Displaying 20 results from an estimated 25 matches for "endcolor".
2010 May 24
Two RJS visual effects will happen at the same time?
I was going to change the background of a div from white to red and then
from red back to white, so this is used in an RJS file:
page[:vote_score].visual_effect :highlight, :startcolor => ''#ffffff'',
:endcolor => ''#ffcccc''
page[:vote_score].visual_effect :highlight, :startcolor => ''#ffcccc'',
:endcolor => ''#ffffff''
But looks like they happen at the same time, instead of one after
another. Is there a way to make it happen one after another...
2006 Jul 31
RJS to find an element
...ocument before the highlight is "activated".
page[:cart].replace_html :partial => ''cart'', :object => @cart
page[@div].visual_effect :highlight,
:startcolor => "#88ff88",
:endcolor => "#114411"
Is there a way to use RJS to see if page[@div] (in this case) exists
before I try to do the highlight?
2006 Apr 28
startcolor and endcolor not working
In my RJS template this works:
page.visual_effect :highlight, "test#{@test.id}", {:duration => 5}
but not this:
page.visual_effect :highlight, "test#{@test.id}", {:duration => 5,
:startcolor => "#FFFFFF"}
Am I misunderstanding how to pass in additional parameters?
Rails-spinoffs mailing list
2005 Jul 12
i''ve just started using script.aculo.us visual effects, lots of fun.
i was wondering what the best and most efficient way would be of
achieving something along the lines of fade anything technique (FAT,
http://www.axentric.com/aside/fat/) whereby an element''s background
fades away from one color to the element''s native background-color.
(for example, you get
2006 Jul 03
Page 129 of Agile Web Dev on Rails (or pg141 of pdf!)
...o get the highlighting effect to work on the current_item.
The page refreshes fine, and then I get an error as the highlighting
code is fired:
page[:current_item].visual_effect :highlight,
:startcolor => "#88ff88",
:endcolor => "#114411"
The error is: RJS Error [object Error] (which is helpful!)
Followed by a pop up window containing the page code, the last line of
which is:
$("current_item").visualEffect("highlight", {"startcolor":"#88ff88",
2006 Jul 26
how do I change color to an highlight effect ?
This is my code:
<%= form_remote_tag :url => { :action => "forgot_account" }, :update
=> "result",
:complete => visual_effect(:highlight, "result", :duration =>
2, :startcolor => "#c8e673", :endcolor => "#9db55d") %>
If I remove colors to the effect everything works, but with this code
it renders on another page ...
Nicholas Wieland
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2008 Jan 23
Rails 2.0.2 + RJS
I had ajax commenting on my app, which worked perfectly on Rails
v1.2.6, but does not work the same in Rails 2.02. Basically the
comment gets added, but the visual effects do not work (ie lines 2 + 3
of create.rjs)
page.insert_html :bottom, ''comments'', :partial => ''comment''
page.visual_effect :appear, "comment_#{@comment.id}"
2008 Sep 03
Highlighint rjs problem on a new product
respond_to do |format|
Js.rjs code:
page.replace_html ''calculated'', :partial => ''add_to_cart''
page[:highlighted].visual_effect :highlight,:startcolor =>
"#88ff88" ,:endcolor => "#FFFFFF"
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2007 Jun 04
Re: Ajax.Request question with JSON return
...#39;').value = oUser.FName; //was
> hoping I could do this, but it didn''t work
> Element.setOpacity(resultDomElem, 0.0); Effect.Appear(resultDomElem,
> { duration: 0.5 });
> new Effect.Highlight(resultDomElem,
> {startcolor:CEB195, endcolor:F8F8D2});
> }
> }
> );
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2006 Oct 09
page.visual_effect :highlight
...ere is the code in my controller:
render :update do |page|
page.visual_effect :highlight,
:duration => 0.5,
:startcolor => "''#ffff00''",
:endcolor => "''#f1eded''"
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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2006 Apr 04
Keeping javascript in the <head>
Given that Rails has built in ways to do almost everything else :) , is
there a way to keep view specific javascripts inside the head tag of a
layout without having to include that javascript on every page?
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2005 Nov 07
question about Effect.Highlight and IE 5.5
it does an element.style.backgroundColor to determine the
''restorecolor''. This doesn''t seem to work in IE 5.5, and if you switch
it to Element.getStyle(this.element, ''background-color'') (as is done a
few lines earlier when determining the ''endcolor''), it works correctly.
Should this be changed?
That, however, doesn''t fix the problem. The problem is that IE 5.5
seems to ignore setting the style.backgroundColor on TR elements. If
you apply it instead to all of its child TD elements, it will work
correctly. So, in the Ef...
2006 Jan 10
using dynamic element ids with visual_effect
function flash_cart(request) {
var id = request.getResponseHeader(''X-Item-Id'');
new Effect.Highlight(''cart_item_'' + id,
{ startcolor: "#66bb66",
endcolor: "#114411" });
<%= link_to_remote ''Add to Cart'',
:url => {:action => ''add_to_cart'', :id => product},
:update => ''cart'',
:complete => ''...
2005 Aug 10
Issues with Canoo WebTest
I''m trying to use Canoo WebTest (based on HtmlUnit) to test my webapp
after integrating scriptaculous. While my test passed, I get a nice
long exception message which barely makes any sense (see below).
I found I could get rid of this message by commenting out line 114 of
114 this.timeout = setTimeout(this.loop.bind(this), 10);
Any idea of what might be causing
2006 May 09
changing the color of :highlight
Is there an easy way to change to color of the :highlight effect?
:complete => visual_effect(:highlight, "targetid", :duration => 1)
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Oct 23
Using ActiveSupport::JSON in PrototypeHelper, ScriptaculousHelper
...ly problem I can think of is that options_for_javascript()
currently doesn''t automatically add quotes around strings, whereas
AS::JSON does. So there''s lots of code in the wild that adds the
single-quotes manually for certain options:
visual_effect(:highlight, "posts", :endcolor => "''#eeeeee''")
We''d probably have to work around this to maintain compatibility, which
might just make the code even more complicated than it is now. So maybe
this is a wild goose chase.
2006 Oct 19
Ajax functionality not working - partial problem?
...in the controller, then there is a re-direct to
update.rjs (this works it gets there).
3. We have:
page.replace_html("features" , :partial => ''features'' , :object =>
page[:features].visual_effect :highlight, :startcolor => "#88ff88",
:endcolor => "#114411"
I have tried many permutations of the above (and trying to use form),
but it will not work...
4. Now I would like to return to edit, but show a visual effect on
features to show that the update has occured
I fear that restructuring may be required, because may have to...
2006 Mar 07
Minor fix for Ajax.InPlaceEditor
controls.js line 471:
Where it says:
new Effect.Highlight(element, {startcolor: this.options.highlightcolor});
can we change it to:
new Effect.Highlight(element, {startcolor:
this.options.highlightcolor, endcolor:
Otherwise, it''ll use the default #FFFFFF to finish the highlight which
doesn''t look right when #FFFFFF doesn''t match your actual background.
2006 Jan 18
Behaviour & Effect.Highlight?
The problem occurs after I run "Effect.Highlight" on a list item - the
background color of the "hover" style is then ignored, but the border color
is applied.
I''ve tried adding "endcolor" and "restorecolor" options to my Highlight, and
also specifying my colors in RGB and Hex, but neither work correctly. I''ve
also tried different Effects - Pulsate, Shake - that leave my Hover styles
intact. Happens in both Firefox 1.5 and IE6 on Windows.
I threw together a...
2007 May 15
Problem with RJS and/or Prototype.js =>ResponseText is blank
...:partial =>
"/common/comments/comment", :object => @comment
page.show "show-comment"
page.replace_html "comment-count",
pluralize(@comment.entry.comments.count, "Comment")
page[:latest].visual_effect :highlight, :startcolor => "#ffffff" #,
:endcolor => "#b1d0e9"
The controller action looks like this
def comment
@comment = Comment.new(:text => params[:text])
@comment.user = User.find(:first)
@comment.entry = Entry.find_by_identifier(params[:entry])
if (@comment.save)
@latest_comment = @comment
# render :partial...