based on this example (which in turn is just standard RoR login) but when I enter a user name and password, it says the login is unsuccessful every time. I am not sure where I am going wrong. Here is all relevent information CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` int(6) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `login` varchar(20) NOT NULL default
2008 Jan 13
right usage of bdrb
Hi, i''m going to implement a syndication-service, which will get lists in xml with some meta-data an enclosed video files, which will get encoded at the end. The syndication run will be startet every five minutes of a full hour. So i thought to build 4 Worker. One for checking which feeds to syndicate (syndication_worker) at a specific time, one for processing the list
2007 Feb 16
some fun functionality for all your specs
I''ve found these two snippets of code useful and would love some feedback. first, .should_have_valid_associations usage: context "A new Product" do specify "should have valid associations" do @product.should_have_valid_associations end end code: (thanks to Wilson/Defiler for converting to rspec) module Spec module Expectations module Should