search for: embers

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "embers".

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2014 Oct 24
Samba4: "MYDOM\Admini­­stra­tor" quite useless ­o­n a m­ember server?
Dear Davor, would you please stop abusing this thread? The topic and initially posting is talking of something quite different than Rowland used in his first answer and to what you have replied. Thanks for your understanding. And no, uid and gid is not the same (uid!=gid) Regards, Mirco
2012 Sep 18
"best practices" for Rails serving RESTful JSON services for use by AngularJS, Ember.js, etc.
I''ve been writing a gem to implement and extend common controller functionality so that Rails can be used with Javascript frameworks like AngularJS (which we are using), Ember.js, etc. in such a way that the user doesn''t have to tweak a a bunch of rails g controller boilerplate code to provide services for use in these frameworks that in turn would require various changes to
2013 Apr 02
Suggested strategies for testing a gem against Rails 3.x and Rails 4?
I''ve seen a few examples of dummy Rails apps (for testing, so they live under test or spec dirs, typically) for use with the Appraisals gem that supposedly work with both Rails 3.x and Rails 4, but they seem hackish and not fully functional. It is somewhat expected, as it is a stripped down Frankenstein monster that is trying to be compatible with various versions of Rails 3 as well
2010 Apr 22
Is it EVER needed to set up kerberos manually if you use samba to join an ADS domain as a domain member?
Hi folks! We finally have an answer to a question posted in 2009... and the answer is: YES SET UP KERBEROS. Here is the original thread: p-kerberos-manually-if-you-use-samba-to-join-an-ads-domain-as-a-domain-m ember.html Now here is the correct answer:
2010 Jun 02
[Possible bug] Invalid Switching on fallover?
I may have found a bug... I am not sure. I am new to Icecast, so this might be how things are meant to be, I have a Debian install with Icecast2 install from APT - Icecast 2.3.2 I have three mount points (all 128kbp mp3) /EDH.mp3 (public = 0 and hidden = 1) /live.mp3 (fallback-mount = /EDH.mp3 and fallback-override = 1) /dj1.mp3 (fallback-mount = /EDH.mp3, fallback-override = 1, public = 0, and\
2008 Jan 11
Failure to load "openssl.bundle" (RuntimeError) - need help
I''m new to Ruby on Rails and am using the stack provided in Leopard. I''m trying to generate scaffolding for a basic app, and I''m receiving the following error message: ember:~ trey$ ruby ~/Sites/cookbook2/script/generate scaffold recipe recipe /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.0.2/lib/initializer.rb: 159:in `require_frameworks'': Failed to load
2012 May 15
setting up the SQLite database
I know this isn''t Python, but I''d like to get a view on the ''one obvious'' way to set up an SQLite (or other) database and its location per-app. I''ve got a bit lost with the Camping 2 changes and various code snippets I have kicking around. 1. is it best to set up the DB creation/connection: 1.1 at the end of the app
2006 Aug 02
Need help with registration page
I have most of my books open as I''m trying to create this app. Still not sure how to make this work - hopefully some help / hints can get me further. First I used the "authorizing users" recipe from Rails Recipes. Though I did add some more generic type of registration fields (email, address, etc). I want the registration form on the main page(index) of the site. What I have
2002 Sep 11
runaway samba, non-responsive daemons
...) has no bearing on the samba processes as we have had all file serving samba servers have issues. Any ideas, thoughts, commiserations would be appreciated. Thanks, Gary (a copy of one of the member file server's smb.conf is listed below) [global] workgroup = BURNING netbios name = EMBERS server string = Data Server hosts allow = (trimmed .. in fashion of x.x.0.0/ ; utmp = yes deadtime = 15 printcap name = /etc/printcap load printers = no printing = bsd log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m max log size = 50000 log level = 1 security...
2012 Dec 26
dovecot crashing?
Happy holidays! I am experiencing an issue when trying to check my mail using IMAP. with Dovecot I have tried checking my mail using a full GUI client (Thunderbird) and telnet. Both times I get disconnected before all of my messages can be downloaded and I see an error in my mail log. Here are the details: [root at cust19-1-prod-domain userqa]# dovecot --version 2.0.9 [root at
2010 May 24
Icecast2 Station with multiple scheduled DJs?
I have been playing with Icecast only for a couple of days, and I am trying to figure out how to do something. I want a listener to have to only deal with one stream, but I want to be able to switch the source of that stream between multiple sources (DJs). The core idea is that the listener only deals with /live.mp3 while in the background I can problematically switch between a series of live
2017 Dec 04
[RFC] - Deduplication of debug information in linkers (LLD)
At least one proprietary linker put a lot of effort into deduplicating and rewriting debug information. This took up the majority of the link time despite serious engineering time on performance optimisation. For example, some sections were written from scratch by the linker because that proved faster than parsing the input. Teaching LLD to dedup DWARF should be expected to dramatically slow it